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Photographer Guy Martin investigates the blurred lines between reality and fiction in Turkey.
Yunus, the subject of that infinite realization that cannot be described in a book, is undoubtedly one of the most important spiritual figures of Anatolia in the world heritage. Understanding him and the lovers of Truth like him and generously spreading their understanding on the earth in line with their actions can only be a source of pride for a person. For this reason, so that we can live a life in the footsteps of our Yunus Emre and see him... Let's get acquainted Let's make it easy Let us love and be loved The world will not be left to anyone Yunus Emre
In this wide-ranging and intellectually lively essay, Amber Husain asks if our obsession with replacement is the very thing that is keeping the world in stasis. And, if so, with what might we replace our obsession with replacement? With references spanning the avant-garde art tec--futurism, and Effective Altruism, and taking in writers from Aristotle to Anne Boyer, Replace Me is a celebration of the possibilities for political transformation inherent in the act of embracing one's own replaceability.
Günümüz Türkiyesinde milletimizin birlik ve beraberliğini sağlayacak, inanç ve itikadını düzeltecek, Antalya / Kumluca ilçesinde yetişmiş MUHAMMED SIDDIK HEKİM (K.S.) Hocaefendi’nin kaleminden “FIRKA-İ NACİYE’NİN HÜKÜMLERİ” adlı eseri yayınlanmıştır. Allah (C.C.) ve Resulünü (Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem)’i seviyor ve inanıyorsanız, “Sırat-ı Mustakim” yolu olan “FIRKA-İ NACİYE’NİN HÜKÜMLERİ”ni okuyunuz. İslâm dininin günümüze kadar bozulmadan nasıl geldiğini bu eserde bulacaksınız. İslâmın garip görüldüğü, fırkaların çoğaldığı, katlu kital’in arttığı, fitnelerin azdığı, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem) efendimize töhmet edilip, normal bir beşer seviyesinde görüldüğü, herkes dini, Kur’an-ı kendi akıl ve mantığına göre yorumladığı, mesnet ve senede itibar edilmediği bir devirde Allah (C.C.) bu dini yeniden ihya edecek insanı yaratır. Yukarıda belirtilen konularda, günümüz insanının karşılaştığı itikadi bozukluk, sapık fırkalara, fitnelere karşı kurtuluş yolunu bu eserde sağlam mesned ve senedlerle bulacak, hayran kalacaksınız…
This volume is the first comprehensive comparative dictionary to cover the whole of the Chukotko-Kamchatkan family. The genealogical status of this family (whether from a common source or due to convergence) has long been controversial, but its coherence as a family can now be taken as proven. Its geographical position between Siberia and northernmost America renders it crucial in any attempt to relate the languages and peoples of these large linguistic regions. The dictionary consists of cognate sets arranged alphabetically according to reconstructed proto-forms and covers all published lexical sources for the languages concerned (plus a good deal of unpublished material). The criterion for...
İçeriği Arapça Ayetler, Türkçe Okunuş, Kelime kelime tercüme, üç değişik meal. Mealler Ali Bulaç, Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Diyanet
Bugüne kadar Yûnus Emre için nice sözler söylendi, nice eserler, nice kitaplar yazıldı. Söylenenler, yazılanlar, efsane çapında bir şeylerdir... Karşımızda efsaneleşmiş, destanlaşmış bir Yûnus vardır. Şimdi bu aşk kahramanı Yûnus'un gül bahçesinden ıtırlar koklamak istiyoruz ve bu çiçeklerden herkese, daha doğrusu gönlunde bir dilim aşk ateşi olanlara birer demet sunmak istiyoruz. *** Şiir güzeldir. Çünkü ulvi-gayeden alınan ilhamla yazılmıştır. Şiir güzeldir. Çünkü heyecan ve duyguları, îmân coşkunluğu içinde, hünerli bir sanat titizliğiyle, güzel sözler halinde işleyip dile getirmiştir. Şiir güzeldir. Çünkü his ve fikir, rüh ve îmân, ses ve duygu gibi bütün şubeleriyle Allah'ı arar! Gerçekten şair odur ki: îmânın sesine kalemini uydurur. Mânâ alemine dalıp Allah'ını, ezelî ve ebedi sevgilisini bulmaya çalışır. Bu cihan denilen gülistanda bir bülbül gibi dem çeker. "Şair, Allah kapısında en güzel bir dilencidir!" İşte Yûnus Emre bir ömür boyu bu mübarek kapının dilencisi olmuş ve daima Allah aşkı ile çağlamıştır.
The World Health Report 2000 has generated considerable media attention, controversy in some countries, and debate in academic journals. This volume brings together in one place the substance of many of these key debates and reports, methodological advances, and new empiricism reflecting the evolution of the WHO approach since the year 2000. Specifically, the volume presents many differing regional and technical perspectives on key issues, major new methodological developments, and a quantum increase in the empirical basis for cross-country performance assessment. It also gives the full report of the Scientific Peer Review Group's exhaustive assessment of these new approaches.
The popularity of Yunus Emre, who is often referred to as the Turkish national poet, has endured for six centuries. Yunus is the most important representative of early Turkish mysticism; he can be considered the founder of Alevi-Bektasi literature, and his influence on later tekke poetry was enormous. His ilahis (hymns) have played an important role in sufi ceremonies. Grace Martin Smith's translation of Yunus's poetry will acquaint the non-Turkish reader with the art and thinking of one of Turkey's most significant poets and will be helpful to students of both modern and Ottoman Turkish and to all those interested in Islamic poetry and piety.
Digital violence continues to increase, especially during times of crisis. Racism, bullying, ageism, sexism, child pornography, cybercrime, and digital tracking raise critical social and digital security issues that have lasting effects. Digital violence can cause children to be dragged into crime, create social isolation for the elderly, generate inter-communal conflicts, and increase cyber warfare. A closer study of digital violence and its effects is necessary to develop lasting solutions. The Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies introduces the current best practices, laboratory methods, policies, and protocols surrounding international digital violence and discrimination. Covering a range of topics such as abuse and harassment, this major reference work is ideal for researchers, academicians, policymakers, practitioners, professionals, instructors, and students.