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Obstetri adalah cabang kedokteran yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan dan persalinan, termasuk proses sebelum, selama, dan setelah seorang wanita melahirkan. Ginekologi adalah cabang kedokteran yang fokus pada kesehatan tubuh dan organ reproduksi wanita. Cabang ini mencakup diagnosis, penanganan, hingga perawatan penyakit yang terkait dengan organ reproduksi wanita. Wanita hamil biasanya berkunjung ke ahli obstetri dan ginekologi untuk pemeriksaan dan perawatan rutin antenatal (antenatal care), yakni pemeriksaan kondisi kehamilan dan persiapan persalinan. Rentang waktunya beragam sesuai anjuran dokter selama masa kehamilan, tetapi mereka akan menemui dokter secara rutin tiap trimester.
Bayi baru lahir (Neonatus) adalah bayiyang baru lahir mengalami proses kelahiran, berusia 0 - 28 hari, BBL memerlukan penyesuaian fisiologis berupa maturase, adaptasi (menyesuaikan diri dari kehidupan intra uterin ke kehidupan (ekstrauterain) dan toleransi bagi BBL utuk dapat hidup dengan baik.
Keluarga berencana atau Family Planning adalah upaya mewujudkan keluarga berkualitas melalui promosi, perlindungan dan bantuan dalam hak-hak reproduksi untuk membentuk keluarga dengan usia kawin yang ideal, mengatur jumlah, jarak kehamilan, membina ketahanan serta kesejahteraan anak (BKKBN, 2015).
Here are the winners of the World Press Photo contest for each year--the most striking, compelling, and sometimes disturbing stories of that year.
One morning, Emma wakes up feeling excited about a very special dream. She flies up high through the clouds and comes to a beautiful land called heaven where she has all sorts of adventures. Is this just a dream, or is there something magical about her journey?
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of The International Conference on Environment and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19 – 2020 (ICETLAWBE 2020). This conference is organized by Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung, Coorporation With Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, STEBI Lampung Indonesia, Asia e University Malaysia, Rostov State University Russia, University of Diponegoro Indonesia, IAIN Palu Indonesia, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia, STEBIS IGM Palembang Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Indonesia, Universitas ...
In this book, an interdisciplinary research group of faculty members, researchers, professionals, and planners contributed to an understanding of the dynamics and dimensions of emerging challenges and risks in megacities in the rapidly changing urban environments in Asia and examined emerging resilience themes from the point of view of sustainability and public policy. The world’s urban population in 2009 was approximately 3.4 billion and Asia’s urban population was about 1.72 billion. Between 2010 and 2020, 411 million people will be added to Asian cities (60 % of the growth in the world’s urban population). By 2020, of the world’s urban population of 4.2 billion, approximately 2.2 ...
The proceeding of FORIL XIII 2022 Scientific Forum Usakti conjunction with International Conference on Technology of Dental and Medical Sciences (ICTDMS) includes selected full papers that have been peer-reviewed and satisfy the conference's criteria. All studies on health, ethics, and social issues in the field of dentistry and medicine have been presented at the conference alongside clinical and technical presentations. The twelve primary themes that make up its framework include the following: behavioral epidemiologic, and health services, conservative dentistry, dental materials, dento-maxillofacial radiology, medical sciences and technology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral biology, oral medicine and pathology, orthodontics, pediatrics dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics. This proceeding is likely to be beneficial in keeping dental and medical professionals apprised of the most recent scientific developments.
This is an open access book.The Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Lampung in Indonesia is hosting the International Conference of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship (ICEBE) 2022, its fifth annual international conference. The goal of this conference is to provide a clear direction and substantial advancements in the quickly recovering global economy. The 5th ICEBE welcomes and cordially encourages all authors to submit outstanding works on a range of topics relevant to the conference's theme. Theme: “Global Economy and Business Recovery Growth to Create a Sustainable Business-Friendly Environment”
An expert in the field addresses a hard-to-grasp concept for new writing teachers