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This book is a systematic consideration of the link between the extreme right and the discourse about developments in regard to gender issues within different national states. The contributors analyze right-wing extremist tendencies in Europe under the specific perspective on gender. The volume brings together the few existing findings concerning the quantitative dimension of activities carried out by men and women in different countries, and illuminates and juxtaposes gender ratios along with the role of women in right-wing extremism. Along with the gender-specific access to right-wing groups, the chapters look at networks, organizational forms, specific strategies of female right-wing extremists, their ideologies (especially regarding femininity and masculinity), hetero normativity, discourses on sexuality, and preventive and counter-strategies. The book will be of use to students and scholars interested in gender and politics, European politics, and political extremism.
This book offers an analysis of values in Hungary. Following the proposition that civic values are crucial to liberal democracy and conducive to international peace, this book examines the extent to which these values are respected and practised in a number of policy spheres, with chapters devoted to the political system, the media, religion, relations with the European Union, history textbooks, cinema, Roma, and the attitudes of Hungarian women voters. The book also charts how, under Prime Minister Orbán, Hungary has gravitated away from the civic values spelled out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the European Union. This book will prove to be of great use to scholars and students of democracy, East Central Europe, minorities, Hungarian contemporary history and politics, civic culture, gender studies, nationalism, human rights, and more broadly the social sciences.
After decades of steady progress in terms of gender and sexual rights, several parts of Europe are facing new waves of resistance to a so-called ‘gender ideology’ or ‘gender theory’. Opposition to progressive gender equality is manifested in challenges to marriage equality, abortion, reproductive technologies, gender mainstreaming, sex education, sexual liberalism, transgender rights, antidiscrimination policies and even to the notion of gender itself. This book examines how an academic concept of gender, when translated by religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church, can become a mobilizing tool for, and the target of, social movements. How can we explain religious dis...
Fejtő Ferenc 2008-as halála óta elegendő idő telt el, hogy tisztelői egy tudományos igényű és módszerű, a személyes ismeretségeket és elkötelezettségeket félre tevő, ugyanakkor az embert pillanatra szem elől nem tévesztő kötettel álljanak elő. Az alábbi tanulmánykötetnek éppen ez az ambíciója – illetve az, hogy a Fejtő-kutatás számára eddig ismeretlen vagy elhanyagolt kérdéseket dolgozzon fel, elsősorban a szerző késői publicisztikai és politikai tevékenysége köréből merítve a témákat.
First published in 1952, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology) is well established as a major bibliographic reference for students, researchers and librarians in the social sciences worldwide. Key features: * Authority: Rigorous standards are applied to make the IBSS the most authoritative selective bibliography ever produced. Articles and books are selected on merit by some of the world's most expert librarians and academics. * Breadth: Today the IBSS covers over 2000 journals - more than any other comparable resource. The latest monograph publications are also included. * International Coverage: The IBSS reviews scholarship published in over thirty languages, including publications from Eastern Europe and the developing world. * User friendly organization: all non-English titles are word sections. Extensive author, subject and place name indexes are provided in both English and French.
This book gives the first comprehensive and theoretically substantiated political science account of the Orbán regime in English. It argues that Viktor Orbán’s regime-building and reconstructive leadership is more than just an example of hybridisation, a successful populist appeal or a backlash against the earlier neoliberal hegemony in Central Europe. It unfolds the major traits of the Orbán regime and argues that it provides a paradigmatic case of the Weberian model of plebiscitary leader democracy (PLD). Beyond explaining the backslide of liberal democracy in Hungary, the book aims at two additional contributions of wider significance. First, by applying the concept of PLD to the Hun...
La Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali è una rivista scientifica, interdisciplinare, che ha una lunga tradizione. Essa è stata fondata a Firenze nel 1934 dai Professori Giacinto Bosco e Jacopo Mazzei e dagli Ambasciatori Amedeo Giannini e Cesare Majoni nello Studio di politica estera del Regio Istituto "Cesare Alfieri", allo scopo di promuovere gli studi politici internazionali e di contribuire alla formazione dei giovani destinati alla carriera politica, diplomatica o ad operare in altro modo in campo internazionale. E' stata diretta ininterrottamente dal Professore Giuseppe Vedovato dal 1947 al 2005 e a partire dal 2006 ne è direttore la Professoressa Maria Grazia Melchionni".
Wie kann Kirche im 21. Jahrhundert missionarisch sein? Wer das Evangelium in neuen Räumen erschließen will, sollte sich auch von ihnen inspirieren lassen. Mit durchgängig weltkirchlichem Blick werden Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Kontinenten miteinander ins Gespräch gebracht. Ausgangspunkt ist das Missionsparadigma "missio inter gentes" von Jonathan Y. Tan, das er vor dem Hintergrund der Minderheitserfahrung asiatischer Christen gewonnen hat: Evangelisierung nicht als Einbahnstraße, sondern als kommunikativer Lernweg zwischen Völkern, Kulturen und Religionen.
A posztkommunista rendszerek anatómiája az eddigi legátfogóbb munka a rendszerváltó országokban kialakult különféle berendezkedésekről: egységes, koherens fogalmi keretet kínál a térségre jellemző politikai, gazdasági és társadalmi jelenségek megértéséhez. Masha Gessen, a The New Yorker újságírója szerint: „Ezt a könyvet olvasni olyan, mintha elhúznák a függönyt, és hirtelen bejönne a fény. Minden tisztán láthatóvá válik. A minket körülvevő lápos politikai valóság tapasztalatát felváltja a szigorú, pontos analízis.” Jan-Werner Müller, a Princetoni Egyetem professzora szerint „ez a fogalmilag igen innovatív elemzés megadja azokat a kifejezéseket és elméleteket, amelyek alapvetőek ahhoz, hogy megértsük a történelmi pillanatot, amiben élünk”. Szelényi Iván, világhírű magyar szociológus, a Yale Egyetem emeritus professzora pedig kijelentette: „A 1990-es évek óta foglalkozom »a posztkommunista országok változataival«. Mindazonáltal ez a könyv jobb és fontosabb, mint bármi, amit az elmúlt 30 évben csináltam.”
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and Ukraine, as countries who play a significant role in political and economic processes in Europe.