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This is the first complete study of the relationship between Retranslation and Reception. Although many translation scholars have cited Reception Theory in their work, this is the first systematic study of its relationship to Retranslation. The book starts from the hypothesis that frequent retranslations of the same literary text into the same language may be indicative of its impact in the target culture. The volume encompasses both theory and practical analysis of Retranslation and Reception as mutually dependent concepts. The sixteen chapters relate the translations analysed to their socio-historical contexts in order to assess the impact that they have had on the target culture in terms of the reception of the authors studied, and also explore the relationship that may exist between the appearance of new translations and historical, social or cultural changes.
«Vaig tenir sort, vaig anar a néixer a davant de mar, en una ciutat que encara no havia estat engolida pel monstre turístic. Vaig estudiar a un institut de la muntanya de Sant Elm, a l'entrada del massís de l'Ardenya. Hi pujàvem a peu per vora mar. Fa quaranta anys, encara hi havia una consideració per l'ensenyament i per tant pels alumnes, i a les hores d'esbarjo ens deixaven sortir tranquil·lament del centre. Abans o després d'una classe de literatura o de matemàtiques, doncs, podies estar passejant-te (i parlant amb els companys) a davant mateix de mar. La meva formació tant deu als quatre llibres que em van fer llegir llavors com a aquell contacte directe amb el paisatge. Aquest volum recull assajos que he anat escrivint els últims deu anys. La majoria són encàrrecs que m'han fet i que agraeixo de tot cor. Conformen una lectura personal de grans escrits de la nostra tradició literària, que és com dir de la nostra riba al mar de la literatura universal».
In linguistics, as in semiotics, iconicity is the conceived similarity between the form of a linguistic sign and its meaning. This book covers all aspects of linguistic iconicity in both spoken and signed languages, including definitions of all the relevant concepts and explanations of significant iconic words and expressions, and brief summaries of the contents and main proposals of 30 significant works in the history of iconicity research. It also provides definitions and exemplifications of the principles governing linguistic iconicity and brief overviews of iconic words and expressions in 11 language families and in more than 50 spoken and signed languages all over the world. The book contains 678 entries and more than 8,500 examples drawn from 400 languages, and will appeal to scholars and students interested in general linguistics, the history of linguistics, language typology, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and semiotics.
Engaging with pre-feminist and male-authored crime literature, Resisting Invisibility offers a comparative reading of women's bodies as represented in Spanish crime literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Utilizing the twin concepts of visibility and invisibility, the book establishes a genealogy of differing viewpoints regarding women's positions in these narratives, before and after the birth of the modern Spanish female detective. This examination of the politics of female visibility expands our understanding of the aesthetic regimes that have governed the female body from the early phases of the genre's evolution. While most scholars understand the feminization of the ...
With this volume of the series Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science edited by S. Rahman et al. a challenging dialogue is being continued. The series’ first volume argued that one way to recover the connections between logic, philosophy of sciences, and sciences is to acknowledge the host of alternative logics which are currently being developed. The present volume focuses on four key themes. First of all, several chapters unpack the connection between knowledge and epistemology with particular focus on the notion of knowledge as resulting from interaction. Secondly, new epistemological perspectives on linguistics, the foundations of mathematics and logic, physics, biology and law are a subject of analysis. Thirdly, several chapters are dedicated to a discussion of Constructive Type Theory and more generally of the proof-theoretical notion of meaning.Finally, the book brings together studies on the epistemic role of abduction and argumentation theory, both linked to non-monotonic approaches to the dynamics of knowledge.
This volume approaches the interaction of evidentiality with some other related categories, such as modality and mirativity, from an innovative angle: its connection to informational configuration. The aim of this book is to analyze the impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories as well as to explore its reflection on different verb choices. It provides an innovative theoretical view as well as a robust typological, crosslinguistic perspective.
El mite de Faust es basa en la figura d'un alquimista alemany dels segles XV i XVI. Aquest personatge es caracteritza per l'avidesa de viure, el terror al més enllà i la presència del diable en la seva vida. Goethe va convertir Faust en l'obra de la seva vida, amb un desenvolupament canviant en funció de les pròpies circumstàncies.Estructurada en dues parts, el Faust de Goethe parteix d'un pacte amb el diable i arrela en els neguits de l'home per l'enriquiment personal, la recerca de la felicitat i el desig de donar sentit ple a la vida. Després de quasi cinquanta anys de feina, el Faust de Goethe fa fracassar el mateix diable perquè, malgrat les culpes que el personatge acumula en la consciència, Faust se salva. En el pla de Déu, ve a dir Goethe, estan previstos els fracassos i errors de l'individu, però també les seves accions i qualitats positives. A la versió en paper propostes de treball d'Isidor Cònsul.
Tirant lo Blanc, probablement escrita a Barcelona entre 1460 i 1465, es va convertir en una novel·la sense públic fins que Martí Joan de Galba la va fer imprimir en 1490 a la ciutat de València, a l'impremta de Nicolau Spíndeler. Des d'aleshores i gràcies a la traducció castellana de Diego de Gumiel de 1511 (que va llegir Miguel de Cervantes), a l'italiana de Lelio Manfredi (Venècia, 1538) i a la francesa del comte de Caylus (París 1737), s'ha convertit en un clàssic indiscutible de la literatura universal i en la novel·la més important de la tradició catalana de tots els temps. Escrita amb una tècnica de collage i amb un gust per la paradoxa a la manera de Boccaccio, represent...
Revised 2014 Reprint Thoroughly revised in 2014, this compact and up-to-date two-way dictionary provides a comprehensive and modern vocabulary. It is the ideal reference for all users of Portuguese. The dictionary includes an extensive coverage of practical terminology from a diversity of fields including; business and economics, law, medicine and information technology as well as common abbreviations, toponyms (place names), nationalities, numerous idiomatic expressions and slang. Key features: Completely up-to-date reflecting the recently-agreed orthographic changes between Brazil and Portugal. Definitions and differences in both variants clearly signposted. Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary where it differs from European-African Portuguese and some American English terms. Coverage of colloquial and slang registers. Useful notes on grammatical points and false friends, as well as boxes with cultural knowledge relating to the U.K., U.S.A., Brazil, Portugal and the other Portuguese-speaking countries. The Routledge Portuguese Bilingual Dictionary provides the maximum information in the minimum space, making it an invaluable reference source