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Research Assessment in the Humanities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Research Assessment in the Humanities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book analyses and discusses the recent developments for assessing research quality in the humanities and related fields in the social sciences. Research assessments in the humanities are highly controversial and the evaluation of humanities research is delicate. While citation-based research performance indicators are widely used in the natural and life sciences, quantitative measures for research performance meet strong opposition in the humanities. This volume combines the presentation of state-of-the-art projects on research assessments in the humanities by humanities scholars themselves with a description of the evaluation of humanities research in practice presented by research fun...

Roots and Wings of Action Research for Territorial Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 286

Roots and Wings of Action Research for Territorial Development

No es solo el contenido académico lo que hace especial a este libro. Es la propia concepción de la investigación y su comunicación lo que le convierte en una obra que va mucho más allá de su especialidad: la investigación acción para el desarrollo territorial. Esta obra colectiva, coordinada por la investigadora Miren Larrea, hace una apuesta decidida por modificar los patrones clásicos de la comunicación científica en absoluta consonancia con la naturaleza de la investigación que proponen sus autores. El libro incorpora distintos tipos de textos para recoger un diálogo entre investigadores y agentes implicados y favorecer así una escucha mutua. Pero además recurre al multilin...

Accountability in Academic Life
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Accountability in Academic Life

This insightful book explores the answers to two ongoing debates: how should societal impact of research be measured and to what extent national research evaluation systems are fit for purpose?

The Evaluation Game
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237

The Evaluation Game

Scientific research is communicated, organized, financed, governed, and evaluated through the process of publication. The result of this process is a highly competitive academic environment that rewards researchers for high volume publication, preferably in high-impact journals, leading to the popularised expression 'publish or perish'. Universities and other scientific institutions are under similar pressure, with their aggregated research output being under constant scrutiny. This innovative text provides a detailed introduction to the origin and development of the scholarly metrics used to measure academic productivity, and the effect they have upon the quality and diversity of scientific research. With its careful attention to both the positive and negative outcomes of research evaluation and their distinct expressions around the globe, The Evaluation Game guides the way to a more grounded understanding of metrics, and the diverse academic cultures they give rise to.

Handbook on Research Assessment in the Social Sciences
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 545

Handbook on Research Assessment in the Social Sciences

This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of current developments, issues and good practices regarding assessment in social science research. It pays particular attention to the challenges in evaluation policies in the social sciences, as well as to the specificities of publishing in the area.

Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 499

Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe

Legal academics in Europe publish a wide variety of materials including books, articles and essays, in an assortment of languages, and for a diverse readership. As a consequence, this variety can pose a problem for the evaluation of academic legal research. This thought-provoking book offers an overview of the legal and policy norms, methods and criteria applied in the evaluation of academic legal research, from a comparative perspective.

Revista de educación nº 372. April-Jun 2016
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

Revista de educación nº 372. April-Jun 2016


World Social Science Report 2010
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 444

World Social Science Report 2010

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-01-01
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  • Publisher: UNESCO

Social science from Western countries continues to have the greatest global influence, but the field is expanding rapidly in Asia and Latin America, particularly in China and Brazil. In sub-Saharan Africa, social scientists from South Africa, Nigeria andKenya produce 75% of academic publications. In South Asia, barring some centres of excellence in India, social sciences as a whole have low priority. These are a few of the findings from World Social Science Report, 2010: Knowledge divides. Produced by the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and co-published with UNESCO, the Report is the first comprehensive overview of the field in over a decade. Hundreds of social scientists from ar...

Von Zäsuren und Ereignissen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 283

Von Zäsuren und Ereignissen

»Es ist nichts mehr, wie es war.« – Unmittelbar nach den Terroranschlägen des 11. September 2001 war im öffentlichen Diskurs die Rede von einer einzigartigen Zäsur in der Weltgeschichte. Doch wie einzigartig war das Ereignis wirklich? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes vergleichen die Rezeption verschiedener historischer Einschnitte in Literatur, Presse, Theorie und Film – beginnend mit dem Erdbeben in Lissabon von 1755 bis hin zum Attentat auf die Madrider U-Bahn im Jahre 2004 – mit den medialen und kulturellen Verarbeitungen von 9/11 und arbeiten so Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede heraus.

Bibliometria e scienze del libro: internazionalizzazione e vitalità degli studi italiani
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 186

Bibliometria e scienze del libro: internazionalizzazione e vitalità degli studi italiani

La vitalità di un settore scientifico è normalmente attestata dalla ricaduta che le ricerche e le pubblicazioni hanno sulla comunità degli studiosi che la praticano e, quindi, sullo sviluppo della disciplina stessa e delle sue metodologie. Il grado di ‘salute’ di un campo di studio, nonché la sua capacità di uscire fuori dalla propria nicchia di studiosi e di vedere riconosciuta la propria validità, si valuta, infatti, analizzando se e in quale misura i lavori vengano letti, commentati, citati da studiosi di altri contesti geografici e/o di altri rami scientifici. Nel volume viene descritta una ricerca incentrata sull’analisi del livello di internazionalizzazione e di vitalità degli studi italiani nelle discipline del libro e del documento, condotta attraverso una serie di indagini parallele di tipo bibliometrico (interrogazione dei database citazionali, ricerche in Google scholar, applicazione di metriche alternative, library catalog analysis).