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This book includes some of the papers presented and discussed at the European Regional Conference of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL), held in Tossa de Mar and Girona on the 9th and 10th of October 2003.\n
This book presents a broad overview of succession law, encompassing aspects of family law, testamentary law and legal history. It examines society and legal practice in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present from both a legal and a sociological perspective. The contributing authors investigate various aspects of succession law that have not yet been thoroughly examined by legal historians, and in doing so they not only add to our knowledge of past succession law but also provide a valuable key to interpreting and understanding current European succession law. Readers can explore such issues as the importance of a father’s permission to marry in relation to disinheritance, as well as inheritance transactions and private, dynastic and cross-border successions. Further themes addressed by the expert contributors include women’s inheritance rights, the laws of succession for the prince in legal consulting, and succession in the Rota Romana’s jurisprudence.
Domaine complexe s'il en est, le droit des régimes matrimoniaux est encore plus difficile à maîtriser dans un contexte international. Ce livre, issu de la Journée d'étude du 30 septembre 2005, se propose de fournir des outils d'analyse au chercheur et au praticien. La complexité du droit des régimes matrimoniaux apparaît déjà au niveau du régime ordinaire. Si le clivage traditionnel entre les droits de la famille juridique romano-germanique et ceux de la common law s'estompe, les systèmes nationaux de communauté et de participation révèlent des différences surprenantes lors d'un examen approfondi. En matière de régimes conventionnels, si la plupart des pays font preuve d'un...
Regions within European Union member states (such as Scotland in the UK and Catalonia in Spain) have their own legal systems: how will the process of 'Europeanization' affect them? This volume examines the phenomenon of 'regional' private law in the European Union, considering jurisdictions and laws below those of the member states and drawing comparisons with other such jurisdictions elsewhere in the world, such as Louisiana and Quebec. The whole is considered in relation to the development of European private law, and the use of codification in that process. This volume will be of interest to academic lawyers worldwide, advanced law students and European policy-makers.
The legal recognition of same-sex couples in Europe has undergone dramatic changes over the last few years. Following the Scandinavian model, many European countries have adopted statutes on registered partnerships or are currently debating draft legislation. The differences are bigger than one would expect at first sight. This book provides detailed information about the current state of affairs. The latest adopted statutes and draft legislation are included.
La present obra constitueix un comentari sistemàtic i complet a cadascun dels articles del llibre primer del Codi civil de Catalunya, que com a aportació destacada ordena i relaciona la jurisprudència que l’ha aplicat. L’aprovació de la Llei 29/2002, de 30 de desembre, Primera Llei del Codi civil de Catalunya, va suposar l’inici del procés de codificació i refosa del nostre dret en un únic cos normatiu. Des de la seva entrada en vigor, l’1 de gener de 2004, tant les matèries relatives a prescripció i a caducitat del llibre primer, com les pròpies de les disposicions preliminars, han donat lloc a un important cos jurisprudencial en la seva aplicació. Les normes sobre fonts ...
Local landraces are traditional crop varieties cultivated in specific locations. However, the intensification of modern horticulture has put these genotypes aside, since farmers tend to select hybrids or commercial cultivars due to higher yield, uniformity and marketability. The various landraces are very distinct in their quality features, therefore it is of high importance to highlight these differences and identify genotypes that could be further exploited by producing high added value products and by reinforcing local rural economies. The proposed Research Topic aims to reveal the importance of local landraces for sustainable horticulture, focusing on their special quality features as the result of adaptation to specific growing conditions after domestication.
Dice el profesor Moreu Ballonga, prologuista de este libro, que faltaba en nuestra doctrina una explicación completa de la evolución histórica del régimen jurídico de los inmuebles vacantes. La nueva monografía de Miguel Luis Lacruz Mantecón, Profesor Titular de Derecho civil en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Zaragoza, consigue con creces rellenar ese hueco, partiendo del Derecho histórico y culminando en la Ley 33/2003 del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas y el Reglamento de ésta, aprobado por el Decreto 1373/2009, sin que falte una reflexión sobre Derecho foral. La ocupación, cuando de bienes inmuebles se trata, se ha visto siempre acompañada de un halo ...
Parece conveniente justificar la presente obra acudiendo a su subtítulo, que denota con claridad la finalidad y el objetivo que pretendemos: “un debate reflexivo sobre el Derecho sucesorio”. Se expresa así que se trata de un enfoque ciertamente crítico sobre una materia muy necesitada de actualización y de reforma, exigencias ambas derivadas de la nueva configuración de la familia española. En orden a ello, se han tenido siempre presentes dos notas sobre las que parecía esencial desarrollar la obra. Por un lado, se ha procurado huir de un tratamiento excesivamente dogmático o conceptual de las cuestiones abordadas que, en caso contrario, quedarían alejadas tanto de la realidad s...