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The development of any organization is deeply connected with the influences of its employees. By implementing new competencies in the workforce, both the employees and the business overall can thrive. The Handbook of Research on Human Factors in Contemporary Workforce Development is a pivotal source for the latest scholarly perspectives on social aspects and employee influences on modern business environments. Including a range of topics such as gender diversity, performance appraisal, and job satisfaction, this publication is an ideal reference for academics, professionals, students, and practitioners seeking content on optimizing development in contemporary organizations.
This book is intended to give support providers the understanding, knowledge, and skills for providing transition and employment services in school, employment, community, and residential settings and thereby improve the quality of life for the individuals that they support. It not only shows how to support an individual with a disability but also how to implement instructional strategies, services, and systems change so that positive quality of life outcomes occur. The book responds to a critical need for highly qualified personnel who will become exemplary professionals in transition and employment settings because of their advanced knowledge, skills, and experiences in working with studen...
The world of brands is undergoing a sea change in the domain of consumer culture, and it has become a challenge to cater to the taste and needs of audiences. The process of creating iconic brands varies from product to product and market to market. Effective branding strategies are imperative for success in a competitive marketplace. Brand Culture and Identity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is a vital reference source for the latest research findings on the use of theoretical and applied frameworks of brand awareness and culture. Highlighting a range of topics such as consumer behavior, advertising, and emotional branding, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for business executives, marketing professionals, business managers, academicians, and researchers actively involved in the marketing industry.
These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 11th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2024), hosted by the University of Brighton, UK on 30-31 May 2024. The Conference and Programme Chair is Dr Panagiotis Fotaris from the University of Brighton. ECSM is now a well-established event on the academic research calendar and now in its 11th year the key aim remains the opportunity for participants to share ideas and meet the people who hold them. The scope of papers will ensure an interesting two days. The subjects covered illustrate the wide range of topics that fall into this important and ever-growing area of research.
Defining the role of a job coach, this book sets out EU-wide training standards for helping people with disabilities gain and maintain meaningful employment. The book includes the perspectives of both people with disabilities and their job coaches, offering first-hand experience of the specific issues faced by those who want to enter the competitive open jobs market. It describes how to provide bespoke support for people with an intellectual disability, physical disability, as well as for autistic people and individuals with mental health conditions. Guidance on functional assessment, task analysis, collaborating with employers and training for new and student job coaches is also included.
Neuroeconomics has emerged as a field of study with the goal of understanding the human decision-making process and the mental consideration of multiple outcomes based on a selected action. In particular, neuroeconomics emphasizes how economic conditions can impact and influence the decision-making process and alternately, how human actions have the power to impact economic conditions. Neuroeconomics and the Decision-Making Process presents the latest research on the relationship between neuroscience, economics, and human decision-making, including theoretical foundations, real-world applications, and models for implementation. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach to neuroeconomic theory and study, this publication is an essential reference source for economists, psychologists, business professionals, and graduate-level students across disciplines.
До останнього часу майже не зверталась увага на такий негативний наслідок НТП, який опосередковано став одним із ключових, але прихованих тригерів розгортання світової фінансово-економічної кризи 2007-2008 рр. Суть проблеми коротко зводиться до запитання: чи стає світ короткозорим («Is the world becoming short-sighted?»). Результати НТП зумовлюють радикальне зростання ступеня невизначеності щодо ...
Підприємництво – це двигун економічного зростання. Воно просуває інновації, необхідні для використання нових можливостей, підвищення продуктивності та створення робочих місць, а також вирішує соціальні проблеми, до яких відносяться зміна клімату, масова міграція, економічна нерівність, зростання чисельності населення, а віднедавна і економічний шок, спричинений пандемією COVID-19. Підприємці мають потенціал для вирішення таких проблем, але їх необхідно заохочувати відповідним чином. Це вимагає розуміння мотивації підприємців, а також їх інтересів, навичок і поведінки.
Низька інвестиційна активність бізнесу в Україні є основною перешкодою прискорення економічного зростання. Серед основних причин того, що у країні так і не вдалося розгорнути інвестиційний бум, зазвичай виділялася макрофінансова нестабільність і , відповідно, значна невизначеність, проявом якої є високі премії за ризик і процентні ставки. Обмежений доступ до капіталу на ринка...