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France After de Gaulle
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 184

France After de Gaulle

Whether or not you are French, speak the French language, or even merely maintain a tourist’s interest in French contributions to civilization, you will greatly benefit from reading this book. For, although this book was written for French readers, it deals with the universal problem of overcoming mortality. For regardless of your citizenship or domicile, you are mortal. In this book Lyndon LaRouche outlines the way in which the nation-state, organized around a long term national mission, and mastery of a common literate language, is the basis for overcoming mortality. If one can organize his or her nation-state and society upon a sound basis, he or she can be assured that the good done today will be preserved and further developed long after one’s individual demise. Some particulars discussed here are French, but the principles outlined here are universal!

The EIR's Policy of Republican Grand Strategy of the United States
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 151

The EIR's Policy of Republican Grand Strategy of the United States

Inside this short book, written in the wake of President Reagan’s adoption of Mr. LaRouche’s Beam Defense policy, you will find the philosophical principles of republican statecraft which have entirely reshaped the world over the course of Mr. LaRouche’s lifelong effort to raise the level of civilization up to the level of mankind’s potential. Once collapsed societies, such as China and Russia, have used Mr. LaRouche’s principles along with indigenous cultural strengths to transform themselves into centers of progress and optimism. Even in the United States of America itself, where incredible efforts were made by British Imperial and allied oligarchical rentier-financier interests ...

Genius Can Be Taught!
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 685

Genius Can Be Taught!

Lyndon LaRouche organized his life around creation of a better future for all humanity. He sought to enable a Renaissance in science, technology, and the arts. Necessarily, much of his work concentrated upon making conscious the methodology of discovery; as he succeeded in becoming more and more self-conscious of his own thought processes, he worked tirelessly to develop pedagogies to evoke the creative capabilities of everyone he met, and the posterity he would never meet. We are pleased to present you with this collection of some of Mr. LaRouche’s most important and influential writings and presentations upon the subject of education, pedagogy, creativity and curriculum. Because he never stopped thinking about the future and uplifting humanity, his entire life’s work revolved around these topical areas. Therefore, we encourage you to continue reading more of Mr. LaRouche’s writings once you have digested this book

Think Like Beethoven
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 203

Think Like Beethoven

Thousands of years in the future, in settlements lightyears away from Earth, mankind will continue to benefit from the work of Ludwig van Beethoven. Acoustics, resonances, atmospheres and air pressures, gravitational fields, even instruments might change, but Beethoven’s creativity and inspiration to creativity will still burst forth with overwhelming power. A leading role in the spread of Beethoven’s influence over the progress of mankind, will have been played by the genius of Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche insisted that genius can be taught (or evoked as Plato demonstrated in his famous Meno dialogue with a slave boy). You too, can think like Beethoven. And thinking like Beethoven can have life-changing and world-changing effects! Beethoven’s approach to music has application to every aspect of the advancement of civilization. Here in the 250th anniversary year of Beethoven’s birth, we present six works of Lyndon LaRouche which make Beethoven’s methodology intelligible to you—so that you can make Beethoven a living part of your thinking process, and so that you can make your own immortal contributions to civilization.

A Global Forum on Fighting Corruption
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242
Reflections Of An American Political Prisoner
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 523

Reflections Of An American Political Prisoner

Michael Billington, the author of this autobiographical memoir, is one of a dozen individuals who were sent to prison in 1989 with America's foremost statesman, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Sentenced to 77 years by George Bush's “Get LaRouche Task Force,” he spent his imprisonment in study and writing--to bridge the divide between East and West. Empire is based upon the ancient principle of divide and rule; by clearing up misunderstandings among cultures, he was able to play a leading role in putting together the combination of forces today oriented around the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) which have in large measure now adopted the “The New Silk Road” policies of LaRouche, EIR and the Schiller Institute for Hamiltonian scientific progress for the benefit of all mankind. Included in this book are 2 very important studies by Billington which every literate person should read to be able to understand Asia, China and the path to bring America into the win-win paradigm of a better future.

The Substance of Morality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 67

The Substance of Morality

Scientific and technological progress, as such, are indispensable for the continued progress of the entirety of our species. However, when and whether progress, or even retrogression occurs, is never automatic; the actual outcome is a result of what we term “cultural factors,” as much as impulses attributable to progress in discovery of higher physical principles as such.

The Power of Reason
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 147

The Power of Reason

In this first autobiography, written in 1979, Lyndon LaRouche discusses the processes by which he came to make revolutionary discoveries in physical economy and history; how he tested his discoveries against the failing authorities of his time; and how he set about to build an organization to spread the truthful methodology he developed across civilization as a whole. Mr. LaRouche has written many books detailing his proposals for development of civilization from Earth outward to the planets, but this book gives extraordinary insight into how he came to make his discoveries and how he decided upon the unique course of action which now is reflected in the adoption of many of his proposals by a majority of the world’s nation states.

Now, Are You Ready To Learn Economics?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 365

Now, Are You Ready To Learn Economics?


The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-bridge
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 376

The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-bridge

EIR RELEASES ROAD-MAP TO THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER: THE NEW SILK ROAD BECOMES THE WORLD LAND-BRIDGE EIR's comprehensive study of the progress of the Eurasian Land-Bridge project which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have championed for over 20 years, has finally been completed. The official release date is Dec. 1. The 374-page report, entitled The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, '' is nothing less than a conceptual, and often physical, road-map'' to a New World Economic Order. This path is currently being charted by the nations of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), who are leading a dynamic of global optimism toward real economic development, complete with ...