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Web applications are used every day by millions of users, which is why they are one of the most popular vectors for attackers. Obfuscation of code has allowed hackers to take one attack and create hundreds-if not millions-of variants that can evade your security measures. Web Application Obfuscation takes a look at common Web infrastructure and security controls from an attacker's perspective, allowing the reader to understand the shortcomings of their security systems. Find out how an attacker would bypass different types of security controls, how these very security controls introduce new types of vulnerabilities, and how to avoid common pitfalls in order to strengthen your defenses. - Named a 2011 Best Hacking and Pen Testing Book by InfoSec Reviews - Looks at security tools like IDS/IPS that are often the only defense in protecting sensitive data and assets - Evaluates Web application vulnerabilties from the attacker's perspective and explains how these very systems introduce new types of vulnerabilities - Teaches how to secure your data, including info on browser quirks, new attacks and syntax tricks to add to your defenses against XSS, SQL injection, and more
Modern web applications are built on a tangle of technologies that have been developed over time and then haphazardly pieced together. Every piece of the web application stack, from HTTP requests to browser-side scripts, comes with important yet subtle security consequences. To keep users safe, it is essential for developers to confidently navigate this landscape. In The Tangled Web, Michal Zalewski, one of the world’s top browser security experts, offers a compelling narrative that explains exactly how browsers work and why they’re fundamentally insecure. Rather than dispense simplistic advice on vulnerabilities, Zalewski examines the entire browser security model, revealing weak points...
本書は、毎日使っているWebブラウザをハッキングし、さらなる攻撃の足がかりとして利用する方法について、実用的な知識を解説します。 Webブラウザに対する攻撃は、広く普及しているブラウザを標的にするのが一般的ですが、あまり普及していないからといって標的にならないわけではありません。本書では、Firefox、Chrome、Internet Explorerを主に取り上げていますが、一部最新モバイルブラウザにも踏み込んでいます。モバイルブラウザはまだ大きな注目を集めていませんが、これを標的とする攻撃も増えています。 Webブラウザの普及度を考えれば、その数に比例してセキュリティの問題やエクスプロイトの危険性が高まるのは当然です。本書では、今を時めく最新のブラウザをハッキングする方法をハッカーの立場から説明し、そこから攻撃に対する防御方法を考えます。
Hackers exploit browser vulnerabilities to attack deep within networks The Browser Hacker's Handbook gives a practical understanding of hacking the everyday web browser and using it as a beachhead to launch further attacks deep into corporate networks. Written by a team of highly experienced computer security experts, the handbook provides hands-on tutorials exploring a range of current attack methods. The web browser has become the most popular and widely used computer "program" in the world. As the gateway to the Internet, it is part of the storefront to any business that operates online, but it is also one of the most vulnerable entry points of any system. With attacks on the rise, compan...
Solo quindici anni fa il Web era semplice e poco importante, la sua progressione dall'oscurità alla diffusione ubiquitaria è stata incredibilmente rapida. Non è perciò difficile immaginare come mai le moderne applicazioni web siano state costruite su un intreccio di tecnologie accatastate una accanto all'altra. Tuttavia ogni filo di questo intricato groviglio, dalla struttura delle URL alle richieste HTTP, ha sottili ma importanti conseguenze per la sicurezza. In questo libro Michal Zalewski non si limita a fare il solito elenco delle falle di sicurezza note, ma analizza in profondità come funziona l'ecosistema del Web, mostrando come fare leva sulle sue caratteristiche e svelando le insidie che si nascondono nell'ombra. Si inizia dall'esame dei browser e si procede fino all'analisi degli aspetti legati alla sicurezza di specifiche tecnologie tra cui CSS, JavaScript fino a HTML5. Il testo è un viaggio nelle pieghe della Rete, un prezioso alleato per il lettore che desidera approfondimenti completi, ma grazie a suggerimenti e schede riassuntive può essere apprezzato anche da chi cerca rapide risposte ai problemi.
本書は、毎日使っているWebブラウザをハッキングし、さらなる攻撃の足がかりとして利用する方法について、実用的な知識を解説します。 Webブラウザに対する攻撃は、広く普及しているブラウザを標的にするのが一般的ですが、あまり普及していないからといって標的にならないわけではありません。本書では、Firefox、Chrome、Internet Explorerを主に取り上げていますが、一部最新モバイルブラウザにも踏み込んでいます。モバイルブラウザはまだ大きな注目を集めていませんが、これを標的とする攻撃も増えています。 We...
The incidence of diabetes is increasing both in the western world and in developing countries; type 2 diabetes increase is partly the result of greater obesity. Diabetes can cause two major problems to the foot – diabetic neuropathy resulting in nerve damage and peripheral vascular disease reducing the flow of blood. These can result in ulceration of the foot which needs careful management to avoid the possibility of amputation. This management is best undertaken by multidisciplinary teams using the latest evidence to support their practice. This book presents a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest evidence-based investigations, techniques and management of the diabetic foot. Evidenced-based management of the diabetic foot International, multidisciplinary team of editors and contributors Comprehensive reference for all health professionals involved in the care of diabetic foot problems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2006, held in Apizaco, Mexico in November 2006. It contains over 120 papers that address such topics as knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning and feature selection, knowledge discovery, computer vision, image processing and image retrieval, robotics, as well as bioinformatics and medical applications.
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873)