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Culinary Herbs and Spices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 647

Culinary Herbs and Spices

The aim of this book is to bring together current knowledge of thirty of the most commonly used culinary herbs and spices globally in an accessible dictionary format.

Fast Like a Girl
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Fast Like a Girl

INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER! WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER! PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY BESTSELLER! Includes a 30-Day fasting reset that uses the power of your cycle—even if you no longer have one! A go-to fasting manual created specifically to address women's needs based on their hormones and menstrual cycle by Dr. Mindy Pelz, a well-known expert on women and fasting, whose fast-growing YouTube channel has become the destination for women who want to learn about fasting. Are you among the many women who feel unheard and unseen by their doctors and health professionals? Have you become exhausted by the promise of quick-fix diets that only leave you disappointed? Well in Fast Like a Girl, Dr. Mindy he...

Culinary Herbs and Spices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 490

Culinary Herbs and Spices

Culinary herbs and spices have been recognised globally for their dietary and medicinal uses for centuries. A growing body of research is acknowledging their health-promoting properties as well as their therapeutic potential with reference to a number of chronic non-communicable diseases including cancer and type 2 diabetes. The aim of this book is to bring together current knowledge of thirty of the most commonly used culinary herbs and spices globally in an accessible dictionary format. For each culinary herb or spice the following is covered: origin and history of use, including their use in food preservation and for medicinal purposes; nutritional composition; chemistry; sensory properties; adulteration; current and emerging research concerning their bioactive properties and their health promoting and therapeutic potential; safety; and adverse effects. The book is a central source of information for those who have a general interest in these foods, are studying plant and food science and nutrition, and who practice or have an interest in the culinary arts.

John Heywood's threepenny atlas
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 42

John Heywood's threepenny atlas

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1872
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Surgical Forum
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 868

Surgical Forum

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1995
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Proceedings of the forum sessions, 36th- Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, 1950-

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 75


嚴格節食、努力健身,為何還是瘦不下來?——因為人體系統天生就懶惰! 生物駭客之父25年集大成之作,運用最尖端的神經科學、營養學、人工智慧, 有效減輕體重和壓力,提升肌力、心血管功能、腦功能、能量、新陳代謝,身心靈無痛升級! 你是否感到疲憊不堪?在減重方面有困難?在健身房裡沒有看到成果?這些並不是因為你軟弱,而是因為你的硬體有問題。 身體有一個不想要你知道的祕密。它只關心兩件事,第一個是不要死,第二個是要在不死的過程中消耗最少的能量。 本書教你善用生物駭客的概念,聰明駭入以...

Půstem k ženskému zdraví
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 318

Půstem k ženskému zdraví

Unikátní průvodce ženským půstem podle fází menstruačního cyklu. Chcete spálit přebytečný tuk, nastartovat samoléčebné procesy v těle, vyrovnat hormonální hladiny, získat zpět duševní i fyzickou svěžest? Lékařka přírodní medicíny a uznávaná odbornice na výživu a půst přináší individuální léčebné postupy a strategie šité na míru ženskému organismu.

Legacies of Departed African Women Writers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

Legacies of Departed African Women Writers

Legacies of Departed African Women Writers: Matrix of Creativity and Power proffers varied perspectives of the invaluable contributions of ten deceased African writers from all across Africa who have cleared the path to a vibrant African feminist arena. The dynamics of change gleaned from both their textual and contextual concerns unarguably set the pace for contemporary African women writers who have striven to follow in the footsteps of their literary mothers as well as their oral foremothers. This book, edited by Helen Chukwuma and Chioma Carol Opara, shows the collective testament of ample creativity and power generated by these departed heroes: Flora Nwapa, Mariama Ba, Grace Ogot, Zulu Sofola, Bessie Head, Buchi Emecheta, Nawal El Saadawi, Assia Djebar, Yvonne Vera, and Nadine Gordimer. These chapters revolve around the positive impact of the celebrated writers on creative writing, theoretical formulations, and socio-cultural change. The contributors argue that these corpuses of works have illuminated creativity rooted in power, vision, and freedom.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 313


利用獨特的月經週期, 找回女性體內的治癒力量! ★拯救數以千計女性的健康與最有效的瘦身法 亞馬遜女性健康類別暢銷書,四千多則評分近五顆星的好成績! 敏迪.佩爾茲是營養功能的健康專家,專門教授斷食生活方式、飲食變化、排毒、荷爾蒙等原則。 提出以月經週期為準的「30天斷食重置方案」,根據月經週期,改變斷食長度並搭配正確的食物選擇。 ★身為女性的妳是否因為無效減肥、健康退化而感到困擾? 這是給身為女性的你最完善的「月經週期斷食療法」,不僅是針對減肥改變體態,而是寄望能夠改善整體女...

Il digiuno per le donne
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 222

Il digiuno per le donne

Il metodo di Mindy Pelz contiene il segreto per il dimagrimento femminile. Se non riesci a perdere i chili in più anche se mangi poco e fai movimento, se ti senti sempre gonfia, se sei in menopausa e non riconosci più il tuo corpo, questo libro è la soluzione che cerchi. Se hai già provato il digiuno ma con te sembra non funzionare, qui troverai un programma su misura che risolverà i tuoi problemi di peso, di infiammazione, di metabolismo lento. Molti esperti di digiuno propongono soluzioni universali che non rispondono alle specifiche esigenze del corpo femminile e al suo ciclo ormonale. La dottoressa Mindy Pelz, pioniera ed esperta internazionale del digiuno, ha aiutato centinaia di m...