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economics;consumer behavior;advertising;branding;brand advertising;advertising campaigns;consumer psychology;marketing;market research;digital marketing;fortune 500;business;business development;business analysis;ipsos;dr emmanuel probst; Every year, brands spend over $560 billion (and counting) to convince us to buy their products. Yet, as consumers we have become insensitive to most advertising. We easily forget brands and may switch to another product on a whim. There are ways for brands to break this cycle. Brands that succeed are the ones that help us find meaning. In this process, the brands become meaningful in and of themselves. Brand Hacks takes you on an exploratory journey, revealing why most advertising campaigns fail and examining the personal, social, and cultural meanings that successful brands bring to consumers’ everyday lives. Most importantly, this book will show you how to use simple brand hacks to create and grow brands that deliver meaning even with a limited budget. Brand Hacks is supported by in-depth research in consumer psychology, interviews with industry-leading marketers, and case studies of meaningful brands, both big and small.
Brands can no longer force-feed us a plethora of products we don't need. To succeed, brands must transform us and the world we live in. Assemblage guides you through the art and science of creating transformative brands by combining personal, social, and cultural components. Assemblage will show you Why perception is the truth and how to shape people's perceptions Why we relate to antiheroes, villains, and saviors How brands can reassure consumers about their past, present, and future How to leverage data and insights to deliver a personalized, human-centric consumer experience How brands can make a positive impact on people, society, and the economy Assemblage is supported by in-depth research in consumer psychology, extensive consumer insights, interviews with industry-leading marketers, and case studies of transformative brands, big and small.
This open access book focuses on Switzerland-based medium-sized companies with a longstanding export tradition and a proven dominance in global niche markets. Based upon in-depth documentation and analysis of 36 Swiss companies over their entire history, an expert team of authors presents several parallels in the pathways and success factors which allowed these firms to become dominant and operate from a high-cost location such as Switzerland. The book enhances these insights by providing detailed company profiles documenting the company history, development, and how their relevant global niche positions were reached. Readers will benefit from these profiles as they compile a diverse selecti...
There are a lot of great advertising books, but none that get down in the dirt with you quite like this one. Thomas Kemeny made a career at some of the best ad agencies in America. In this book he shows how he got in, how he's stayed in, and how you can do it too. He breaks apart how to write fun, smart, and effective copy-everything from headlines to scripts to experiential activations-giving readers a lesson on a language we all thought we already knew. This book is not a retrospective from some ad legend. It's a book that should be instantly useful for people starting out. A guide for the first few years at a place you'd actually want to work. Traditionally, advertising books have been written by people with established careers, big offices and letters like VP in their titles. They have stories from the old days when people could start in the mailroom. They are talented. That's been done. Who wants another book filled with seasoned wisdom? This is a book written by somebody still getting his bearings. Someone who has made an extraordinary number of errors in a still short career. Someone who has managed to hang onto his job despite these shortcomings.
A brand is more than a snazzy logo – but what else is there to consider when building a brand? Do you really need a brand for business success? And what has intellectual property got to do with anything? A strong, authentic brand is what makes your business stand out from the crowd – and what drives long term success. But the branding industry can be an overwhelming minefield, full of conflicting advice and multiple disciplines – so how do you navigate your way through the process? That’s where Brand Tuned comes in. With the step-by-step TUNED methodology, you will: • define your brand to drive the business forward and help it stand out • know what brand promise will attract your...
Practical theology has outgrown its traditional pastoral paradigm. The articles in this handbook recognize that faith, spirituality, and lived religion, within and beyond institutional communities, refer to realms of cultures, ritual practices, and symbolic orders, whose boundaries are not clearly defined and whose contents are shifting. The International Handbook of Practical Theology offers insightful transcultural conceptions of religion and religious matters gathered from various cultures and traditions of faith. The first section presents ‘concepts of religion’. Chapters have to do with considerations of the conceptualizing of religion in the fields of ‘anthropology’, ‘communi...
How did the academy react to the rise, dominance, and ultimate fall of Germany's Third Reich? Did German professors of the humanities have to tell themselves lies about their regime's activities or its victims to sleep at night? Did they endorse the regime? Or did they look the other way, whether out of deliberate denial or out of fear for their own personal safety? The Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich is a collection of groundbreaking essays that shed light on this previously overlooked piece of history. The Betrayal of the Humanities accepts the regrettable news that academics and intellectuals in Nazi Germany betrayed the humanities, and explores what went...
Leo Burnett is one of the world's most successful advertising agencies, responsible for countless enduring ideas and creative campaigns. HumanKind provides a glimpse of the moment of germination within the inner sanctum of the advertising industry's most creative shop through interviews, conversations, transcripts and images. Aimed at advertisers, marketing experts, artists, designers, PR firms and anyone else interested in reaching out to others and conveying a message, HumanKind provides readers with a chance to get insider advice and strategy first-hand.
I social media, negli ultimi anni, sono diventati potenti mezzi di comunicazione. A disposizione di chiunque abbia uno smartphone. Ma è utile “vivere di social media”? Sono numerosi i cambiamenti che si affacciano sulla scena: si passa dal pubblico al privato, dall’individuale al collettivo, dalla neutralità alla responsabilità. La Post Social Media Era è arrivata e porta con sé una nuova versione delle connessioni, creando comunità attendibili, dai contenuti che possano arricchire, in cui la metrica chiave è la fiducia. È essenziale ritagliarsi il tempo per fare qualcosa che conti per se stessi: abbattere le distrazioni sterili e renderlo una priorità. Fare rete. E per farlo servono le persone, non gli algoritmi. “Quello che ci aspetta, in definitiva, è un futuro più sociale e meno social”. Un ritorno all’umano, per abbracciare la Joy of missing out, abbandonando l’improduttiva FOMO. Tutto è content: sta a noi scegliere come valorizzarlo.