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Pers mahasiswa di Malang dulunya bergerak di luar kampus dan terlibat dalam aksi-aksi politik menentang kekuasaan yang korup. Mereka tergabung dalam IPMI dan sempat mendukung Orde Baru menjadi penguasa di akhir Demokrasi Terpimpin, namun kemudian membelot menjadi penentangnya yang lantang. Bulan madu pers mahasiswa dengan Orde Baru tak berlangsung lama. Dianggap merisak stabilitas kekuasaan, pemerintahan Soeharto segera memaksakan konsep ‘back to campus’ guna melokalisir peran pers mahasiswa menjadi sekadar subsistem kampus. Akhirnya, kongres IPMI pada 1971 memutuskan untuk menerima tawaran ‘back to campus’. Dari dalam kampus, perlawanan pers mahasiswa di Malang justru menguat. Di ko...
Buku yang sedang Anda baca ini, Saudara, adalah upaya awal melangkah secara jujur untuk memberitahu secara sungguh-sungguh atas isi sebuah buku. Sebagai langkah awal, sebelas peresensi buku ini melewati tahap yang mungkin berat ketika telepon genggam semakin smart, namun praktik membaca buku secara sungguh-sungguh makin surut ke belakang. Mula-mula, lewat Kelas Resensi, mereka diminta melalui lagi jalan kesenangan memilih dan membaca buku hingga tuntas hingga dibaca kembali sekali lagi. Lalu, dalam lokakarya yang ekstensif, ke sebelas peresensi ini dilatih membagikan impresi mereka itu kepada orang lain dengan jalan menuliskannya. Melewati 22 jam yang efektif, pencarian inti pesan atas sebua...
Kongres Kebudayaan Desa merupakan rangkaian upaya desa untuk menyumbangkan ide, gagasan, dan pemikirannya untuk Indonesia. Desa yang hadirnya jauh mendahului negara telah berabad-abad memiliki mekanisme pertahanan kebudayaan yang kokoh atas krisis multidimensional mulai zaman kolonial hingga kemerdekaan. Hadirnya COVID-19 telah mendekontruksi semua tatanan tanpa teriakan revolusi. Ruang kosong di level gagasan yang tercipta oleh terdekontruksinya tatanan adalah kesempatan. Kongres Kebudayaan Desa lahir untuk merebut ruang kosong tersebut. Dengan membaca pengalaman kehidupan berdesa yang lahir dan tumbuh dalam gugusan masyarakat desa dan adat nusantara, lahirlah ragam pengetahuan yang akan dijadikan pedoman bagi desa-desa untuk merangkai ulang imajinasi atas INDONESIA. Ragam pengetahuan dan Imajinasi kehidupan berdesa, berbangsa, dan bernegara akan dideklarasikan sebagai Tatanan Indonesia Baru Dari Desa sebagai visi bersama, Visi Indonesia Baru.
Buku 100 Konser Musik di Indonesia ini mencoba membentangkan satu riwayat bagaimana seratus konser musik menjadi peristiwa seni dan budaya memengaruhi geliat perekonomian, meramaikan belantika kebudayaan populer, serta menggairahkan kultur bermusik di kalangan darah muda. Tak semua konser musik ditampilkan sebab sejarah (konser) musik dalam bingkai “100 Konser” ini. Sebab, mula-mula memang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana festival budaya populer di ruang publik dikelola lewat kerja sama berbagai pihak yang membawa kesadaran baru ihwal manajemen pengelolaan seni budaya yang lebih baik. Buku ini adalah bagian dari ikhtiar menjaga asa bermusik atau berkarya di lajur seni budaya musik dengan bercermin kepada kaca benggala masa silam yang pernah ditorehkan para pendahulu. Sekaligus, buku ini bisa mengisi kepustakaan musik di Indonesia yang lengang, khususnya dalam pengetahuan sejarah pertunjukan musik (di) Indonesia.
In October 1999, Abdurrahman Wahid, almost blind and recovering from a nearfatal stroke, was elected as Indonesia's fourth president. Referred to as 'Indonesia's surprising new president' by the Economist, the man who had commanded the highest respect of his fellow countrymen for his lifetime devotion to public service, liberal democracy and tolerant Islam, was impeached in humiliating and controversial circumstances less than two years later. Wise to some, insolent to others, Abdurrahman's mercurial style of leadership constantly confounded critics and ultimately caused him to be widely misunderstood by both domestic and international observers. For the first time, biographer Greg Barton delves beneath the surface and gives us a unique insight into the man and his world drawn from his long relationship with Gus Dur - including being at his side during the final extraordinary months of the presidency. Those interested in the drama of modern Indonesian politics will find this book provides a fascinating and invaluable account of the enigmatic Gus Dur.
Vocational Education and Training
In this exhilarating culinary novel, a woman's road trip through Indonesia becomes a discovery of friendship, self, and other rare delicacies. Aruna is an epidemiologist dedicated to food and avian politics. One is heaven, the other earth. The two passions blend in unexpected ways when Aruna is asked to research a handful of isolated bird flu cases reported across Indonesia. While it's put a crimp in her aunt's West Java farm, and made her own confit de canard highly questionable, the investigation does provide an irresistible opportunity. It's the perfect excuse to get away from corrupt and corrosive Jakarta and explore the spices of the far-flung regions of the islands with her three friends: a celebrity chef, a globe-trotting "foodist," and her coworker Farish. From Medan to Surabaya, Palembang to Pontianak, Aruna and her friends have their fill of local cuisine. With every delicious dish, she discovers there's so much more to food, politics, and friendship. Now, this liberating new perspective on her country--and on her life--will push her to pursue the things she's only dreamed of doing.
Globalization, the information age, and the rise of the knowledge-based economy are significantly transforming the way we acquire, disseminate, and transform knowledge. And, as a result, knowledge production is becoming closer and more directly linked to economic competitiveness. This evolution is also putting new and urgent demands on academic institutions to adjust to the changing needs of society and economy. In particular, there is growing pressure on the institutions of higher education and research in developed economies to find and affirm their new role in the national innovation system. Their counterparts in developing economies need to define their role in supporting emerging struct...
In the United States, the causes and even the meanings of poverty are disconnected from the causes and meanings of global poverty. The Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the United States provides an authoritative overview of the relationship of poverty with the rise of neoliberal capitalism in the context of globalization. Reorienting its national economy towards a global logic, US domestic policies have promoted a market-based strategy of economic development and growth as the obvious solution to alleviating poverty, affecting approaches to the problem discursively, politically, economically, culturally and experientially. However, the handbook explores how rather than alleviating poverty, i...
Outlines the history of the expansion and globalization of national economies and explains how globalization evolved to its present state.