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In Portuguese Jews, New Christians and ‘New Jews’ Claude B. Stuczynski and Bruno Feitler gather some of the leading scholars of the history of the Portuguese Jews and conversos in a tribute to their common friend and a renowned figure in Luso-Judaica, Roberto Bachmann, on the occasion of his 85th birthday. The texts are divided into five sections dealing with medieval Portuguese Jewish culture, the impact of the inquisitorial persecution, the wide range of converso identities on one side, and of the Sephardi Western Portuguese Jewish communities on the other, and the role of Portugal and Brazil as lands of refuge for Jews during the Second World War. This book is introduced by a comprehensive survey on the historiography on Portuguese Jews, New Christians and 'New Jews' and offers a contribution to Luso-Judaica studies
This book is the result of two scientific encounters hosted by the University of Évora in 2012, with the theme “Muslims and Jews in Portugal and the Diaspora. Identities and Memories (16th–17th centuries)”, and co-financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, and by FEDER, through “Eixo I” of the “Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade” (POFC) of QREN (COMPETE). Beginning with an analysis of the forced conversion of Iberian Jews and Muslims, this volume examines the effects of this on their respective diasporas, focusing on a variety of approaches, from language and culture to identity discourses and interchanges between those communities.
Plots of War: Modern Narratives of Conflict discusses the dynamics of change and transformation that underlie the troubled project of modernity and shows how deeply it has been shaped by war and violence. The narrative of war, the emplotment of violence in historic and mainly in symbolic terms, is deeply embedded in the construction of individual and collective memories, but it also helps to shape the mediation of future conflicts.What is ultimately at stake here is the complex figuration and mediation of the violence of war in ever more hyper-mediated ways with direct consequences to the production of identities and processes of cultural memory.
In 2015, both Portugal and Spain passed laws enabling descendants of Sephardi Jews to obtain citizenship, an historic offer of reconciliation for Jews who were forced to undergo conversions or expelled from Iberia nearly half a millennia ago. Drawing on the memory of the expulsion from Sepharad, the scholarly and personal essays in Reparative Citizenship for Sephardi Descendants analyze the impact of reconciliation laws on descendants and contemporary forms of citizenship.
A nuanced and thoughtful biography of the elusive, much debated Portuguese dictator.
The Christian discovery of the Babylonian Talmud is a significant landmark in the long and complex history of anti-Jewish polemic. While the Talmudic corpus developed in the same period as early Christianity, this post-biblical text was largely unknown to the Christians. Full awareness of the Talmud among Christian authors did not arise until the late 1230s, when the Jewish convert Nicholas Donin presented a Latin translation of Talmudic fragments to Pope Gregory IX. Though the Talmud was subsequently put on trial (1240) and burnt (1241/2) in Paris, the controversy surrounding it continued over the following years, as Pope Innocent IV called for a revision of its condemnation. The textual ba...
Converso and Morisco are the terms applied to those Jews and Muslims who converted to Christianity in large numbers and usually under duress in late Medieval Spain. The Converso and Morisco Studies publications will examine the implications of these mass conversions for the converts themselves, for their heirs (also referred to as Conversos and Moriscos) and for Medieval and Modern Spanish culture. As the essays in this collection attest, the study of the Converso and Morisco phenomena is not only important for those scholars focused on Spanish society and culture, but for academics everywhere interested in the issues of identity, Otherness, nationalism, religious intolerance and the challenges of modernity. Contributors include Mercedes Alcalá-Galan, Ruth Fine, Kevin Ingram, Yosef Kaplan, Sara T. Nalle, Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano, Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço, Ashar Salah, Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, Claude Stuczynski, and Gerard Wiegers.
Além dos estudos, comentários e participações públicas que lhe conhecemos, resultado, aliás, de anos de pesquisa e abnegação, Esther Mucznik partilha agora o maior testemunho de todos: o da sua família, a família Goldreich-Mucznik. Uma família que, desde 1913, fez de Portugal, neste caso, de Lisboa, uma das suas moradas, recebendo sempre todos aqueles que se achassem bem-vindos e que dela precisassem. Se todos somos testemunhas de uma conjuntura e das suas experiências, salvam-nos as memórias que escolhemos partilhar, e o caso de Esther Mucznik não será excepção. Desde Varsóvia, pelo lado materno, a Brody, na Ucrânia, pelo paterno, esta história começa no raiar no sécul...
What has been the role played by principles, patterns and situations of conflict in the construction of Shakespeare's myth, and in its European and then global spread? The fascinatingly complex picture that emerges from this collection provides new insight into Shakespeare's unique position in world literature and culture.
«Cada día quería morir… y cada día luchaba por sobrevivir» Shlomo Venezia, superviviente de Auschwitz El campo de concentración de Auschwitz es el sinónimo del mal absoluto que el nazismo preconizó. Los judíos y gitanos sirvieron como cobayas para la experimentación diabólica de los nazis, gaseando a más de un millón de personas y matando de hambre, frío, agotamiento o, simplemente, de soledad y desesperanza. Sin embargo, muchos presos resistieron a la total deshumanización del campo esforzándose por mantener la dignidad. Cuidar la higiene, escribir o dibujar eran actos que ayudaban a sobrevivir. Esther Mucznik cuenta a través de las voces de aquellos que sobrevivieron al infierno de Auschwitz el insoportable silencio tras los asesinatos de niños, la barbarie de la experimentación médica sobre miles de hombres y mujeres o la lucha por sobrevivir en un campo de horror y muerte. Estos son los relatos que deben servir para mantener viva la memoria de aquellos que sucumbieron a la maquinaria del terror nazi.