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Recommenditions to Burreaucrats
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 45

Recommenditions to Burreaucrats

In his letter, Abd al-Hamid addresses his fellow bureaucrats and prescribes their education and skills, their character of modesty, trustworthiness, and integrity, ethic values and ”Adab“, which is derived from a meaning of etiquette, and which implies politeness, culture and enrichment. the way in which they should relate to superiors, inferiors, and fellow scribes. He called attention to the role of civil servants in maintaining an efficient administration. The study consists of two sections besides introduction and conclusion. In the first section, we have presented general and concise explanations about the writer and his work. In the second section, which constitutes the backbone of the work, we gave the text of the letter to bureaucrats. We saved the order of the recommendations, but on each recommendation, we put a title that reflects its essence. Thirty-two recommendations have emerged in this way.

365 DAYS with RUMI
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 172

365 DAYS with RUMI

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-28
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  • Publisher: 2e ebooks

Rumi (1207-1273) is one of the most influential Sufi saints, universal thinkers, spiritual masters, and mystic poets of all times. His message is universal, and his call is for the whole of humanity. Today, in our world, which has turned into a global village, problems such as conflicts, wars, crimes, epidemics have also become global. Moreover, they had more severe and quick effects at national and international levels. Rumi's timeless wisdom can guide us in this challenging time's individual, social, and global contexts. We should not forget that as the family of humanity, we are organs of one single body and passengers on the same vessel. If any organ of humanity is hurt or a part of the ...

Freedoms Delayed
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 449

Freedoms Delayed

According to diverse indices of political performance, the Middle East is the world's least free region. Some believe that it is Islam that hinders liberalization. Others retort that Islam cannot be a factor because the region is no longer governed under Islamic law. This book by Timur Kuran, author of the influential Long Divergence, explores the lasting political effects of the Middle East's lengthy exposure to Islamic law. It identifies several channels through which Islamic institutions, both defunct and still active, have limited the expansion of basic freedoms under political regimes of all stripes: secular dictatorships, electoral democracies, monarchies legitimated through Islam, and theocracies. Kuran suggests that Islam's rich history carries within it the seeds of liberalization on many fronts; and that the Middle East has already established certain prerequisites for a liberal order. But there is no quick fix for the region's prevailing record of human freedoms.

Criminal Law in Turkey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 572

Criminal Law in Turkey

  • Categories: Law

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides a practical analysis of criminal law in Turkey. An introduction presents the necessary background information about the framework and sources of the criminal justice system, and then proceeds to a detailed examination of the grounds for criminal liability, the justification of criminal offences, the defences that diminish or excuse criminal liability, the classification of criminal offences, and the sanctions system. Coverage of criminal procedure focuses on the organization of investigations, pre-trial proceedings, trial stage, and legal remedies. A final part describes the execution of sentences ...

62 Company Book - MARBLE AND MINING
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 430

62 Company Book - MARBLE AND MINING

This book is the largest referral for Turkish companies.

  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 155


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-04-11
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  • Publisher: Ergin Ergül

Mawlan â Jal â l ad-D î n R û m îは、人類史上最高の賢者の一人であり、普遍的な知恵の優れた個性です。 8世紀後、彼は自分自身または真実を求めて霊を導き続けています。 R û m îは、個人的な幸福を追求する上で、優れたガイドであり、インスピレーションのユニークな源です。 彼の思想は、独創的でまばゆいばかりの思想、物語、隠喩を含む詩で表現されています。 ダイナミックで活気に満ちた印象的な知恵、彼の詩の下に流れる深さは、多次元的または全体的な個人発展の視点をより良く、よりよく利用されるに値...

Hukukçu ve Yöneticiler İçin Mevlânâ Bilgeliği
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 210

Hukukçu ve Yöneticiler İçin Mevlânâ Bilgeliği

  • Categories: Law

Bizim Mevlana olarak, Batı dünyasının Rumi diye bildiği büyük evrensel sufi düşünür ve bilge, çok yönlülüğü içinde aynı zamanda yetkin bir hukukçu kimliğine sahiptir. Onun eserlerine günümüz sosyal bilimleri perspektifinden bakıldığında, çağdaş hukuk ve siyaset gündeminin bir çok konusuna değinildiği görülmektedir. Onun zengin düşünce dünyası ve hayatı incelendiğinde, insanlığın günümüzde karşı karşıya kaldığı bir çok sorunun çözümünde hukukçu ve yöneticiler için ilham kaynağı olabilecek tespit ve öneriler ile karşılaşılmaktadır.

RUMİ, Un poète de la liberté, de la Justice, et de l’amour
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 136

RUMİ, Un poète de la liberté, de la Justice, et de l’amour

Mawlanâ Jalâl ad-Dîn Mohammed, plus connu en Occident sous le nom de Rûmî, est l’un des plus grands génies de l'histoire humaine et une personnalité hors du commun à la sagesse universelle. Huit siècles plus tard, il continue d'éclairer les chercheurs de sens, en quête d'eux-mêmes ou de la vérité. Rûmî est un guide sans pareil et une source d'inspiration unique, aussi bien dans la recherche d'un mieux-être personnel que dans la quête d'une solution aux nombreux problèmes qui affligent le monde. Cet ouvrage est donc le fruit d'une approche personnelle inspirée de mon expérience de juriste et de haut-fonctionnaire émerveillé par les idées prônées par cet immense gui...

  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 121


Jalâl al-Dîn Rûmî (1207-1273), surnommé aussi Mevlânâ ou Mawlanna, qui signifie maître ou seigneur, (Rûmî est, en référence à la présence passée romaine en Anatolie, le surnom attribué par les Arabes aux Anatoliens), est un éminent philosophe et poète mystique musulman et un maître spirituel reconnu. Rûmî a prêché la tolérance, la raison et l'accès à la connaissance par l'amour. Le Message de Rûmî est universel, sa voix et son appel sont destinés à toute l'humanité. Il disait; nos pensées et nos mystères entoureront l'Univers. Il nous appelle à suivre le chemin du cœur. l’On peut trouver l’universalité et l’actualité de son message dans cette parole...

365 Jours avec RUMI
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 131

365 Jours avec RUMI

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-26
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  • Publisher: Ergin Ergül

Mawlanâ Jalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî, est l’un des plus grands sages de l'histoire humaine et une personnalité hors du commun à la sagesse universelle. Huit siècles plus tard, il continue de guider les esprits, en quête d'eux-mêmes ou de la vérité. Rûmî est un guide exceptionnel et une source d'inspiration unique dans la recherche d'un mieux-être personnel. Sa pensée s'exprime par des poèmes qui comprennent des pensées, contes et métaphores à la fois originales et éblouissantes. La sagesse dynamique, vibrante, frappant, cette profondeur qui affleure sous chacun de ses poèmes méritent d'être mieux et plus profités de la perspective du développement personnel multidimensionnel...