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The story of Wallachian mobility and settlement is remarkably central to the human condition. At its core, it reflects a fundamental drive to enhance daily life by migrating to new territories. The Wallachian features not only shaped their own existence but also left a lasting impact on the regions they inhabited along the Carpathian Arc. Through their migration beginning roughly in the 14th century and culminating in the 18th, they not only became part of a larger narrative of human resilience and adaptability but also reflect humanity’s drive for better opportunity. Wallachian Mobility and Settlement Carpathian Arc, a project initiated by the Balkan History Association, seeks to fill thi...
The essays collected in this volume form a multifaceted discourse on religious, philosophical, historical, ethnocultural and sociocultural, literary and linguistic issues. A multicultural approach to the problem of the soul allows the presentation of it on a microscale, focused on national and regional specificity, as well as on the macroscale, oriented toward universal values which can be observed in the cultures of peoples distant from each other in both time and space. The book consists of 28 chapters, addressing the fundamental themes of human existence, which find expression in cultural texts in both colloquial and artistic language, and which have a prominent place in anthropological, psychological, metaphysical and theological debates.
This volume documents the transformation of age-old antisemitic stereotypes into a new form of discrimination, often called "New Antisemitism" or "Antisemitism 2.0." Manifestations of antisemitism in political, legal, media and other contexts are reflected on theoretically and contemporary developments are analyzed with a special focus on online hatred. The volume points to the need for a globally coordinated approach on the political and legal levels, as well as with regard to the modern media, to effectively combat modern antisemitism.
Music has long played a prominent role in cultural diplomacy, but until now no resource has comparatively examined policies that shape how non-western countries use music for international relations. Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by scholars David G. Hebert and Jonathan McCollum, demonstrates music's role in international relations worldwide. Specifically, this book offers "insider" views from expert contributors writing about music as a part of cultural diplomacy initiatives in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, Japan, China, India, Vietnam, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Nigeria. Unique features include the book’s emphasis on diverse legal frameworks, decolonial perspectives, and cultural policies that serve as a basis for how nations outside “the west” use music in their relationships with Europe and North America.
An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library. This book, designed as a resource for scholars, educators, activists and non-specialist readers, presents the results of new research on the role of Romani groups in European culture and society since the nineteenth century. Its specific focus is on the ways in which Romani actors, in their interactions with non-Romanies, have contributed to shaping Europe’s public spaces. Twelve chapters recount the experiences and accomplishments of individuals and families, from across Europe (England, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Finland) and Canada. All based on new...
Winner of the 2023 Early Slavic Studies Book Prize from the Early Slavic Studies Association (ESSA) (Best book) Medieval Moldavia – which was located within present-day northeastern Romania and the Republic of Moldova – developed a bold and eclectic visual culture beginning in the 15th century. Within this networked Carpathian Mountain region, art and architecture reflect the creativity and diversity of the cultural landscapes of Eastern Europe. Moldavian objects and monuments – ranging from fortified monasteries and churches enveloped in fresco cycles to silk embroideries, delicately carved woodwork and metalwork, as well as manuscripts gifted to Mount Athos and other Christian center...
Kult ikony poza przestrzenią świątyni i liturgią umożliwia jej badanie w odniesieniu do świata zbiorowych wyobrażeń ludzi, którzy w danym miejscu i czasie otaczają czcią owe święte obrazy. Ikona w świadomości typu ludowego posiada swoje własne znaczenia, które odnoszą się nie tylko do kanonicznych treści religijnych, jest ona także jednym ze znaków wizji świata, w którym funkcjonuje. Pytanie, czym jest ikona, co jest na niej namalowane i co oznacza w kulturze, jest jednocześnie badaniem świata zbiorowych wyobrażeń istniejących w kulturze. Odbiorcy sztuki różnią się między sobą, a zrozumienie, czym jest dla nich sztuka i co w niej odkrywają, wymaga uwzględ...
Praca porusza tematykę praktycznie niezbadaną, a czyni to w sposób nowatorski, łącząc problematykę teologiczno-liturgiczną prawosławia z kulturą ludową. Takie połączenie otwiera nowe perspektywy – wyprowadza dogmatyczne i katechetyczne myślenie o czasie liturgicznym, sakralnym z ograniczonych ram oficjalnej religijności i konfrontuje je z przełożeniem na żywy odbiór w ludzie, z drugiej strony – przestaje patrzeć na duchową kulturę ludową jak na skansen, a ukazuje dynamikę odbioru, przetwarzania i zwrotnego inspirowania kultury „wysokiej”. Zarówno aspekt kalendarza liturgicznego, jak i jego odpowiednika ludowego jest oparty na solidnych kwerendach i badaniach ...