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Buku ini merupakan simbol semangat intelektual dalam mengakaji pengenalan dasar-dasar akuntansi dalam berbagai bidang yang terbit pada tahun 2021. Kontributor dari buku ini adalah para peneliti dan dosen dari berbagai kampus di Indonesia. Mereka memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda. Penulisan buku ini dilandasi atas pentingnya update penelitian terbaru tentang kajian pengenalan dasardasar akuntansi dalam berbagai bidang yang menjadi isu dan problematika saat ini. Buku ini terdiri dari 10 artikel yang dimasukan ke dalam 10 bab di dalam buku ini. Upaya penyusunan buku ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan karya-karya yang dihasilkan para penulis sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca secara lebih luas
This book gathers the proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2019), held on 16–17 October 2019 in Surakarta, Indonesia. It focuses on two relatively broad areas – advanced materials and sustainable energy – and a diverse range of subtopics: Advanced Materials and Related Technologies: Liquid Crystals, Semiconductors, Superconductors, Optics, Lasers, Sensors, Mesoporous Materials, Nanomaterials, Smart Ferrous Materials, Amorphous Materials, Crystalline Materials, Biomaterials, Metamaterials, Composites, Polymers, Design, Analysis, Development, Manufacturing, Processing and Testing for Advanced Materials. Sustainable Energy and Related Technologies: Energy Management, Storage, Conservation, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Energy-Efficient Buildings, Energy-Efficient Traffic Systems, Energy Distribution, Energy Modeling, Hybrid and Integrated Energy Systems, Fossil Energy, Nuclear Energy, Bioenergy, Biogas, Biomass Geothermal Power, Non-Fossil Energies, Wind Energy, Hydropower, Solar Photovoltaic, Fuel Cells, Electrification, and Electrical Power Systems and Controls.
Studi Literatur Problem Based Learning untuk masalah Motivasi bagi siswa dalam Belajar Matematika PENULIS: Trygu Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-270-582-1 Terbit : Agustus 2020 Sinopsis: Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan sangat cocok digunakan untuk masa pandemic Covid- 19 yang sedang kita alami saat ini. Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan dapat dilakukan pada bidang Pendidikan, termasuk bidang Pendidikan Matematika. Dalam buku ini dipaparkan penelitian terkait masalah rendahnya motivasi belajar matematika siswa dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dapat membuat siswa memiliki motivasi dalam belajar matematika melalui tahap pertama saat pemberian masalah. Email : WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The much-anticipated fifth edition of Designing the User Interface provides a comprehensive, authoritative introduction to the dynamic field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students and professionals learn practical principles and guidelines needed to develop high quality interface designs—ones that users can understand, predict, and control. It covers theoretical foundations, and design processes such as expert reviews and usability testing. Numerous examples of direct manipulation, menu selection, and form fill-in give readers an...
The aim of this Special Issue is to publish high quality papers concerning poultry nutrition and the interrelations between nutrition, metabolism, microbiota and the health of poultry. Therefore, I invite submissions of recent findings, as original research or reviews, on poultry nutrition, including, but not limited to, the following areas: the effect of feeding on poultry meat end egg quality; nutrient requirements of poultry; the use of functional feed additives to improve gut health and immune status; microbiota; nutraceuticals; soybean meal replacers as alternative sources of protein for poultry; the effects of feeding poultry on environmental impacts; the use of feed/food by-products in poultry diet; and feed technology.
On the ability of 6th graders of the primary schools in Yogyakarta to listen, speak, read, and write Indonesian.
"The measurement infrastructure for the production of economic statistics in the United States largely was established in the middle part of the 20th century. As has been noted by a number of commentators, the data landscape has changed in fundamental ways since this infrastructure was developed. Obtaining survey responses has become increasingly difficult, leading to increased data collection costs and raising concerns about the quality of the resulting data. At the same time, the economy has become more complex and users are demanding ever more timely and granular data. In this new environment, there is increasing interest in alternative sources of data that might allow the economic statis...
A holistic view of children's abilities in reading and language arts. Includes means for assessing and improving writing, spelling and emotional well-being; a full chapter on how to promote higher order literacy and a full chapter and appendices devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia, or severe reading disorders.
This book provides the latest viewpoints of scientific research in the field of e-business. It is organized into three sections: “Higher Education and Digital Economy Development”, “Artificial Intelligence in E-Business”, and “Business Intelligence Applications”. Chapters focus on China’s higher education in e-commerce, digital economy development, natural language processing applications in business, Information Technology Governance, Risk and Compliance (IT GRC), business intelligence, and more.