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Includes 50 clinical scenarios with 1-3 open-ended questions, weaving basic science concepts in the clinical scenario, a 3-5 page discussion of the basic science concepts, including definitions and pathophysiology. 3-5 USMLE-style review questions follow each case and "Physiology Pearls" at the end of each chapter highlight key points and enable quick study before exams.
Real-Life Cases for the Internal Medicine Clerkship and the USMLE Step 3 " excellent internal medicine review book written especially or medical students in their clinical years. It is perfect for clerkships, sub-internships, shelf, and USMLE exams. Sized to fit in the pocket of a white coat for easy portability, this book offers an engaging and high-yield re-view of internal medicine. It promotes active learning, using patient presentations and thought-provoking questions to encourage deeper thinking about clinical problems. The format will be comfortable for anyone who has spent time on the wards learning from patients and engaging in problem-based learning....This book is highly reco...
Sharpen your critical thinking skills and IMPROVE PATIENT CARE Experience with clinical cases is key to mastering the art and science of medicine and ultimately to providing patients with competent clinical care. Case Files: Geriatrics provides 40 true-to-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in geriatric care. Each case includes an easy-tounderstand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and board-style review questions to reinforce your learning. With Case Files, you’ll learn instead of memorize. Learn from 40 high-yield cases, each with board-style questions: Master key concepts with clinical pearls Polish your approach to clinical problem-solving and to patient care Perfect for residents, medical students, PAs, and NPs working with geriatric patients
The closest a student can get to the wards without seeing patients! This reference is designed to teach students general surgery through exposure to 60 clinical cases. Each self-contained case asks students to provide diagnosis and the next step in treatment, followed by a concise case discussion, clinical pearls, and USMLE-style questions and answers.
Learn medical ethics and professionalism in the context of real-life patients A Doody's Core Title for 2019! Experience with actual cases is essential to learning how to manage the challenges medical ethics and professionalism will pose to you and your practice. Case Files: Medical Ethics and Professionalism includes 36 true-to-life cases that have been carefully selected to cover important topics such as the doctor-patient relationship, student issues, medical teams, end-of-life care, and social media. Each case includes complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, and review questions with answers. Learn from 36 high-yield cases, each with board-style questions and key-point pearls Master complex concepts through clear and concise discussion Practice with review questions that reinforce learning Sharpen your ability to solve problems regarding medical ethics and professionalism Perfect for medical and health professions students preparing for real-world practice
Realistic patient cases to help sharpen clinical decision-making skills The 60 cases in Case Files Obstetrics & Gynecology feature realistic clinical scenarios designed to help you enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and Board-style review questions to reinforce learning. The format allows you to review a patient vignette and then explore/examine the case in a contextual, application-based manner. The book is ideal for both quick-access and slow and careful study.
The closest a student can get to the wards without seeing patients! Designed to teach through clinical cases, this text offers 60 of the most common clinical problems in psychiatry along with case discussion questions, clinical pearls, key terms and concepts, and USMLE-style questions and answers to reinforce learning. This is an excellent study guide for the psychiatry shelf exam and the USMLE Step 2.
The closest a student can get to the wards without seeing patients! Designed to teach through clinical cases, this text offers 60 of the most common clinical problems in emergency medicine along with case discussion questions, clinical pearls, key terms and concepts, and USMLE-style questions and answers to reinforce learning. This is an excellent study guide for the emergency medicine shelf exam and the USMLE Step 2.
REAL LIFE CLINICAL CASES FOR THE COURSE EXAMS AND USMLE STEP 1 "This extremely useful book reinforces the relationship between basic science and clinical medicine for students. It will help them either review or learn basic physiology as it applies to medicine, which should strengthen their diagnostic and therapeutic skills. 3 Stars."--Doody's Review Service You need exposure to clinical cases to pass course exams and ace the USMLE Step 1. Case Files: Physiology presents 50 real-life clinical cases illustrating essential concepts in microbiology. Each case includes and easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key basic science concepts, definitions of key terms, physiology pearls, and USMLE-style review questions. This interactive system helps you learn instead of memorize. 50 clinical cases, each with USMLE-style questions Clinical pearls highlighting key physiology concepts Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like a doctor Proven learning system based on award-winning research boosts your shelf exam score