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Far from being mere antiquarian or sentimental curiosities, the rebuilt or reused fortresses of the Rhine reflect major changes in Germany and Europe during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Taylor begins The Castles of the Rhine with a synopsis of the major political, social and intellectual changes that influenced castle rebuilding in the nineteenth century. He then focuses on selected castles, describing their turbulent histories from the time of their original construction, through their destruction or decay, to their rediscovery in the 1800s and their continued preservation today. Reading this book is equivalent to looking at history though a romantic-nationalist kaleidoscope. Amply illustrated with maps and photographs, The Castles of the Rhine is a wonderful companion for anyone with dreams or experience of journeying along the Rhine.
For many years, the history of Byelorussia under Nazi occupation was written primarily from the perspective of the resistance movement. This movement, a reaction to the brutal occupation policies, was very strong indeed. Still, as the author shows, there existed in Byelorussia a whole web of local institutions and organizations which, some willingly, others with reservations, participated in the implementation of various aspects of occupation policies. The very sensitivity of the topic of collaboration has prevented researchers from approaching it for many years, not least because in the former Soviet territories ideological considerations have played an important role in preserving the topi...
Das Buch skizziert den Lebensweg und das publizistische Engagement des Bonner Philosophen und Kunstwissenschaftlers Heinrich Lützeler (1902 - 1988) in der Zeit der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur. Als Schüler Max Schelers und Vertreter des Rechtskatholizismus zählte der an der Bonner Universität lehrende Lützeler schon in den späten Jahren der Weimarer Republik zu den kompromißlosesten Gegnern der NS-Ideologie und geriet nach 1933 ins Fadenkreuz der braunen Machthaber. Diese beraubten ihn schrittweise seiner akademischen Rechte, entfernten ihn 1940 aus dem Universitätsdienst und versuchten zuletzt, ihn durch Rede- und Schreibverbote zum Schweigen zu bringen. Doch der "Innere Emigran...
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
“A great book that summarizes pieces of Roman military history that are often not mentioned or difficult to find sources for . . . an entertaining read.”—War History Online As Rome grew from a small city state to the mightiest empire of the west, her dominion was contested not only by the civilizations of the Mediterranean, but also by the “barbarians”—the tribal peoples of Europe. The Celtic, the Spanish-Iberian and the Germanic tribes lacked the pomp and grandeur of Rome, but they were fiercely proud of their freedom and gave birth to some of Rome’s greatest adversaries. Romans and barbarians, iron legions and wild tribesmen clashed in dramatic battles on whose fate hinged th...
In this groundbreaking account of film history, Bettina Bildhauer shows how from the earliest silent films to recent blockbusters, medieval topics and plots have played an important but overlooked role in the development of cinema. Filming the Middle Ages is the first book to define medieval films as a group and trace their history from silent film in Weimar Germany to Hollywood and then to recent European co-productions. Bildhauer provides incisive new interpretations of classics like Murnau’s Faust and Eisenstein’s Alexander Nevsky, and she rediscovers some forgotten works like Douglas Sirk’s Sign of the Pagan and Asta Nielsen’s Hamlet. As Bildhauer explains, both art house films l...
Die seit 1971 wieder erscheinende, interdisziplinäre, internationale Rezensionsbibliographie IBR ist eine einmalige Informationsquelle. Die Datenbank weist über 1,1 Millionen vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Buchrezensionen in 6.000 vorwiegend europäischen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften nach. 60.000 Eintragungen kommen jedes Jahr hinzu, bieten dem Benutzer Daten zum rezensierten Werk und zur Rezension.
Eine Studie zur Geschichte des Instituts für Ur- und Frühgeschichte zu Köln. Der erste Teil behandelt die Jahre von 1925 - 1938 unter Herbert Kühn. Wie entwickelte sich die Vorgeschichte von einer eher "geisteswissenschaftlich" orientierten zu einer eher "naturwissenschaftlich" orientierten? Der zweite Teil behandelt die Zeit von 1938 - 1945 unter Walter Stokar von Neuforn. In welchem Verhältnis standen Naturwissenschaft und politische Ideologie? Im dritten Teil wird die Ära Schwabedissen von 1958 - 1985 darfestellt. Welcher Art waren die geistigen, institutionellen und personellen Kontinuitäten nach dem Krieg?