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Hematologi dasar adalah cabang ilmu kedokteran laboratorium yang mempelajari darah dan gangguan-gangguan yang terkait dengan elemen darah, seperti sel darah merah, sel darah putih, dan trombosit. Studi hematologi dasar membantu dalam diagnosis, pemantauan, dan penanganan berbagai penyakit dan kondisi medis yang memengaruhi sistem hematopoietik. Beberapa konsep dasar yang tercakup dalam hematologi dasar melibatkan pemahaman tentang fungsi dan peran utama dari komponen-komponen darah, serta perubahan yang dapat terjadi pada kondisi penyakit.
Bakteriologi Dasar adalah cabang ilmu mikrobiologi yang khusus mempelajari bakteri. Dalam bakteriologi dasar, berbagai aspek bakteri dipelajari, mulai dari struktur dan morfologi bakteri, mekanisme pertumbuhan dan reproduksi, hingga dampaknya pada manusia dan lingkungan.
Plebotomi adalah proses pengambilan darah dari sirkulasi melalui tusukan atau sayatan pada pembuluh darah vena, arteri maupun kapiler dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan sampel. Tujuan plebotomi antara lain mengambil sampel darah untuk analisis laboratorium seperti tes darah rutin, tes fungsi hati, tes fungsi ginjal, dan tes lainnya yang membantu dalam diagnosis penyakit atau kondisi medis, mengurangi volume darah pada kondisi tertentu seperti polisitemia vera (tubuh memproduksi terlalu banyak sel darah merah), mengurangi kadar zat besi dalam darah pada kondisi seperti hemochromatosis, mengambil sampel darah untuk penelitian ilmiah atau uji klinis. Proses pengambilan sampel darah (plebotomi) dapa...
Providing essential reading for medical, veterinary and biological science students, and students of physiology and trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology, the seventh edition of Essential Reproduction offers an up-to-date account of the fundamentals of reproduction within the context of cutting-edge knowledge and examples of its application. It provides a multidisciplinary approach integrating physiology, genetics, behaviour, anatomy and clinical science, to give thorough coverage of the study of mammalian reproduction. Essential Reproduction is now accompanied by the Wiley E-Text: Powered by VitalSource, and includes: The latest on conceptual, informational and applied aspects of reproduction A new structure offering a more logical approach to study and revision Expanded further reading suggestions to support research A companion website at features all of the images from the book to download – perfect for instructor and student support. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store.
Black Seeds (Nigella sativa) is a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of this medicinal plant, well-known for its positive effects in many human ailments. It has been used to promote health and fight diseases, and has been found to have antioxidant, antihypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. It has also been known to have antimicrobial, anticancer, neuro-protectant, cardio protectant, immunomodulator, hepatic protectant characteristics. Thymoquinone, the active compound of the plant, also exhibits these protective qualities against many disorders. This book summarizes the effect of this plant on all the organ systems of the body. Black Seeds (Nigella s...
• The first book to fully explore the extraordinary effectiveness of black cumin against immune-system disorders, allergies, asthma, and skin problems. • Written by the world's foremost experts on black cumin. • Includes precise directions for preparation and specific recipes for treating a variety of ailments. The extraordinary healing powers of black cumin have been known for centuries in the Middle East where the Prophet Mohammed himself declared: "Black cumin heals every disease except for death." It enjoyed wide use in ancient Egypt as a digestive aid and as an effective medicine for colds, headaches, toothaches, and infections. Because of its complex chemical structure--it has ov...
Abstract: An authorative, detailed text for physicians, food and nutrition scientists, and other health professionals covers a variety of aspects of the chemistry, composition, consumption, pharmacology, epidemiology, and processing of methylxanthine (caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline) in beverages and foods, in 16 technical papers by experts in their respective fields. Topics include health effects (cardiovascular, neural, renal, gastrointestinal, respiration); analytical methods; coffee, tea, cocoa, and chocolate products, their processing and composition; caffeine consumption and human health; and metabolic effects. (wz).