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Buku ini berisi kumpulan program untuk perancangan dan analisa sistem kendali frekuensi tenaga listrik untuk tipe non reheat. Program ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman Matlab. Untuk model sistem kendali frekuensi tenaga listrik dinyatakan dalam bentuk fungsi alih. Fungsi alih yang digunakan terdiri dari fungsi alih tanpa karakteristik droop, fungsi alih karakteristik droop dan fungsi alih lingkar tertutup. Untuk perancangan pengendali digunakan modul PIDTune 2 derajat kebebasan dengan aristektur paralel yang terdapat pada Matlab. Adapun jenis - jenis pengendali yang dirancang meliputi pengendali Proporsional Integral (PI), pengendali Proporsional Diferensial (PD), pengendali Propo...
Buku ini berisi kumpulan program untuk perancangan dan analisa sistem kendali frekuensi tenaga listrik untuk tipe non reheat. Program ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa pcmograman Matlab. Untuk model sistem kendali frekuensi tenaga listrik dinyatakan dalam bentuk fungsi alih. Fungsi alih yang digunakan terdiri dari fungsi alih tanpa karakteristik droop, fungsi alih karakteristik droop dan fungsi alih lingkar tertutup. Untuk perancangan pengendali digunakan modul PIDTune 2 derajat kebebasan dengan aristektur paralel dan konstanta bobot tetap yang terdapat pada Matlab. Adapun jenis - jenis pengendali yang dirancang meliputi pengendali Integral - Proporsional Diferensial (1 - PD), pengendali Int...
Offers a multidisciplinary edited volume on policy dimensions of climate change for the world's oceans, for researchers, policymakers and activists.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of International Conference on Economic and Social Science (ICON-ESS) 2018. The technical program has brought researchers and practitioners around the world to a good forum for discussing, leveraging and developing all social scientific and economic aspects to provide the updated science and insight about the knowledge development. This conference acquired 58 full papers with 2 Categories paper with most paper are from Economic and Social Science and also authors from almost 5 Countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Australia and many more.
This book is the proceeding of the International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation (ICoSMI 2020) that was successfully held on 14-16 September 2020 using an online platform. The conference was mainly organized by the Department of Management IPB University in collaboration with Leibniz University of Hannover, Universiti Putera Malaysia, Kasetsart University, Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Deakin University, University of Adelaide, Forum Manajemen Indonesia, FE Pakuan University, FE Gajah Mada University FEB University of North Sumatra and FEB Andalas University, SBM Bandung Institute of Technology, FEB Lampung University, P...
Remote sensing stands as the defining technology in our ability to monitor coral reefs, as well as their biophysical properties and associated processes, at regional to global scales. With overwhelming evidence that much of Earth’s reefs are in decline, our need for large-scale, repeatable assessments of reefs has never been so great. Fortunately, the last two decades have seen a rapid expansion in the ability for remote sensing to map and monitor the coral reef ecosystem, its overlying water column, and surrounding environment. Remote sensing is now a fundamental tool for the mapping, monitoring and management of coral reef ecosystems. Remote sensing offers repeatable, quantitative assess...
This in-depth overview places the importance of railways in the wider context of comprehensive sustainability, which encompasses sustainable development, social and economic equity and community livability. Some scholars have described the 21st century as a period of renaissance for railways and suggest this transport mode can fulfil people's desire for high mobility with low negative environmental, social, economic and financial impact.This book offers the latest research insights on the renewed interest about railway expansions and their wide-ranging environmental, socio-economic and even political implications.
Terhampar dari Aceh hingga Papua, setiap danau alami di Indonesia memiliki kekhasan. Letaknya di puncak pegunungan ataupun terkungkung di antara lelautan. Di balik keelokan panoramanya, danau-danau memiliki cerita kehidupan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Di Danau Gunung Tujuh, Jambi, misalnya, berkembang legenda tentang Orang Pendek. Konon, menurut para leluhur yang dulu tinggal di wilayah tersebut, Orang Pendek adalah makhluk jadi-jadian. Danau Kakaban di Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur, memiliki kekayaan alam berupa ubur-ubur unik yang tak menyengat. Jutaan spesies laut lain pun meruap di danau ini. Ada pula tiga danau di pelosok timur Papua yang ditemukan oleh pilot Angkatan Laut Kerajaan ...