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Research into material culture has become one of the most important fields in medieval and early modern studies. While past research focused primarily on the objects as such, present interests have moved to humans and their ties to things. This volume concentrates on the perception of medieval and early modern material culture, in particular exceptional objects that can be seen as "favourite things". Contributions lead from theoretical issues to specific groups of objects, their exclusivity and function as social markers. The analyses address both religious and secular space.
Beards and Texts explores the literary portrayal of beards in medieval German texts from the mid-twelfth to the early sixteenth centuries. It argues that as the pre-eminent symbol for masculinity the beard played a distinctive role throughout the Middle Ages in literary discussions of such major themes as majesty and humanity. At the same time beards served as an important point of reference in didactic poetry concerned with wisdom, teaching and learning, and in comedic texts that were designed to make their audiences laugh, not least by submitting various figure-types to the indignity of having their beards manhandled. Four main chapters each offer a reading of a work or poetic tradition of...
This book intends to present Mamardashvili’s philosophical perspective on modern society by exemplifying in different ways its distinctive contribution to the greater philosophical landscape. The authors aim to define both Mamardashvili’s place in the history of philosophy—among the currents of twentieth-century European thought and, in particular, phenomenology—and his relations with authors like Hegel, Proust, Deleuze, and Wittgenstein, while identifying the basic methodological instruments and substantive concepts of his thought—language, migration, citizenship, or “the freedom of complaint.” The volume will be useful both for preparatory courses (by supplying an introduction to Mamardashvili’s thought and forming the key necessary concepts) and for advanced research exigencies, allowing a professional audience to discover the remarkable insights of Mamardashvili’s philosophy.
This work celebrates the investigative power of phenomenology to explore the phenomenological sense of space and time in conjunction with the phenomenology of intentionality, the invisible, the sacred, and the mystical. It examines the course of life through its ontopoietic genesis, opening the cosmic sphere to logos. The work also explores, on the one hand, the intellectual drive to locate our cosmic position in the universe and, on the other, the pull toward the infinite. It intertwines science and its grounding principles with imagination in order to make sense of the infinite. This book is the second of a two-part work that contains papers presented at the 62nd International Congress of ...
Die Virginal erzählt als Jugendgeschichte Dietrichs von Bern von dessen ersten Abenteuern: der Befreiung der Königin Virginal von einem grausamen Heidenkönig und zahlreichen weiteren Heiden-, Riesen- und Drachenkämpfen. Dabei geht es um die Sozialisation des jungen Dietrich und die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit der Dietrichhelden, um die Bewertung von Minne und Aventiure und um einen „historisierenden" Hintergrund von Heidenkämpfen und Kriegen. Geboten wird eine handschriftennahe Neuausgabe der drei Versionen des aventiurehaften Dietrichepos ('Heidelberger', 'Wiener' und 'Dresdner Virginal'), ergänzt durch knappe Erläuterungen zu den Textzeugen, zur Versionenbildung und zum Editionsverfahren sowie durch Literatur- und Namensverzeichnisse. Beigegeben ist ferner das themenverwandte Goldemar-Fragment. Damit werden der Forschung eine überlieferungsnahe Textgrundlage für Interpretationen und Material für weiterführende Untersuchungen zu heldenepischer Fassungsbildung und Varianz zur Verfügung gestellt
Merab Mamardashvili (1930-1990) is a legend of Russian and Russian-Soviet philosophy. His work sought to cultivate an “awakening to thought,” to help his interlocuters distinguish between truth and falsity. This book serves as an in-depth investigation into the life and work of one of the most prominent philosophers of Russian and Russian-Soviet history, collecting his ideas here in one book. Diana Gasparyan explains the philosophical foundations of his ideas, as they relate to the broader traditions of philosophy of consciousness, phenomenology, existentialism, transcendental philosophy, and Continental philosophy. However, his ideas also lead much further - deep into philosophy itself, its cultural origins, and to the basis and roots of all human thought.
Exploring Mamardashvili's extensive philosophical output, as well as a range of recent Russian films, Alyssa DeBlasio reveals the intellectual affinities amongst directors of the Mamardashvili generation - including Alexander Sokurov, Andrey Zvyagintsev and Alexei Balabanov.
›Hassspiele‹ werden nicht nur in Zeiten von Kriegen und Revolutionen getrieben. Sie stellen auch in Friedenszeiten einen Normal- und zugleich Grenzfall menschlicher Kommunikation dar, der affektive Dynamiken des gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders sichtbar werden lässt. Am Beispiel literatur-, kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Analysen wird einerseits gezeigt, wie durch Hassbesessenheit ganze Existenzen, Individuen und Kollektive, ihre Kulturen, Werte, Beziehungen und Heimatorte inter- und intrakulturell beschädigt und vernichtet werden (können). Andererseits werden Akzente gesetzt, die verdeutlichen, dass der Bildung von Hasskollektiven affektive Gruppenbildungen gegenüberstehen, die...
La figura e l’opera di Giosue Carducci sono attraversate da una profonda contraddizione, non sempre risolta. Da un lato, infatti, il professore-poeta si pone come ultimo scudiero dei classici, il campione della tradizione nazionale, colui al quale la storia ha attribuito il compito di creare i miti della nuova nazione. Dall’altro egli guarda all’Europa, alle sperimentazioni poetiche in atto, ed è in grado di dialogare con i dotti del vecchio continente. Se la Francia continua a essere l’interlocutrice principale, Carducci presta attenzione al mondo tedesco, da cui è stato ugualmente ripagato. Di questo fecondo dialogo il presente volume è una testimonianza ricca e preziosa, in grado di sfatare molti pregiudizi (come quello del Carducci irredentista germanofobo) e di aprire inedite prospettive di ricerca.