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Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Jasa Pengangkutan terhadap Keterlambatan Layanan Pariwisata
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 97

Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Jasa Pengangkutan terhadap Keterlambatan Layanan Pariwisata

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-10-01
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  • Publisher: Penerbit NEM

Buku “Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Jasa Pengangkutan terhadap Keterlambatan Layanan Pariwisata” mengulas secara mendalam mengenai kewajiban dan konsekuensi hukum yang melekat pada penyedia jasa transportasi dalam industri pariwisata, terutama saat terjadi keterlambatan layanan. Keterlambatan dalam layanan pariwisata, seperti penjemputan di bandara, transportasi antar-objek wisata, atau keterlambatan keberangkatan, dapat berdampak signifikan pada pengalaman dan kepuasan wisatawan. Buku ini mengkaji berbagai bentuk tanggung jawab yang harus dipikul oleh penyedia jasa pengangkutan, baik yang diatur dalam peraturan perUndang-Undangan maupun standar profesional di industri pariwisata. Beberapa bentu...

Doing Business 2015
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Doing Business 2015

Twelfth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 189 economies, Doing Business 2015 measures regulations affecting 10 areas of everyday business activity: Starting a business Dealing with construction permits Getting electricity Registering property Getting credit Protecting minority investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Resolving insolvency Labor market regulations This year's report will present data for a second city for the 11 economies with more than 100 million inhabitants. These are Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, and the United States. Three of the 10 topics covere...

Public Expenditure Analysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 294

Public Expenditure Analysis

Focuses on the public sector in developing countries. Provides tools of analysis for discovering equity in tax burdens as well as in public spending and judging government performance in its role in safeguarding the interests of the poor and disadvantaged. Outlines a framework for a rights-based approach to citizen empowerment - in other words, creating an institutional design with appropriate rules, restraints, and incentives to make the public sector responsive and accountable to an average voter.

KUCERMA (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Mahasiswa PGSD UNW Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018)
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 139

KUCERMA (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Mahasiswa PGSD UNW Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018)

Alhamdulillah kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, berkat limpahan rahmatnya, kami dapat menyelesaikan penulisan buku antologi cerpen dengan judul KUCERMA (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Mahasiswa) PGSD UNW tahun ajaran 2017/2018 lewat kerjasama Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Dalam penulisan buku antologi cerpen ini kami telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin sesuai kemampuan penulis, namun sebagai manusia biasa, penulis tidak luput dari kesalahan dan kekhilafan baik dari segi teknik penulisan maupun tata bahasanya. Dengan hadirnya buku yang merupakan hasil kerja keras yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak dalam bentuk yang demikian rupa semata-mata untuk membangkitkan minat menulis dan memotifasi mahasiswa dalam berkarya. Untuk itu penulis hanya bisa mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat. Semoga ke depan, kami bisa berkarya lebih baik lagi dan lebih bermanfaat untuk sesama.

Kesucian di Atas Tiang
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 16

Kesucian di Atas Tiang

Kisah Dhammapada: Kesucian di Atas Tiang Judul Asal: Dhammapada Stories, Sainthood on Top of The Pole Penyusun: Bhikkhu Gambhiro Penerjemah: Lisa Laksana Editor: Feronica Laksana Ilustrator: Ying Penerbit Asal: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Hak Cipta Terjemahan Indonesia: Yayasan Dhammavihari Rukan Sedayu Square Blok N 15-19. Jl. Outer Ring Road Lingkar Luar. Jakarta Barat, 11730 0812-86-30-3000, 0857-82-800-200 www.dhammavihari.or.id Tags: Buddha buddhist buddhism children books tales Agama buddhis buddhisme bukuanak bukucerita dongeng

Content Marketing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

Content Marketing

If you have a website, a blog, or even a Facebook or Twitter presence, you are a publisher. Think like one: build a digital content strategy that embraces words, images and multimedia to systematically enhance consumer engagement and conversion rates. Lieb guides you through planning what you'll say online, how and where you'll say it, how often you'll communicate, and how you'll measure your effectiveness. She offers practical guidance for "listening" to conversations about your brand, products, and services, responding more effectively, and effectively informing those conversations. You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and your website. (bron: www.managementboek.nl).

Refracted Visions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 400

Refracted Visions

A young couple poses before a painted backdrop depicting a modern building set in a volcanic landscape; a college student grabs his camera as he heads to a political demonstration; a man poses stiffly for his identity photograph; amateur photographers look for picturesque images in a rural village; an old woman leafs through a family album. In Refracted Visions, Karen Strassler argues that popular photographic practices such as these have played a crucial role in the making of modern national subjects in postcolonial Java. Contending that photographic genres cultivate distinctive ways of seeing and positioning oneself and others within the affective, ideological, and temporal location of Ind...

Vibrational Optical Activity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 373

Vibrational Optical Activity

This unique book stands as the only comprehensive introduction to vibrational optical activity (VOA) and is the first single book that serves as a complete reference for this relatively new, but increasingly important area of molecular spectroscopy. Key features: A single-source reference on this topic that introduces, describes the background and foundation of this area of spectroscopy. Serves as a guide on how to use it to carry out applications with relevant problem solving. Depth and breadth of the subject is presented in a logical, complete and progressive fashion. Although intended as an introductory text, this book provides in depth coverage of this topic relevant to both students and professionals by taking the reader from basic theory through to practical and instrumental approaches.

Managing and Maintaining Compliance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 188

Managing and Maintaining Compliance

Is it possible to seduce people or organisations to comply with rules voluntarily, by means of positive incentives, or through norm reinforcement, or otherwise? How can an enforcement agency manage an optimal mix of deterrence and positive incentives in order to maintain compliance at a satisfactory level without construction of a smooth functioning of the rule addressees? This volume presents the edited version of papers presented on the conference "Managing and Maintaining Compliance", held in Leiden, The Netherlands, April 2006. The book serves as an insightful and useful companion for policy makers and scholars in the field of compliance.

Penjagal yang Kejam
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 16

Penjagal yang Kejam

Kisah Dhammapada: Penjagal yang Kejam Judul Asal: Dhammapada Stories, The Cruel Butcher Penyusun: Bhikkhu Gambhiro Penerjemah: Lisa Laksana Editor: Feronica Laksana Ilustrator: Neti Arbie Penerbit Asal: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Hak Cipta Terjemahan Indonesia: Yayasan Dhammavihari Rukan Sedayu Square Blok N 15-19. Jl. Outer Ring Road Lingkar Luar. Jakarta Barat, 11730 0812-86-30-3000, 0857-82-800-200 www.dhammavihari.or.id Tags: Buddha buddhist buddhism childrenbooks tales Agama buddhis buddhisme bukuanak bukucerita dongeng