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Buku Gajah Mada: Sistem Politik dan Kepemimpinan yang ada di hadapan sidang pembaca ini merupakan buku lanjutan dari buku Tradisi Majapahit: Histori, Monarki, dan Kultur. Kedua buku itu disusun oleh penulis bersamaan selama melakukan penelitian tesis S2 di Universitas Gajah Mada (berjudul Konflik Sosial Perang Bubat Versi Langit Kresna Hariadi dan Aan Merdeka Permana: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra) dan disertasi S3 di University of Brunei Darussalam (berjudul Sistem Politik Gajah Mada dalam Pentalogi Novel Gajah Mada Karya Langit Kresna Hariadi: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra). Walaupun tesis dan disertasi tersebut merupakan penelitian sastra, akan tetapi karena objek penelitiannya berupa karya sastra yang berbahan baku sejarah Majapahit dan Gajah Mada, maka dalam penyusunnya itu penulis pun mengkaji dari sudut pandang sejarah untuk melihat lebih objektif lagi bagaimana fakta sejarah masuk ke dalam karya sastra yang berubah menjadi fakta dalam fiksi (fact in fiction).
This book looks at the value of integrating the arts and sciences in the school curriculum. It argues that this will help students further their understanding of analytical concepts through the use of creativity. The authors illustrate how schools can work towards presenting common practices, concepts, and content. Coverage features case studies and lessons learned from classrooms across the United States. The notion of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) is an emerging discipline unique in its desire to provide a well-rounded approach to education. The chapters of this volume examine STEAM in a variety of settings, from kindergarten to higher education. Readers w...
Judul : Financial Behavior : Tinjauan Melalui Financial Learning Experience Penulis : Dr. Aan Anisah, M. Pd Editor : Prof. Dr. Suwatno, M. Si., dan Kodri, M. Pd Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 212 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-771-1 No. E-ISBN: 978-623-162-772-8 (PDF) SINOPSIS Buku ini berjudul “Financial Behavior : Tinjauan Melalui Financial Learning Experience”. Buku ini penulis kontribusikan untuk bidang pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya bagi pemahaman kritis tentang financial behavior. Buku ini terdiri dari sembilan bab. Adapun pembahasan masing-masing bab sebagai berikut : Bab 1 Urgensi Financial Behavior di Era Globalisasi Bab 2 Konsep Financial Behavior Bab 3 Kon...
Ingin kuliah, tetapi tidak enak membebani orang tua karena harus membayar mahal puluhan sampai ratusan juta. Mungkin itulah yang selalu muncul di benak para calon mahasiswa ketika hendak kuliah, terlebih bagi yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Ya, biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk studi yang lebih tinggi memang tidak murah. Namun, semua itu dapat diatasi dengan berburu beasiswa. Sebab, ada banyak sekali beasiswa pendidikan yang tersedia, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, asalkan Anda mau berusaha keras mendapatkannya. Keyakinan pada diri sendiri merupakan modal utama jika ingin sukses berburu beasiswa. Banyak sekali para pemburu beasiswa yang excellent secara akademik, tetapi gagal da...
The interpretation of sacred scriptures engenders vivid debates in religious communities, both at the scholarly and grass-roots levels. Issues of debate are the hermeneutical assumptions, the methods of interpretation, and the constructive and harmful implications of certain readings. For Christian and Muslim communities, themes related to God's grace, violence, gender relations and ecology, are topical. As scholars from different contexts and faith backgrounds together interpret sacred texts they gain fresh insights into their meaning and their transformative dynamics. Essays by authors with expertise in scriptural interpretation, religious studies, pastoral care, philosophical theology, gender studies and pedagogy explore Christian and Muslim perspectives on scriptural interpretation, and discuss how to understand how God communicates with the world today.
In the first study of the kind, Susan Blackburn examines how Indonesian women have engaged with the state since they began to organise a century ago. Voices from the women's movement resound in these pages, posing demands such as education for girls and reform of marriage laws. The state, for its part, is shown attempting to control women. The book investigates the outcomes of these mutual claims and the power of the state and the women's movement in improving women's lives. It also questions the effects on women of recent changes to the state, such as Indonesia's transition to democracy and the election of its first female president. The wider context is important. On some issues, like reproductive health, international institutions have been influential and as the largest Islamic society in the world, Indonesia offers special insights into the role of religion in shaping relations between women and the state.
The ability of a small elite of highly educated, upper-class Asian women to obtain the highest political positions in their country is unmatched elsewhere in the world and deserves study. But there is a marked lack of relevant research as well as of comprehensive and user-friendly texts. Aiming to fill the gap is this timely and important study of the various obstacles and opportunities for women's political participation and representation in Asia.
This collection examines enduring and topical questions in sexual and reproductive health in a range of contemporary Asian cultures. Beliefs and practices surrounding conception, pregnancy, birth, and confinement are studies in culturally specific contexts in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Indonesia. Important and widely applicable health issues are also addressed, including the perception and management of HIV/AIDS, experiences of menopause and the interaction of cosmopolitan ("western'') medicine with traditional healthcare.
The purpose of the 'Microfinance Handbook' is to bring together in a single source guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions.