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The visual turn recovers new pasts. With education as its theme, this book seeks to present a body of reflections that questions a certain historicism and renovates historiographical debate about how to conceptualize and use images and artifacts in educational history, in the process presenting new themes and methods for researchers. Images are interrogated as part of regimes of the visible, of a history of visual technologies and visual practices. Considering the socio-material quality of the image, the analysis moves away from the use of images as mere illustrations of written arguments, and takes seriously the question of the life and death of artifacts – that is, their particular historicity. Questioning the visual and material evidence in this way means considering how, when, and in which régime of the visible it has come to be considered as a source, and what this means for the questions contemporary researchers might ask.
Most of the world knows Uruguay only for its soccer team, or its vaunted title as the "Switzerland of South America," an enduring moniker given to the country for its earlier social welfare policies and relative stability. Even many scholarly narratives of Latin America fail to integrate the country into historical accounts, reducing the country to, as one historian has explained, "a periphery within the periphery that is Latin America." This volume challenges that characterization, taking one of the most innovative small states in the region and analyzing its transnational influence on the world. Uruguay in Transnational Perspective takes a broad look at the country’s three-hundred-year h...
This book examines the topic of identity and collective memory in football fandom. Drawing on global research in history, sociology and political science, the book looks at how, where and why football fans and supporters’ groups introduce particular role models into their self-identity and performative narratives. The book presents original, cutting-edge research that illustrates the complex, multidimensional nature of the (re-)formulation of collective memory and the elevation of role models. It looks at the processes by which some supporters’ groups celebrate historical and contemporary figures – including political leaders, warriors, revolutionaries, or armed resistance groups – t...
Este libro comparte un camino de prolíferas discusiones desde múltiples perspectivas, referidas a estudios sobre cuerpos y prácticas corporales. El conjunto de textos que lo componen exhiben algunas de las discusiones desarrolladas en la mesa de ponencias Modos del cuerpo: prácticas, saberes, discursos, que formó parte de las VI Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP, llevadas a cabo los días 9 y 10 de diciembre de 2010, en la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina.
Domandarsi “cosa può un corpo?” ci pone di fronte a una doppia sfida: da una parte ci costringe a riconoscere i limiti di quelle risposte che catturano ogni riflessione in definizioni astratte, dall’altra invita ad aprirci verso l’incertezza, la possibilità di interpellare ciò che del corpo è soggettivo e oggettivo, ciò che è politico, ma anche etico ed estetico. Con l’intento di intrecciare saperi e pratiche, questo libro mette a confronto alcuni regimi moderni di pensiero con i sensi e i significati associati alla corporeità, sviscerandone le interpretazioni sul piano sociale e politico. L’universalizzazione dei significati attribuiti al corpo viene messa in discussione tramite l’esplorazione degli spazi e dei luoghi della corporeità, con le loro peculiarità e prassi, indagando il sociale nel corpo e il corpo nel sociale. Guardare alle contingenze del corpo, alle pieghe, attraverso i processi che lo plasmano, ci mostra la possibilità di un nuovo potere istituente, emancipatore e resistente.
Sport and Christianity examines sport and Christianity from a variety of historical perspectives, with the main focus on the period from the nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries. The book is not limited to a narrow definition of Christianity, but rather encompasses a wide range of denominations, related philosophies and viewpoints. The contributors are international, and the geographical range of their chapters is equally wide, extending, for example, from China to Argentina, and from Australia to Poland. Some chapters focus on a single sport such as gymnastics, soccer or Australian Rules football, while others look at modern sports more generally. Different methodological and theoretical approaches have been adopted, as contributors enter the debates on, for example, cultural imperialism, gender, changing Christian attitudes to leisure, or the intersection between religion, politics and sport. Demonstrating the many-sided significance of the relationship between Christianity and Sport, this book is ideal for scholars of Sport History and Christianity. This book was originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport.
O livro Diferentes olhares sobre a formação profissional em Educação Física traz um mosaico daquilo que vem sendo o foco de debates da Educação Física brasileira ao longo de sua história. Nos diversos temas investigados, apresentamos uma síntese daquilo que suas linhas vêm desenvolvendo desde o momento da implantação do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Práxis e a Formação Docente (CEPPFD/Uesb), isto é, fazemos um mapa dessa área/campo de conhecimento no Brasil de forma metódica, rigorosa e instigante. Isso já está evidenciado no título da obra, na realidade, as discussões que recortam essa área/campo são postas à prova a partir das mais diversas matrizes episte...
Costa Rica ha conseguido grandes logros en materia de derechos humanos y en cuanto a la situación social de las mujeres. Aún así, en una sociedad enraizada en el patriarcado sigue existiendo desigualdad de géneros. El tema más censurado para las mujeres ha sido siempre la expresión del erotismo como placer sexual, pues implica adueñarse de sus cuerpos y posicionarse como sujetos. Este libro busca una ruptura con la tradición y el inicio de una nueva etapa en el campo literario costarricense a través de voces femeninas que expresen en la literatura ficcional su propia concepción del erotismo tanto en su aspecto ético como en el estético.