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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 138


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-28
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  • Publisher: Penerbit NEM

This study used the library research method to find the integration of spirituality, hospitality and organization. This book is a form of concern for the author about the management of the organization in a spiritual perspective. Spirituality is a new trend in the world of work or business. The spiritual approach within the organization becomes an important contribution especially when the agency manager faces an internal situation and an increasingly tight business competition environment, both locally, regionally, nationally and even globally. A decision of leaders and managers is needed to be able to provide service satisfaction for stakeholders. The role of the values of religious teachi...

Sustainable Future: Trends, Strategies and Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Sustainable Future: Trends, Strategies and Development

The book contains a selection of papers that were presented at the 3rd Conference in Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship (3rd CoMDITE) with the theme: Sustainable Future: Trends, Strategies and Development. The Millennium Development Goals, continued as Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), are effective instruments and have, in recent years, brought many positive changes in numerous countries around the world. Most notably, it has fundamentally changed our way of approaching the tangled set of challenges: States today undertake to achieve concrete development goals; transparency and accountability to citizens and the global public has become a matter of course; and...

MIC 2022
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 938

MIC 2022

This book contains the proceedings of the 2nd Multidiscipline International Conference (MIC) 2022 will be an annual event hosted by Nusantara Training and Research (NTR). This year (2022), this event was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Universitas Borobudur Jakarta will be held on the virtual conference on 12 November 2022 at Semarang, Indonesia. We carry the theme "Multidisciplinary Research Synergies in Generating Innovations in The Digitalization Era" trying to continue to synchronize with all aspects in the pandemic era and prepare to face the new normal, as well as outlook of the field of Call for papers fields to be included in MIC. The scope of this event is multidisciplinary. Starting from social science, economics, education, law, engineering, religion, and other sciences. This conference was attended by participants and delegates from various universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunai Darussalam, Philippines, Australia, and Japan. More than 100 participants from academics, practitioners and bureaucrats took part in this event to exchange knowledge according to their research results and competencies.

Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1481

Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2022) contains several papers that have presented at the seminar with theme “Technology and Innovation in Educational Transformation”. This seminar was held on 20 September 2022 and organized by Postgraduate School, Univesitas Negeri Medan and become a routine agenda annually. The 7th AISTEEL was realized this year with various presenters, lecturers, researchers and students from universities both in and out of Indonesia. The 7th AISTEEL presents 4 distinguished keynote speakers from Universitas Negeri Medan - Indonesia, Murdoch University-Australia, Curtin University Perth...

Proceedings of the 7th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1968

Proceedings of the 7th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2022)

This is an open access book.WELCOME THE 7TH GCBME. We would like to invite you to join our The 7th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship. The conference will be held online on digital platform live from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, on August 8th, 2022 with topic The Utilization of Sustainable Digital Business, Entrepreneurship and management as A Strategic Approach in the New Normal Era.

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1094

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2023)

Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. The International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME) is an annual agenda organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University. In 2023, we would like to introduce to you the 8th ICAME with the current theme entitled "Establishing Inclusive Economy and Business". SUB THEME Development Economics Public Economics Financial Accounting Management Accounting Finance and Investment Sustainability Business Corporate Governance Human Capital Islamic Economics Other Related; Accounting, Management, Economics Issues We hope that our conference can add discussions and information from various research towards the...

  • Language: id


Kaswan (2012:6) mendefinisikan manajemen sumber daya manusia merupakan bagian dari manajemen yang meliputi antara lain perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan lain-lain. MSDM menangani SDM, yaitu orang yang siap, bersedia dan mampu memberi kontribusi terhadap tujuan stakeholders. MSDM memperhatikan kesejahteraan manusia dalam organisasi agar dapat bekerja sama secara efektif dan berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan organisasi. MSDM merupakan sistem yang mempunyai beberapa fungsi, kebijakan, aktivitas, atau praktik diantaranya recruitment, selection, development, compensation, retention, evaluation, promotion, dan lain-lain.

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 278

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia adalah buku yang dirancang untuk memberikan panduan menyeluruh kepada pembaca mengenai aspek-aspek kritis dalam mengelola sumber daya manusia dalam sebuah organisasi. Buku ini dimulai dengan penjelasan mendalam tentang latar belakang historis dan pentingnya SDM dalam pertumbuhan dan keberlanjutan organisasi, memberikan definisi jelas dan ruang lingkup praktik SDM yang modern. Pembahasan selanjutnya berfokus pada regulasi ketenagakerjaan yang meliputi hukum, kebijakan, dan konvensi internasional yang mempengaruhi praktik ketenagakerjaan, serta mengupas tuntas hak dan kewajiban pekerja serta pengusaha. Dalam konteks administrasi, buku ini menjelaskan tentang pen...

Human Capital Management
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 317

Human Capital Management

Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini mencakup: 1) Pengertian Manajemen SDM; 2) Penilaian Kinerja; 3) Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia; 4) Rekrutmen dan Seleksi; 5) Pelatihan dan Pengembangan; 6) Perencanaan Kompensasi dan Tunjangan Kinerja; 7) Audit dan Riset SDM; 8) Struktur Organisasi SDM; 9) Peran Komunikasi dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia; 10) Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja; 11) Sistem Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja; 12) Perencanaan SDM; 13) Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia; 14) Total Quality Management; 15) Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja; 16) Konflik dan Stres Kerja.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Humanities, Social Science (ICEHoS 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 481

Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Humanities, Social Science (ICEHoS 2022)

This is an open access book. The International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science (ICEHoS) is an activity in the form of an international conference by presenting new studies and research results in the fields of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences. The Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program is the organizer of this international conference. ICEHoS is the second conference held by us and will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic which has not shown a better situation.The 2nd ICEHoS 2022 conference is expected to be able to bring together national and international scale researchers, academics, practitioners, students, and community and industry activists in our chosen fields. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic which has impacted various lines, especially research in this field, the 2nd ICEHoS 2022 international conference has the main theme, “The future education in society 5.0 to build a strong learning connection.”