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  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 212


„O istorie a numelor purtate de romi în spațiul românesc nu a fost realizată până acum, deși, prezența acestora în documentele medievale prin menționări în diverse împrejurări (danii, moșteniri, vânzări etc.) este una extrem de abundentă. Prima mențiune a romilor în documente este cea din 1385, ca „robi țigani”, desemnând statutul de sclavi al acestora, urmând să fie încadrați astfel, fără ca numele de persoană ale acestora să fie menționate mai mult de o jumătate de secol. Primele antroponime ale romilor apar la 1441 (Manea, Pascu, Micu), ca nume unice, patronime, reprezentative pentru sălașele pe care le desemnau. Începând cu acest document, în Ț...

Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 321

Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe

Southeast European politics cannot be understood without considering ethnic minorities. This book is a comprehensive introduction to ethnic political parties.

The Gypsy 'menace'
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 421

The Gypsy 'menace'

Across Europe, Roma and Gypsies are suffering increasing intolerance and hostility. A new populist politics, that seeks political meaning in collective experiences and values forms of solidarity rooted in town, class, community or nation, finds in the Roma a suitable target population to which 'ordinary citizens" fears and frustrations can be attached. This politics draws on a rising tide of xenophobia; a feeling of loss of sovereignity and democratic oversight; disillusionment with political elites; frustrations with the failure of welfare programmes; the presentation of social and political conflicts as cultural issues; and a growing rejection of the ideal of a trans-national European orde...

Football Politics in Central Europe and Eastern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 161

Football Politics in Central Europe and Eastern Europe

Football in Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe has long functioned as a carrier of the three “non-normal” socio-political drivers that were effective below the surface of modernity, including the official self-image of European political systems, since the second half of the 20th century: Tribal Politics, Imaginal Politics, and Contextual Politics. All three are trends that are currently surfacing prominently on an international and global level. Long before the return of the now proverbial “Political Tribes” by the means of populisms and neo-authoritarianisms in societies around the world, football in Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe worked as a subconscious vehicle of group insti...

The Long 1968 in Hungary and Romania
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 286

The Long 1968 in Hungary and Romania

This book advances a local, regional, and comparative analysis of the history of the sixty-eighters from Hungary and Romania between 1956 and 1975. The aim of the book is to answer to the following research question: to what extent does ‘the long 1968’ mark and change protest history? Another axis of my research, equally important, is: how can one genuinely distinguish between a protest, an opposition, and a pastime? Where did radicalisation truly begin, and when was it solely an auto-perception as a dissident? In other words, how can one truly distinguish between a leisure activity like listening to Radio Free Europe or exploring an altered state of consciousness, and an explicit politi...

The Languages of Diaspora and Return
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 129

The Languages of Diaspora and Return

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-01-05
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Until quite recently, the term Diaspora (usually with the capital) meant the dispersion of the Jews in many parts of the world. Now, it is recognized that many other groups have built communities distant from their homeland, such as Overseas Chinese, South Asians, Romani, Armenians, Syrian and Palestinian Arabs. To explore the effect of exile of language repertoires, the article traces the sociolinguistic development of the many Jewish Diasporas, starting with the community exiled to Babylon, and following through exiles in Muslim and Christian countries in the Middle Ages and later. It presents the changes that occurred linguistically after Jews were granted full citizenship. It then goes into details about the phenomenon and problem of the Jewish return to the homeland, the revitalization and revernacularization of the Hebrew that had been a sacred and literary language, and the rediasporization that accounts for the cases of maintenance of Diaspora varieties.

Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews

"The study of worldviews marginalized by mainstream modernity is an eminently important undertaking. It helps us better recognise, cherish and keep the values of traditions and practices that exist. This is important, when the uniform vision of the world heaped on us from the medias, modernist political movements and ideologies, revealed itself as unreal and fake, rendering it evident that the modern utopia of enlightened rationality is just a delirious nightmare."--Arpad Szakolczai, Professor of Sociology, U. College Cork. ***This book fosters dialogue on critical problems faced by endangered indigenous cultures and marginalised communities. The ethos is collaborative and comparative describing the implications for global society of the destruction and impoverishment of human and ecological cultural diversity. (Series: Ethnology: Research and Science / Ethnologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft, Vol. 26) [Subject: Sociology, Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Politics, Globalization, Cultural Studies]

Limitele meritocrației într-o societate agrară. Șomaj intelectual și radicalizare politică a tineretului în România interbelică
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 284

Limitele meritocrației într-o societate agrară. Șomaj intelectual și radicalizare politică a tineretului în România interbelică

Dornică să se desprindă de trecut, România se angajează după 1918 într-un proces de regenerare. Aspirația spre înnoire este vizibilă în toate domeniile, inclusiv în cel al politicilor culturale, care au drept scop schimbarea elitelor. Într-o societate agrară în care vechea elită era una aristocratică, eșecul învățământului accesibil unor categorii mai largi de a primeni elita conduce la o reacție antisistem a tineretului, la polemici privind rolul intelectualului și la șomaj intelectual. Efectele ultime vor fi escaladarea naționalismului și diferite încercări de manipulare a noilor generații, de la mișcarea legionară la Străjeria lui Carol al II-lea și, ulterior, la experimentul Serviciului Social creat de rege împreună cu Dimitrie Guști.

  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 115

