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This volume on the term “Europe” is based on a conference that took place in the winter of 2018 at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation in Munich. Europe in its complexity, in its character of radical change and its power of fascination is of unbroken topicality. At the same time, European identity is endangered by current challenges such as populism and the rise of nationalism. The contributions to the conference address the question of the extent to which contemporary literature and also current films react to these upheavals and to what extent the talk of a crisis in Europe or European integration is perceptible in the areas of literature and film. This book is a translation of t...
This work explores how colonial India imagined human and divine figures to battle the nature and locus of sovereignty.
This volume aims to furnish a broader framework for analyzing the scientific and institutional context that gave rise to scientific academies in Europe—including the Accademia del Cimento in Florence; the Royal Society in London; the Académie Royale des Sciences in Paris; and the Academia naturae curiosorum in Schweinfurt. The essays detail the multiple backgrounds that prompted seventeenth-century savants—from Italy to England, and from Poland to Portugal—to establish new forms of scientific organizations, in which to institutionalize collaborative research as well as modes of communication with like-minded individuals and associations.
Offers a timely intervention into the debate about the Enlightenment and its legacy, highlighting both its plurality and continuing relevance.
This book challenges existing accounts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in which political developments are explained in terms of the rise of the nation-state. While monarchies are often portrayed as old-fashioned – as things of the past – we argue that modern monarchies have been at the centre of nation-construction in many parts of the world. Today, roughly a quarter of states define themselves as monarchies as well as nation-states – they are Royal Nations. This is a global phenomenon. This volume interrogates the relationship between royals and ‘their’ nations with transnational case studies from Asia, Africa, Europe as well as South America. The seventeen contributors discuss concepts and structures, visual and performative representations, and memory cultures of modern monarchies in relation to rising nationalist movements. This book thereby analyses the worldwide significance of the Royal Nation.
By applying a comparative approach the volume focuses on a select group of „empires“ which are generally not in the focus of empires studies. They are studied in detail and analyzed due to a strict concept that takes into account real history and reception history as well. Reception history becomes more and more an important element in empire studies although this topic is still often more or less underdeveloped. The volume singles out a series of such “forgotten empires”. It aims to provide a methodologically clearly structured as well as a uniform and consistent approach. It develops a general set of questions that help to compare and distinguish these entities. This way the volume intends to examine and to illuminate empires that are generally ignored by modern scholarship.
"This book offers the first historical treatment of Hegel's political ideas since the 1970s. It completely revises our understanding of his response to the French Revolution, the most dramatic and significant event of his age. A fresh account of his take on the Revolution itself provides a new perspective on his thought as a whole. It also illuminates Hegel's relevance to modern politics. Dominant strands of post-War thought have taken the form of a repudiation of Hegel. This reaction has largely been based on dubious arguments and poor scholarship. The alternative analysis offered here contextualizes attempts to disparage Hegel as pursued by strands of critical theory associated with postmodernism. In the process, the book challenges recent onslaughts against so-called "Western" rationalism. It takes issue with the ambition to relativize all values and to represent knowledge as an effect of power"--
Applying an innovative approach to capture varieties and dynamics of federal democracies, this collection examines the conditions, mechanisms and practices that make federal democracies work.
This book examines the role of imperial narratives of multinationalism as alternative ideologies to nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East from the revolutions of 1848 up to the defeat and subsequent downfall of the Habsburg and Ottoman empires in 1918. During this period, both empires struggled against a rising tide of nationalism to legitimise their own diversity of ethnicities, languages and religions. Contributors scrutinise the various narratives of identity that they developed, supported, encouraged or unwittingly created and left behind for posterity as they tried to keep up with the changing political realities of modernity. Beyond simplified noti...
Im US-amerikanischen wie im deutschen Föderalismus gebrauchen Gerichte ›selbstbewusst‹ dogmatische Topoi wie ›state dignity‹ oder ›Bundestreue‹, welche nicht im Verfassungstext enthalten sind. Diese ›ungeschriebenen‹ Figuren sind offen für ideenpolitische Instrumentalisierung: Sie dienen als Vehikel, um Vorstellungen von ›(Sub )Nationalstaatlichkeit‹, ›Demokratie‹ oder ›Freiheit‹ auszutarieren. Ihre politik-theoretische Einbettung im Modell des ›Bundes‹, Referenzfelder ihrer Verwendung (etwa Kulturpolitik, Umweltrecht, öffentliche Sicherheit, Personal und Finanzen, Wahlrecht, Verfassungsänderungen) und ihre rhetorisch-diskursiven Wirkungsbedingungen sind Gegenstände der vergleichenden Studie. Die Rhetorikanalyse erfolgt interdisziplinär: Das untersuchte Muster kreist um anthropomorphe, ›lyrische‹ Vorstellungen von ›Würde‹ und ›Treue‹. Unter Rückgriff auf die literaturwissenschaftliche Dekonstruktion analysiert das Buch die Kraft anthropomorpher Dogmatik in Recht und Literatur.