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The private enforcement of competition law through damages actions and/or injunctions before ordinary courts of justice is currently the preferred system in the United States. It is playing an increasingly important role in Europe by supplementing a still predominantly public system based on disciplinary rules enforced by public authorities that do not entail compensation for victims. Compensation can only be achieved through private enforcement, which is already viewed as an alternative to the public system. This work, whose origins lie in the International Conference on the private enforcement of Competition Law held at the University of Valladolid's School of Law offers a comprehensive, p...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa160\sl252\slmult1\i\f0\fs22 Blame it on the Gender\i0 offers a multidisciplinary approach to gender studies in Antiquity, containing contributions by international scholars on different ancient geographical contexts where gender and gender relations can be studied. From the Iron Age in northern Spain to Roman Late Antiquity, this volume revises our understanding of people\rquote s life in the past. It offers a critical analysis of previous methodological approaches and suggests new techniques. The various contributors discuss gender misconceptions repeated in scholarship over the last few decades and emphasise the need for researchers to consider gender in their own studies. Each contribution offers a recent bibliography for further reading and the chapters cover different masculinities, gender stereotypes, women, and new approaches in archaeology as well as in history, literature, and epigraphy.\par\pard\f1\fs17\par}
Cholesterol is an essential component of the plasma membrane. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), although a minor phospholipid, is the most abundant membrane phosphoinositide. Both lipids play key roles in a variety of cellular functions including as signalling molecules and major regulators of protein function. Studies on these important lipids have traditionally focused on the effect of each lipid individually. Accumulating evidence indicates, however, that these lipids may cross-regulate each other’s levels. Furthermore, it is becoming evident that cholesterol and PI(4,5)P2 can act together to modulate protein function and biological processes. This book provides an over...
Cuidado de enfermería al niño con cardiopatía representa una recopilación del papel de la enfermera en los 41 años de experiencia de la Cardioinfantil.
PROLOGUE In the heart of every hospital, amidst the hum of machinery and the flurry of activity, there exists a realm where seconds can mean the difference between life and death. This is the world of trauma, emergency general surgery, and surgical critical care—a world that demands unwavering precision, rapid decision-making, and an unyielding commitment to saving lives. As practitioners in these demanding fields, we are acutely aware of the challenges that come with the territory. The unpredictable nature of trauma cases, the complexity of emergency surgeries, and the delicate balance required in critical care settings place extraordinary demands on clinicians. It is within these high-st...
En el vasto campo de la cardiología, la cardiología crítica emerge como un dominio que requiere atención aguda, comprensión profunda y habilidades decisivas. Este volumen aborda este fascinante territorio médico, donde los cardiólogos enfrentan desafíos que exigen no solo conocimientos especializados, sino también un enfoque multidisciplinario y habilidades para la toma de decisiones rápidas.
Prólogo El Tratado de cuidados intensivos pediátricos es producto del trabajo de los 22 comités que actualmente integran la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos. Bajo una guía práctica, una lectura amigable y conceptos adecuados a nuestra realidad, encontraremos lo que toda persona del equipo multidisciplinario que maneja al paciente pediátrico grave en Latinoamérica debe de dominar y conocer. Nuestra ideología aborda el desafío del cuidado intensivo pediátrico actual, que estriba en el manejo del paciente de complejidad médica que se ha desarrollado debido al avance tecnológico, abordándolo desde el punto de vista biopsicosocial y de acuerdo con los recu...
Un nuevo libro. Pero no cualquier libro, sino un libro nuevo. Un libro que en nuestra propia lengua aún no existe. En el año 2022, no en cualquier año, sino luego de haber lidiado con la pandemia por COVID-19 durante casi dos años y medio. No es un momento más de nuestra existencia, sino, posiblemente, el momento más crítico que toda nuestra generación vivirá por el resto de sus vidas: la posibilidad de volver a ser quienes éramos y como éramos, ajustándonos a una nueva realidad, o dejar de ser. Ni más ni menos. En estos tiempos, es cuando un grupo de colegas admirables, los doctores Carrillo Esper, Orihuela Sandoval y Ayala León, nos traen esta joya, tan única como necesaria....