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How are young refugees doing in the Nordic welfare societies? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 23

How are young refugees doing in the Nordic welfare societies? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-052/ All the Nordic countries have excellent data on the situation of refugee children and youth. This creates unique opportunities for comparison to better understand the links between the socio-economic context in each country and the integration of young immigrants. CAGE has investigated inequalities in education, labour market participation and the health of young refugees during their formative years, also looking into how these inequalities relate to national immigration policies and other contextual factors.

Migration and Health
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 559

Migration and Health

Part IV. Approaches to understanding the relationship between migration and health.The relevance of culture for migrant health /Tilman Lanz --The sociology of migration and health : the decline in migrants' health due to adverse environments and limited options for care /Steven J. Gold --Economics in migrant health : migrant-sensitive service improvement as a driver for cost savings in health care? /Ursula Trummer, Lika Nusbaum, and Sonja Novak-Zezula --Multilevel and mixed-methods studies of migration and health /Joshua Breslau and Lilian G. Perez -- Epidemiology and the study of migrant health / Nadia N. Abuelezam -- The humanities of migration and health / Carrie J. Preston -- Law, migrat...

Discovering Childhood in International Relations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Discovering Childhood in International Relations

This book examines how and why, in the context of International Relations, children’s subjecthood has all too often been relegated to marginal terrains and children themselves automatically associated with the need for protection in vulnerable situations: as child soldiers, refugees, and conflated with women, all typically with the accent on the Global South. Challenging us to think critically about childhood as a technology of global governance, the authors explore alternative ways of finding children and their agency in a more central position in IR, in terms of various forms of children’s activism, children and climate change, children and security, children and resilience, and in their inevitable role in governing the future. Focusing on the problems, pitfalls, promises, and prospects of addressing children and childhoods in International Relations, this book places children more squarely in the purview of political subjecthood and hence more centrally in IR.

Miten pakolaistaustaiset nuoret voivat pohjoismaisissa hyvinvointivaltioissa? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 23

Miten pakolaistaustaiset nuoret voivat pohjoismaisissa hyvinvointivaltioissa? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-055/ Kaikilla Pohjoismailla on kerättynä erinomaista aineistoa pakolaislasten ja -nuorten tilanteesta. Tämä luo ainutlaatuisia mahdollisuuksia vertailla ja ymmärtää paremmin kunkin maan sosioekonomisen tilanteen ja nuorten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumisen välisiä yhteyksiä. CAGE-hankkeessa tutkittiin pakolaisnuorten eriarvoisuutta koulutuksessa, työmarkkinoille osallistumisessa ja terveydessä heidän nuoruusvuosiensa aikana. Lisäksi selvitettiin, miten nämä eriarvoisuudet linkittyvät kansalliseen maahanmuuttopolitiikkaan ja sen kontekstiin.

Hvordan går det med unge flyktninger i Norden? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: no
  • Pages: 24

Hvordan går det med unge flyktninger i Norden? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-054/ Alle de fire nordiske landene har gode nasjonale registerdata om unge flyktningers situasjon når det gjelder deres helse og sosiale livsvilkår. Dette gir unike muligheter for sammenligning mellom de nordiske landene for å kunne forstå hvordan landenes politikk og sosioøkonomiske forhold påvirker integrering av unge innvandrere. CAGE har undersøkt ulikheter i utdanning, arbeidsmarkedsdeltakelse og helse hos unge flyktninger i løpet av deres oppvekst sammenlignet med tilsvarende grupper av barn og unge i majoritetsbefolkningen. Studien har også undersøkt hvordan disse ulikhetene forholder seg til nasjonal innvandringspolitikk og andre kontekstuelle faktorer.

Egalitarianism in Scandinavia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 360

Egalitarianism in Scandinavia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-17
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book discusses egalitarianism in Scandinavian countries through historically oriented and empirically based studies on social and political change. The chapters engage with issues related to social class, political conflict, the emergence of the welfare state, public policy, and conceptualizations of equality. Throughout, the contributors discuss and sometimes challenge existing notions of the social and cultural complexity of Scandinavia. For example, how does egalitarianism in these nations differ from other contemporary manifestations of egalitarianism? Is it meaningful to continue to nurture the idea of Scandinavian exceptionalism in an age of economic crises and globalization? The book also proposes that egalitarianism is not merely a relationship between specific, influential enlightenment ideas and patterns of policy, but an aspect of social organization characterized by specific forms of political tension, mobilization, and conflict resolution-as well as emerging cultural values such as individual autonomy.

Child Welfare Systems and Migrant Children
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

Child Welfare Systems and Migrant Children

The book examines where, why and to what extent immigrant children are represented in the child welfare system in 11 high-income countries. By comparing policies and practices in child welfare systems (and welfare states), especially in terms of how they conceptualize and deal with immigrant children and their families, we address an immensely important and pressing issue in modern societies.

Hvernig farnast ungu flóttafólki á Norðurlöndum? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: is
  • Pages: 23

Hvernig farnast ungu flóttafólki á Norðurlöndum? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-056/ Öll norrænu ríkin safna ítarlegum gögnum um stöðu barna og unglinga í hópi flóttafólks. Gögnin gera það að verkum að hægt er að bera saman stöðuna milli landa og auka skilning á þeim áhrifum sem félags- og efnahagslegar aðstæður hafa á aðlögun ungra innflytjenda. CAGE verkefnið rannsakaði ójöfnuð varðandi menntun, atvinnuþátttöku og heilsufar ungs flóttafólks á uppvaxtarárum þess. Jafnframt varpaði verkefnið ljósi á áhrif innflytjendastefnu landanna og annarra þjóðfélagsþátta á ójöfnuðinn.

Hur mår unga flyktingar i Norden? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 23

Hur mår unga flyktingar i Norden? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-053/ Alla de fyra nordiska länderna har nationella register med uppgifter som kan användas för att beskriva flyktingungdomars situation när det gäller hälsa och sociala livsvillkor. Detta ger unika möjligheter för jämförelser mellan de nordiska länderna för att bättre förstå hur policy och ekonomiska förhållanden i samhället påverkar integrationen av unga invandrare. CAGE har undersökt ojämlikhet i utbildning, arbetsmarknadsdeltagande och hälsa hos unga flyktingar under deras formativa ungdomsår jämfört med infödda, och har också undersökt hur dessa ojämlikheter förhåller sig till nationell invandringspolitik och andra kontextuella faktorer.

Hvordan går det unge flygtninge i de nordiske velfærdssamfund? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 23

Hvordan går det unge flygtninge i de nordiske velfærdssamfund? Coming of Age in Exile – CAGE

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-034/ Velfærdspolitikkerne i de nordiske lande er på mange måder ens. Der er dog stadig vigtige forskelle mellem de forskellige nordiske landes indvandringspolitik og den økonomiske kontekst for indvandrere.Alle de nordiske lande har gode data om situationen for flygtningebørn og -unge. Dette skaber unikke muligheder for nordiske sammenligninger for bedre at forstå sammenhænge mellem den socio-økonomiske situation i hvert land og integrationen af unge indvandrere. CAGE har undersøgt uligheder i uddannelse, deltagelse på arbejdsmarkedet og sundhed for unge flygtninge i deres formative år og har også undersøgt, hvordan disse uligheder er relateret til nationale indvandringspolitikker og andre relevante forhold.