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This series of HANDBOOKS OF LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction.For ""classic"" linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints, while in the m.
This comprehensive, state-of-the-art bibliography documents the most recent research activity in the vibrant field of language, gender and sexuality. It provides experts in the field and students in tertiary education with access to language-centred resources on gender and sexuality and is, therefore, an ideal research companion. The main part of the bibliography lists 3,454 relevant publications (monographs, edited volumes, journal articles and contributions to edited volumes) that have been published within the period from 2000 to 2011. It unites work done in linguistics with that of neighbouring disciplines, covering studies dealing with a broad range of languages and cultures around the globe. Alphabetical listing and a keyword index facilitate finding relevant work by author and subject matter. The e-book version additionally enables users to search the entire document for specific terms. Sections on earlier bibliographies and general reference works on language, gender and sexuality complete the compilation.
The momentous events since September 11, 2001, both challenged the field of American Studies and opened up new opportunities for research, teaching, and activism. This book presents more than 160 short contributions by Americanists and Non-Americanists from around the world in an essayistic brainstorm that brings together many questions asked about "America" and American Studies in the age of globalization.
The Turkish language in diaspora is in process of change due to different language constellations of immigrants and the dominance of majority languages. This led to a great interest in various research areas, particularly in linguistics. Against this background, this study focuses on developmental change in the use of adverbial clause-combining constructions in Turkish-German bilingual students' oral and written text production. It illustrates the use of non-finite constructions and some unique alternative strategies to express adverbial relations with authentic examples in Turkish and German. The findings contribute to a better understanding of how bilingual competencies vary in expressing adverbial relations depending on language contact and extra-linguistic factors. Dr. Seda Yilmaz Wörfel completed a Ph.D. in German linguistics at the University of Potsdam, Germany. She works as a research associate at the Mercator-Institute for Literacy and Language Education at the University of Cologne. Her research interests are Turkish-German Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Multiliteracy and Language Contact.
This dissertation contributes to the study of English as a lingua franca in business negotiations focussing, among other aspects, on the pragmatic functions of conditionals. What sets English as a lingua franca apart from other forms of usage? Is there a regularity to the use of conditionals? What functions do different forms of conditionals have in lingua franca English business negotiation? The author uses business encounters recorded at an international music trade fair as her data and shows that non-standard as well as standard conditionals are used in different phases of business negotiations to indicate different degrees of commitment. Bettina Dresemann is a teacher of English and Spanish and has worked as a lecturer for English and Applied Linguistics at the Universities of Münster, Erfurt and Bochum. She is a passionate linguist and traveller, taught German as a Second Language in Germany and the USA and is currently living in Brazil. The current book is the published version of her PhD dissertation in Applied Linguistics (Sprachlehrforschung) presented at the University of Münster.
Die Beiträge ausgewiesener Griechenland-Kenner in den HELLENIKA 15 spannen einen Bogen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart und beschäftigen sich unter anderem mit Themen von Philosophie, Literatur und Kulturgeschichte sowie den deutsch-griechischen Beziehungen. Mehrere Beiträge weiten den Blick auf die ebenso bedeutenden österreichisch-griechischen Beziehungen, ein weiterer widmet sich tragischen Ereignissen der osmanisch/türkisch-griechischen Geschichte, die bis heute für beide Nationen nicht abschließend verarbeitet sind. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt machen Beiträge zur 200. Wiederkehr des Beginns des Griechischen Freiheitskampfes von 1821 aus.
Die Kreuzfahrer kamen im Jahr 1204 in das byzantinische Reich, eroberten und plünderten Konstantinopel, die Hauptstadt des Reiches, anstatt Syrien und Ägypten zu erobern. Später nahmen sie innerhalb eines Jahrzehnts verschiedene Provinzen des byzantinischen Reiches ein. Unter ihnen war das Fürstentum von Morea (oder Achaia) in Peloponnes. Die Chronik von Morea, die in vier Versionen überliefert ist (französisch, griechisch, italienisch und aragonesisch), ist die einzige Quelle, die uns die fränkische Herrschaft im 13. Jahrhundert in Peloponnes darstellt. Überdies ist die griechische Chronik eine bedeutende Quelle für die Entwicklung der griechischen Sprache in einem kulturellen Mischgebiet, wo Griechen und Franken koexistierten.
Bde. 16, 18, 21, and 28 each contain section "Verlagsveränderüngen im deutschen Buchhandel."
Der Nordosten Griechenlands ist anders als der Rest des Landes und entspricht nicht dem üblichen Bild von Griechenland, das der Mitteleuropäer im Kopf trägt. Dass es sich lohnt, diesen Teil des Landes zu besuchen, stellen die Autoren in diesem Band vor. Abwechslungsreiche Natur und Landschaften, kulturelle Besonderheiten und Vielfalt der Bevölkerung sind Aktivposten des Nordostens. Ist der Blick erstmal dafür geöffnet, wird man überall erstaunliche Entdeckungen machen. Östliche und westliche Aspekte verschmelzen zu einer ganz charakteristischen Melange der Kulturen, nördliche und südliche Elemente der Natur erzeugen eine beachtenswerte Mischung. Endemische Pflanzen und Tiere gibt e...