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This detailed collection explores a diverse range of topics related to neural repair and functional recovery following ischemic stroke. Techniques detailed in this book span from basic to emerging approaches used to evaluate hallmarks of neurorepair, including axonal remodeling and dendritic arborization, plasticity and functional connectivity, angiogenesis, neuroinflammation, and recovering cerebral blood flow. In addition, several chapters focus on rodent stroke models and post-stroke functional evaluation, clinically-relevant therapeutic paradigms and co-morbidities, pharmacotherapy and methods of delivery. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Neural Repair: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for the wide community of researchers interested in neurorepair following stroke and other forms of CNS injury.
'Will open your mind to your own future and show you a new world of adventure.' - ARTHUR C. BROOKS For the first time in human history, eight defined generations live together side by side, from Alphas to the Greatest Generation by way of Boomers, Xennials, Millennials and more. However, these definitions have so often been used to pigeonhole us into rigid categories, all underpinned by the restrictive 'four stages of life' model - of play, study, work, retirement. This means that potential is left untapped on a societal level; also individuals are tied into a trajectory that minimises opportunity and fulfilment. In The Perennials, Mauro Guillén unpacks the megatrends - such as increasing l...
Ada banyak pertanyaan mengenai kesehatan mental dalam sudut pandang ajaran Islam. Misalnya, benarkah muslim dilarang bersedih? Bagaimana semestinya seorang muslim menyikapi depresi? Cukupkah nasihat dijadikan obat untuk menyembuhkan gangguan kesehatan mental pada seseorang? Bagaimana muslim menghadapi kedukaan? Benarkah muslim dilarang menangisi kematian seseorang karena akan membuat rohnya diazab? Buku ini berusaha memberi tambahan pengetahuan dan pencerahan agar kita semua, khususnya komunitas muslim, menjadi komunitas yang lebih melek dan ramah terhadap isu-isu kesehatan mental. Selain itu, semoga buku ini turut membentuk generasi muslim yang lebih sehat secara mental dan pandai berempati terhadap sesama manusia.
Meskipun isu kesehatan mental makin marak dibicarakan dalam dua tahun belakangan, tampaknya isu ini belum menyentuh seluruh lapisan dan kelompok masyarakat. Di beberapa kalangan saudara-saudara kita yang muslim (terutama muslim yang tergolong ke dalam kategori tradisional), kesehatan mental masih menjadi isu langitan. Masih banyak stigma dan kesalahpahaman mengenai kesehatan mental yang langgeng dalam komunitas muslim. Kesalahpahaman tersebut dapat berdampak pada tidak tertanganinya orang-orang yang mengalami masalah kesehatan mental. Jika tidak tertangani, entah bagaimana jadinya kondisi umat Islam dalam tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Buku ini berusaha memberi tambahan pengetahuan dan pencerahan agar kita semua, khususnya komunitas muslim, menjadi komunitas yang lebih melek dan ramah terhadap isu-isu kesehatan mental. Selain itu, semoga buku ini turut membentuk generasi muslim yang lebih sehat secara mental dan pandai berempati terhadap sesama manusia.
#Amazon商業預測類暢銷TOP2# 華頓商學院最具原創性的趨勢專家 告訴你最有前景的機會,就是「多世代革命」! ‧2030年前,60歲以上的網購族,將超過30歲以下的人 ‧老年人每天待在螢幕前的時間高達10小時,比18至34歲的年輕人多了33% ‧2030年,美國總消費成長有40%由60歲以上的人貢獻;日本與德國更高達60%和70% ‧30歲以上有高達30%至35%的人,正在使用數位平台學習 ‧高達46%的跨國企業高層看好多世代勞動力 ‧南韓30多歲的男女,有62%都和父母同住 ‧員工的創造力巔峰,平均發生在20多歲與50多歲; ‧混齡團隊比起...
This fresh, inspiring call to community and connection from an entrepreneur and leader is perfect for anyone feeling alone and ready to set off on a journey to true belonging. Many of us feel more alone than ever despite living in the most connected society in human history. We need to belong in the same way that we need oxygen–our physical bodies require it. We perform better and have greater successes as individuals when we are connected to the collective. Join author Natalie Franke as she shares her story of longing for connection in the chaos and lessons learned on her journey to true belonging. Together we’ll uncover how to: Kick scroll-induced jealousy to the curb and transform the...
나이와 세대 구분이 완전히 사라질 미래, 우리의 삶과 일, 글로벌 경제와 비즈니스는 어떻게 바뀔 것인가? ★★★ 30만 부 베스트셀러 『2030 축의 전환』 마우로 기옌 신작★★★ ★★★ SERICEO 비즈니스 북클럽 선정 도서 ★★★ ★★★ 애덤 그랜트, 아서 브룩스 등 해외 비즈니스 석학 추천 ★★★ ★★★ 김미경 MKYU 대표, 송길영 마인드 마이너, 김태유 서울대 명예교수 추천 ★★★ 전 세계적인 인구 축소와 고령화, 과학기술의 발전이 돌이킬 수 없는 거대한 변화를 일으키고 있다. 활동 수명이 늘어나면서 여러 세대가 함께 살...