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A lingua franca perspective into English language teaching in Brazil has only recently take flight. As an emerging economy, the country faces enormous challenges when it comes to language education in schools, where English has traditionally been taught as a foreign language. This collection brings the perspectives of academics and language practitioners in their efforts to incorporate an ELF approach into teacher education, thus offering a voice sorely missed in the international community interested in developing new approaches to English in a global world.
This book explores language at the intersection of race and ethnicity and the institutional practices that still make for uneven access to education, resources and a sense of belonging. It takes a clear anti-racist stance in the way it examines issues of language and power, linguistic prejudice, attitudes toward language and linguistic varieties. The chapters cover the experiences of the authors in their personal and professional lives, combining traditional academic texts with highly identity-driven genres that include autoethnography and the reflective essay, in addition to providing narrated resources for teachers. The result is a dynamic, innovative volume that dialogues openly with one of the most serious and pertinent debates of our time: how to instigate institutional change that moves us away from racist practices. The book is a reflection on how teachers and scholars can incorporate anti-racism pedagogy and thought into their practice.
Esta obra discute aprendizados, vivências e desafios da docência no contexto peculiar gerado pela pandemia de COVID-19. A partir do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) de Letras Inglês na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), as diversas vozes de envolvidos no programa discorrem sobre essa experiência, tão difícil quanto enriquecedora.
The definitive reference work on World Englishes—fully revised, expanded, and updated The Handbook of World Englishes is a collection of articles on the cross-cultural and transnational linguistic convergence and change of the English language. Now in its second edition, this Handbook brings together multiple theoretical, contextual, and ideological perspectives, and offers new interpretations of the changing identities of world Englishes (WE) speakers and examines the current state of the English language across the world. Thematically integrated contributions from leading scholars and researchers explore the expansion, modification, and adaptation of English in various settings and discu...
Applied Linguistics in the Real World introduces readers to situations in which applied linguistics can be and is used. Presenting a panoramic view of the interdisciplinary area of applied linguistics and highlighting the diverse range of twenty-first century occupations that have linguistics at their center, this book: Describes, discusses, and furthers the idea that linguistic knowledge is useful everywhere—from forensic investigations to diplomatic talks; from disability studies to creative writing; and from translation studies to machine learning; Breaks new ground, expanding beyond well-established areas of applied-linguistic interest in its inclusion of disability studies, peace studies and the new literature; Provides readers with original research questions and practical applications for them to expand their own research portfolios. Written in an accessible, direct style, Applied Linguistics in the Real World will be essential reading for all students of applied linguistics and is an important addition to the library of anyone who feels passionate and inspired by language matters.
Em uma perspectiva que visa, ao mesmo tempo, o acolhimento, o afeto e a quebra da cultura do silêncio, esta obra reúne narrativas biográficas produzidas por um grupo diverso e disposto a compartilhar anseios, receios, tristezas e delícias de ser professor/a no contexto de pandemia e do ensino remoto. Desse modo, o e-book dá voz e traz de forma sensível as vivências e angústias silenciadas nesses tempos inéditos.
Em uma sociedade democrática cabe a todos os cidadãos cerrarem fileiras contra qualquer espécie de preconceito. Este livro mostra como os estudos de linguagem podem e devem evidenciar a situação de setores da população que seguem marginalizados e/ou discriminados por motivo de raça, etnia, ancestralidade, crenças religiosas, classe social, condição financeira, gênero, orientação sexual, entre outros motivos. "Linguagem e interseccionalidade em lutas por direitos" traz contribuições relevantes e contextualizadas que podem inspirar estudantes, professores e pesquisadores a tomar consciência dos problemas enfrentados por parte significativa dos cidadãos brasileiros e assim trabalhar por uma sociedade mais justa.
Esta obra é fruto do XVI Encontro de Formação de Professoras/ es de Línguas (Enfople), evento que, há 16 anos, temos realizado em auditórios cedidos pela prefeitura da cidade ou à sombra de nossos flamboyants floridos (Figura 1) na Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG), em Inhumas. No ano de 2020, devido à pandemia de covid-19, nos propusemos o desafio de realizar a primeira edição on-line, com o tema Linguagens em tempos inéditos: desafios praxiológicos da formação de professoras/es de línguas. Naqueles dias, e desde então, os “quintais” de nossas casas, de nossos locais, em diferentes regiões, se misturaram, se agigantaram e ficaram maiores do que o mundo, em alusão a...
Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South provides an original appraisal of the latest innovations and challenges in applied linguistics from the perspective of the Global South. Global South perspectives are encapsulated in struggles for basic, economic, political and social transformation in an inequitable world, and are not confined to the geographical South. Taking a critical perspective on Southern theories, demonstrating why it is important to view the world from Southern perspectives and why such positions must be open to critical investigation, this book: charts the impacts of these theories on approaches to multilingualism, language learning, language i...