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"O Humankind" is an elaborate commentary on yhe Chapter Ya-Sin, the heart of the Quran, about the inner meanings of each of its verses. Complied by Cemalnur Sargut, the book is a reference that draws on various tafsir works and the commentaries of the perfect human beings.
This book advances an Islamic political philosophy based on the concept of Ihsan, which means to do beautiful things. The author moves beyond the dominant model of Islamic governance advanced by modern day Islamists. The political philosophy of Ihsan privileges process over structure, deeds over identity, love over law and mercy and forgiveness over retribution. The work invites Muslims to move away from thinking about the form of Islamic government and to strive to create a self-critical society that defends national virtue and generates institutions and practices that provide good governance.
This collection of papers is intended to provide a survey of the history of political ideas in the Ottoman world from its dawn around 1300 to its downfall in the early 20th century. It features fourteen original papers by some of the most prominent and innovative scholars of Ottoman history. The book sheds light on the complex role that ideas have played in all aspects of Ottoman social and political life throughout the history of the Ottoman world, across time, space, social class, and ethnic and religious identity. Histories of Political Thought in the Ottoman World takes exception to a common tendency, both among Ottoman historians and in the broader academic world, that considers Ottoman political life exclusively in terms of the political ideas of the Sunni Muslim governing elite. It makes clear that the non-elite, non-Sunni Muslim, non-Muslim, non-Turkish, and female members of the Ottoman society have also significantly contributed to the making of Ottoman political culture throughout its history.
A comprehensive survey of Islamic accounts of causality and freedom from the medieval to the modern era and their contemporary relevance.
With some exceptions, there is not a real interest in Islamic philosophy and t- ology in Western institutions today. This largely ignored area has the potential to present enlightening insights into the development of the Western thought and to contribute to contemporary discussions in philosophy and theology in general. Scholars working in Islamic thought usually focus on its medieval background and consider it to be mainly of a historical interest and far away from the intellectual world of today. Showing its contemporary relevance is an important task by which the status of Islamic philosophy can be elevated to its proper station. By considering these points in mind, the University of Ken...
The Mamluk Sultanate represents an extremely interesting case study to examine social, economic and cultural developments in the transition into the rapidly changing modern world. On the one hand, it is the heir of a political and military tradition that goes back hundreds of years, and brought this to a high pitch that enabled astounding victories over serious external threats. On the other hand, as time went on, it was increasingly confronted with "modern" problems that would necessitate fundamental changes in its structure and content. The Mamluk period was one of great religious and social change, and in many ways the modern demographic map was established at this time. This volume shows that the situation of the Mamluk Sultanate was far from that of decadence, and until the end it was a vibrant society (although not without tensions and increasing problems) that did its best to adapt and compete in a rapidly changing world.
Zaman bakımından Hz. Muhammed’den (s.a.s) önce gelen bütün peygamberler arasında Hz. Nûh (a.s) tenzihin temsilcisidir. Zîra inatçı bir putperestliğin egemen olduğu bir devirde yaşarken putları yerle bir edip, tek olan Allah’a ibâdeti savunmuştur. Devir bunu gerektirmektedir. Buna rağmen tek başına tenzih de edebe aykırıdır. İbn Arabî’ye göre mutlak tenzihte olan kişi yolunu kaybetmiş kişidir. Bu durumda eğer biz Allah’ı hâdiselerde tecellî ettiği şekliyle nitelersek, O’nu hâdiseye katmış oluruz ki bu imkânsızdır. Tersini yaparsak Allah’ı hiçbir yerde hiçbir şeyle mukayyed kılmayız ki, yapmamız gereken şey; Allah’ı varlık veya vasıf ile nitelememek, varlıktaki tecellîsinden (aynadaki aksinden) bahsetmektir. Bu yüzden Kur’ân’daki tenzih ve teşbih ile ilgili âyetlerin insân-ı kâmillerce yorumlanması gerekir.
Situating former Harvard neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander's Near-Death Experience within the ontological landscape of Romanity, or, the 'Byzantine'-Ottoman Continuum of Roman Ecumenicity, namely: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, God's Gift, World's Deception is a unique exploration of this unique NDE, attesting to its vital and organic ties to those experiences of the New Testament Fathers of the 'Byzantine' Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church (? ??? ?????? ??????, the unity of all being/existents), which came to them via theosis. The book claims that Dr. Alexander's experience is indeed a continuation and completion of the theophanic visions of the Old Testament Prophets, and is linked to th...
This book analyzes the distinguished modern Muslim scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and the methodology of Qur’anic exegesis in his Risale-i Nur Collection, with special reference to the views of the early Muslim modernist intellectuals such as Muhammad ‘Abduh. It seeks to locate Nursi within modern Qur’anic scholarship, exploring the difference between Nursi’s reading of the Qur’an and that of his counterparts, and examines how Nursi relates the Qur’anic text to concerns of the modern period.