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Catalan Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 223

Catalan Culture

This volume presents studies of some of the key artistic manifestations in Catalonia in recent times, a period of innovation and experimentation, and addresses issues concerning literature, film, theatre and performance art. From the creation of a new popular theatre in the work of the Valencian playwright Rodolf Sirera, or the conception of landscape, myth and memory in the late work of the novelist Mercè Rodoreda and the urgency of memory and remembrance in the writings of Jordi Coca, the effects of censorship in Catalonia appear to have proved a spur and a challenge to writers. Desiring to occupy illegal spaces, performance groups have manifested both literally and metaphorically the international dimension of Catalan culture in the modern period, posed in the present volume by the instances of La Cubana and Els Joglars, and further evidenced in the cross-fertilization in the work of contemporary Catalan playwrights and filmmakers to foreground issues of national plurality and tensions arising between the periphery (Catalonia) and the centre (Spain and Castile).

Exciting the Body
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Exciting the Body


The Centre as Margin: Eccentric Perspectives on Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

The Centre as Margin: Eccentric Perspectives on Art

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-01
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  • Publisher: Vernon Press

'The Centre as Margin. Eccentric Perspectives on Art' is a multi-authored volume of collected essays that answer the challenge of thinking Art History, and the Arts in a broader sense, from a liminal point of view. Its main goal is thus to discuss the margin from the centre - drawing on its concomitance within study themes and subjects, ontological and epistemological positions, or research methodologies themselves. Marginality, eccentricity, liminality, and superfluity are all part of a dynamic relationship between centre and margin(s) that will be approached and discussed, from the point of view of disciplines as different and as close as art history, philosophy, literature and design, fro...

Sergi Belbel and Catalan Theatre
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

Sergi Belbel and Catalan Theatre

A major contemporary playwright and director. By the late 1970s, internationally known performance groups such as Els Joglars, La Fura dels Baus or La Cubana had precipitated a decline in text-based Catalan theatre, reversed in the mid 1980s with the appearance of a younger generation of playwrights led by Sergi Belbel. Influenced by contemporary European rather than Spanish or Catalan drama, his work was very different from the realist idiom favoured by playwrights of the Franco generation. Butplaywriting is only one aspect of Belbel's work as a theatre practitioner. He also has a highly successful career as a director of Spanish, Catalan and foreign plays [a number of which he himself has translated], and, since 2006, he has held the position of Artistic Director of the National Theatre of Catalonia. This study examines these three key aspects of his career, as well as Ventura Pons's film adaptations of his plays. Finally, it considersthe reception of his plays in several countries, analysing his evolving relationship with critics at home and abroad. DAVID GEORGE is Professor of Hispanic Studies at Swansea University.

I-Media-Cities. Innovative e-Environment for Research on Cities and the Media
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

I-Media-Cities. Innovative e-Environment for Research on Cities and the Media

I-Media-Cities. Innovative e-Environment for Research on Cities and the Media presents the results of an innovative project undertaken by the film archives of Athens, Barcelona, Bologna, Brussels, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Turin and Vienna, in conjunction with several leading research centres and technological innovators. Together they have developed a digital platform for viewing a wide range of images and motion pictures. More than 1,000 films dating from 1890 to 1989 have been incorporated in the platform, expressly selected to give the project coherence and meaning. Each city is represented both singularly and generally, revealing similarities and differences between them. The producers, actors, directors, places, people, and historical, social and political events are listed to facilitate analysis in areas such as sociology, urban anthropology, town planning, and architectural history, among others. The objective is to propose a new way of disseminating film collections, bringing them to a wider public, and stimulating research into cities in the fields of the humanities.

dimensió escènica de la ciutat moderna: les condicions de l’oblit i del reconeixement, La
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 296

dimensió escènica de la ciutat moderna: les condicions de l’oblit i del reconeixement, La

  • Categories: Art

El reconeixement dels artistes i de les seves obres és un tema central i recurrent en la història de l’art. Ara bé, les condicions de l’oblit a què alguns creadors són relegats hi tenen un paper igualment preponderant. Amb un enfocament que abraça des de la sociologia de l’art fins a la reconstrucció històrica, aquest volum recupera tant autors oblidats o poc coneguts com creacions que han perdut la fama que van tenir fa una centúria, entre els quals trobem un edifici ocult del centre de Barcelona, una personalitat del teatre del segle passat —que avui, malgrat figurar al nomenclàtor de la ciutat, pràcticament ningú no sap qui és— o un pintor ignorat que va formar part del cercle íntim d’una de les personalitats més prestigioses del país. El perfil dels artistes estudiats confirma la necessitat de reconsiderar el cànon de la història de l’art, alhora que matisa i enriqueix el recorregut d’altres de més reconeguts.

Ibsen y la modernidad hispanoamericana
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 168

Ibsen y la modernidad hispanoamericana


Dos escenarios
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 232

Dos escenarios


Naturalesa en el teatre de Guimerà, La. Una proposta de lectura
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 333

Naturalesa en el teatre de Guimerà, La. Una proposta de lectura

La presència de la naturalesa en l’obra teatral d’Àngel Guimerà (1845-1924), escrita en el decurs de més de quaranta anys, proporciona troballes fascinants. Més enllà de la popularitat que han assolit peces com Mar i cel i Terra baixa, aquest llibre convida a llegir el seu teatre complet a partir de tres enfocaments que, conjugats, amplien la concepció estètica guimeraniana: primer, els ambients en què l’autor situa les obres i, en particular, la dialèctica camp-ciutat; segon, els elements naturals, en què s’inclouen, posem per cas, els àpats i els paisatges, i, tercer, el simbolisme que el dramaturg atorga als racons de la naturalesa, que permet fer una interpretació més aprofundida de la seva visió de l’espai. Aquest estudi demostra que l’obra dramàtica de Guimerà, un clàssic d’una vigència indiscutible, encara suscita mirades noves i suggeridores.

Salvador Dalí i les arts
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 190

Salvador Dalí i les arts

  • Categories: Art

Aquesta publicació és el recull de les conferències impartides duran la celebració de les Jornades sobre Dalí, celebrades a la Universitat de Barcelona. Els diferents autors, la majoria professors del Departament d’Història de l’Art i alguns alumne de postgrau i llicenciats, tracten la figura de Dalí des de múltiples aspectes, brindant-nos de l’artista una diversitat creativa sorprenent. Cadascun dels autors des de la seva especialitat (art modern i contemporani; música ; teatre ; videoart ; cinema, teoria de l’art...) ha volgut presentar-nos de Dalí alguns aspectes inèdits, desconeguts o, moltes vegades, poc tractats constituint, de manera global, una veritable recerca i a la vegada no oblidant un punt de crítica davant les controversies que l’artista empurdanès va desvetllar al llarg de la seva dilatada vida. És des de la perspectiva del segle XXI que els diferents historiadors de l’art tracten el fenomen Dalí i la seva irradiació en l’art actual.