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Vallivana Querol, octogenarian extraordinaire, former teacher and freedom fighter, from the small medieval Spanish town of Morella hasn't exactly slowed down her pace in the autumn of her life. Whilst trying to raise millions of euros for the refurbishment of her beloved school, she is also attending Town Hall meetings to vocally oppose the frivolous spending of taxpayer's money by the town's mayor. Charles Wrigglesworth - fifty-four-year old bachelor and head of languages at Eton, one of the most prestigious colleges in the world - is in Morella on the lookout for a suitable location for his planned residential Spanish courses for his students. A series of events brings the two of them together and changes their lives in ways they never thought possible.
"Movent-se entre les llargues ombres de la guerra que va marcar Espanya i les batalles de negocis de l#economia global actual, Les oliveres de Belchite és la història de com el passat turmenta les nostres vides, així com de les batalles que comencen quan finalitza la lluita. Una novel·la amb molts plans i un ritme perfecte, que es desenvolupa entre Espanya i el Regne Unit, entre vinyes i oliveres, que fusiona èpoques i temes dins el marc d#una inesperada història d#amor. Una saga de tres dones que es van enfrontar al franquisme i als seus vestigis en l#actualitat. La Nostra Història ha anat fent salts de novel·la en novel·la al llarg del temps per a finalment romandre a les planes de Les oliveres de Belchite. «La novel·la d'Elena Moya és un miracle. No només esgrimeix com la Guerra Civil va destrossar milers de vides i amors, sinó que també deixa traslluir com les conseqüències del conflicte encara estan molt presents avui. D'una manera íntima, la novel·la il·lustra les limitacions que una democràcia tan curta imposa en la vida de tots els espanyols». Paul Preston
A weekday morning in London. Maria flies in from Barcelona to choose a UK base for the Caves Gratallops cava business. The lover she will bring home will be the last person her Catholic family expects. Or her fiance, Jordi Gratallops. A long-standing member of Opus Dei, he too finds himself in a crisis of loyalties when old enemies put his father's business in jeopardy. Both have secrets they will struggle to explain, and time is running out. Moving between the long shadows of the Spanish Civil War and the business battles of a global economy, The Olive Groves of Belchite is Elena Moya Pereira s tale of how the past haunts our lives and of the battles that have just begun when the fighting is over. The Olive Groves of Belchite is a layered, well-paced novel fusing times and themes within the framework of a love story with a difference."
Los olivos de Belchite han crecido en una tierra que ha sido abandonada con la sangre derramada durante la Guerra Civil española. Moviéndose entre las largas sombras de la guerra que marcó a España y las batallas de negocios de la economía global actual, Los olivos de Belchite es la historia de cómo el pasado atormenta nuestras vidas y de las batallas que comienzan cuando termina la lucha. Una novela con muchos planos y ritmo perfecto, que se desarrolla a caballo entre España y Reino Unido, entre viñedos y campos de olivos, fusionando épocas y temas dentro del marco de una inesperada historia de amor y de la lucha de tres mujeres de una misma saga que se enfrentaron al franquismo y sus vestigios actuales. Paul Preston ha dicho... «La novela de Elena Moya es un milagro. No solo esgrime cómo la Guerra Civil destrozó miles de vidas y amores, sino que también trasluce cómo las consecuencias del conflicto todavía están muy presentes hoy.»
The prevention and treatment of diseases is a primary concern for any nation in modern society. To maintain an effective public health system, procedures and infrastructure must be analyzed and enhanced accordingly. Public Health and Welfare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research perspectives on public health initiatives and promotion efforts. Highlighting critical analyses and emerging innovations on an international scale, this book is a pivotal reference source for professionals, researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in the improvement of public health infrastructures.
Genetically engineered organisms (GEOs) have been under development for more than 20 years while GE crops have been grown commercially during the last decade. During this time, a number of questions have cropped up concerning the potential consequences that certain GEOs might have on natural or managed ecosystems and human health. Interest in developing methods to confine some GEOs and their transgenes to specifically designated release settings has increased and the success of these efforts could facilitate the continued growth and development of this technology. Biological Confinement of Genetically Engineered Organisms examines biological methods that may be used with genetically engineer...
Literacy has traditionally been associated with the linguistic and functional ability to read and write. Although literacy, as a fundamental issue in education, has received abundant attention in the last few decades, most publications to date have focused on monolingual classrooms. Language teacher educators have a responsibility to prepare teachers to be culturally responsive and flexible so they can adapt to the range of settings and variety of learners they will encounter in their careers while also bravely questioning the assumptions they are encountering about multilingual literacy development and instruction. The Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual...
Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 639,000 articles from more than 29,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2010, have been catalogued.
Una metáfora de nuestro tiempo, de la corrupción política y la desesperanza social, y de cómo un espíritu luchador puede ponerlos en jaque esgrimiendo honestidad y justicia, dos valores casi olvidados. Para Valli Querol, hija de unos humildes masoveros de Morella, la Guerra Civil se prolongó en una batalla clandestina y en un largo exilio. Pero Valli nunca perdió la esperanza de recuperar aquella sociedad igualitaria con la que soñaba. Tras la llegada de la democracia, regresó a Morella y volvió a ejercer de maestra. Décadas más tarde, en medio de la burbuja inmobiliaria, el alcalde de Morella planea la venta de la antigua escuela para convertirla en un casino, en pisos o en un c...