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IBM Power Systems High Availability and Disaster Recovery Updates: Planning for a Multicloud Environment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 230

IBM Power Systems High Availability and Disaster Recovery Updates: Planning for a Multicloud Environment

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-05-27
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  • Publisher: IBM Redbooks

This IBM® Redpaper publication delivers an updated guide for high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) planning in a multicloud environment for IBM Power. This publication describes the ideas from studies that were performed in a virtual collaborative team of IBM Business Partners, technical focal points, and product managers who used hands-on experience to implement case studies to show HADR management aspects to develop this technical update guide for a hybrid multicloud environment. The goal of this book is to deliver a HADR guide for backup and data management on-premises and in a multicloud environment. This document updates HADR on-premises and in the cloud with IBM PowerHA® Sys...

IBM MQ as a Service: A Practical Approach
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

IBM MQ as a Service: A Practical Approach

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-02-16
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  • Publisher: IBM Redbooks

This IBM® RedpaperTM publication provides information about how to build, deploy, and use IBM MQ as a service. The information in this paper includes the key factors that must be considered while planning the use of IBM MQ as a service. Through descriptions and examples, this paper explains how to apply as a service methodologies to an IBM MQ environment, and describes techniques and preferred practices for integrating IBM MQ into a self-service portal. This paper explains how to create and use an IBM MQ as a service self-service menu for a portal. It includes examples that show how to use an IBM MQ as a service catalog. This paper describes options and techniques for deploying IBM MQ as a ...

Plantão De Polícia
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 288

Plantão De Polícia

Nesta obra, José Guilherme Marques desnuda os bastidores e o palco principal que circundam o cotidiano massacrante e quase surreal de um departamento de polícia. Minucioso e irreverente, técnico e cronista, o autor apresenta aos leitores, de forma direta, detalhes verídicos de sua experiência como investigador.

Catalog of Copyright Entries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 738

Catalog of Copyright Entries

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1974
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Das Juwel des Killer-Götzen: Grusel Krimi
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 86

Das Juwel des Killer-Götzen: Grusel Krimi

Ein grünliches Schimmern... Es war ein giftiges Grün. Etwas Hartes, das aussah, wie ein auf geheimnisvolle Weise leuchtender Juwel war in Steves Rücken eingelassen, so als hätte man ihn dort regelrecht hineinoperiert... Sie schauderte. Ihr Blick hing eine Sekunde lang wie hypnotisiert an diesem geheimnisvollen giftgrünen Feuer, das dort zu brennen schien. Er wirbelte herum und sah sie an. "Steve, was zum Teufel ist das da auf deinem Rücken?"

CPC na Jurisprudência
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 2473

CPC na Jurisprudência

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-24
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  • Publisher: Editora Foco

Sobre a obra CPC na Jurisprudência - 3a Ed - 2023 Destaques - CPC anotado com julgados em cada um dos artigos (quando existentes); - Remissões a artigos do Código e legislação extravagante; - Julgados e súmulas do STJ e STF; - Enunciados interpretativos (ENFAM, FPPC, CEAPRO e CJF) - Atualização periódica pela internet, até a próxima edição SOBRE A OBRA Em vigor desde março de 2016, a Lei 13.105/2015 trouxe para o Brasil um novo Código de Processo Civil, que já passou por diversas alterações legislativas. Passados 7 anos da vigência da nova lei, já é possível apresentarmos interpretação que os Tribunais estão conferindo ao Código. Nesse sentido, a Editora Foco aprese...

Utopias contemporâneas
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 122

Utopias contemporâneas

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1992
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Icones da utopia
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 96

Icones da utopia

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1992
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Fenomenologia Crítica, Filosofia e Literatura: uma incursão nos primeiros textos de Sartre
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 258

Fenomenologia Crítica, Filosofia e Literatura: uma incursão nos primeiros textos de Sartre

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-10-01
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  • Publisher: Editora Fi

Inequivocamente, Jean-Paul Sartre foi um escritor polivalente. Sua obra abarca desde tratados filosóficos, passando por textos teatrais, ficcionais, biografias, ensaios e até mesmo textos para periódicos e jornais engajados. Na filosofia, particularmente, O Ser e o Nada, um tratado de ontologia fenomenológica, constitui a sua obra maior. Ante produção tão diversificada é comum que se espere uma ênfase maior em alguma dessas áreas da produção intelectual. Não obstante, não é o que ocorre com este autor múltiplo, que logrou destaque em todos esses gêneros. É possível constatar, contudo que a maior parte dos infindáveis comentadores inspirados por esse pensamento atribuíram...

Biomedical Computing for Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 357

Biomedical Computing for Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-07-17
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Despite success with treatment when diagnosed early, breast cancer is still one of the most fatal forms of cancer for women. Imaging diagnosis is still one of the most efficient ways to detect early breast changes with mammography among the most used techniques. However, there are other techniques that have emerged as alternatives or even complementary tests in the early detection of breast lesions (e.g., breast thermography and electrical impedance tomography). Artificial intelligence can be used to optimize image diagnosis, increasing the reliability of the reports and supporting professionals who do not have enough knowledge or experience to make good diagnoses. Biomedical Computing for B...