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The Desclergues of la Villa Ducal de Montblanc (2nd edition) is a comprehensive ancestral chronicle, meticulously tracing the Desclergues family lineage from the Greek era through the Villa Ducal de Montblanc in Tarragona to the present in Belgium. This omnibus edition compiles the entire acclaimed series, offering an exhaustive account of the Desclergues of Montblanc alongside the author's other ancestral lines, including de Patin, de Patin de Langemark, Lesage, Benoit, Den Dauw, 't Kint, Surmont, de Croock, Ardan, Lammens, Decaestecker, and de Silva of Uduwara in Sri Lanka. This scholarly work is enriched by a comprehensive DNA analysis, providing genetic depth to the historical narrative....
Ecclesia et Violentia is an interdisciplinary anthology that explores the phenomenon of violence in relation to the medieval Church, as well as within the structures of that institution. The volume provides a clearer understanding of hostile and violent acts against both religious institutions and clergy, and explores the interpersonal aggression between clergymen or forms of violent behaviour of medieval clerics. It investigates, furthermore, the role of violence in maintaining discipline within religious communities, as well as religious, legal and cultural interpretations of the aforementioned issues. However, despite the many points of view expressed here, the central question the author...
Misericordia International was founded by Elaine C. Block (Professor of the City University of New York) as an association dedicated to the study of choir stalls and their relation to other artistic manifestations during the Middle Ages, and the dissemination of research. From its beginnings, Misericordia International has promoted a bi-annual international conference as a place for scientific exchange among members of the research community interested in this topic (and in Medieval iconography in general) from a multidisciplinary approach. The most recent conference was a collaboration between the Universities of Cantabria, Oviedo and Leon in Spain. Titled “Choir Stalls in Architecture an...
Los Beatos fueron un particular género codicológico que prosperó entre el siglo X y la primera mitad del XIII. Su contenido fue el "Comentario al Apocalipsis" escrito por un monje oriundo de tierras cántabras activo a fines del siglo VIII: Beato de Liébana. La Península Ibérica fue el área geográfica predilecta para la reproducción de esta obra en diversos scriptoria monásticos, aunque también se confeccionaron copias en suelo itálico y francés. El trabajo itinerante de miniaturistas que llevaron consigo compilaciones de modelos y diseños quedó plasmado en la ideación y configuración de las figuras zoomorfas que pueblan los folios de estos manuscritos iluminados. Pese a que...
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
The Roots of Conservatism is the first attempt to ask why over the past two centuries so many Mexican peasants have opted to ally with conservative groups rather than their radical counterparts. Blending socioeconomic history, cultural analysis, and political narrative, Smith’s study begins with the late Bourbon period and moves through the early republic, the mid-nineteenth-century Reforma, the Porfiriato, and the Revolution, when the Mixtecs rejected Zapatista offers of land distribution, ending with the armed religious uprising known as the “last Cristiada,” a desperate Cold War bid to rid the region of impious “communist” governance. In recounting this long tradition of regional conservatism, Smith emphasizes the influence of religious belief, church ritual, and lay-clerical relations both on social relations and on political affiliation. He posits that many Mexican peasants embraced provincial conservatism, a variant of elite or metropolitan conservatism, which not only comprised ideas on property, hierarchy, and the state, but also the overwhelming import of the church to maintaining this system.
Fauces arrojando fuego, escamas ásperas, ojos, crestas y colas amenazantes... Esa es la imagen que viene a nuestra mente cuando pensamos en el dragón. Este animal imaginario, resultado de un enorme cúmulo de fuentes escritas e iconográficas gestadas a través del tiempo, revistió un constante interés en la Edad Media. Su cultura letrada revisitó su figura con gran asiduidad a través de sus facetas alegóricas, simbólicas, pedagógicas y persuasivas en la lectio y la liturgia. Este libro propone indagar las diversas funciones simbólicas y prácticas del dragón al interior de códices iluminados producidos en monasterios hispanocristianos entre el siglo XII e inicios del XIII. La im...