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Polish-born artist Ewa Partum is considered a pioneer of Central-Eastern European feminist art produced within the conceptual idiom. Her work can also be divided chronologically into Polish (1965-82), West Berlin (1982-1989) and transnational (from 1989) periods. Karolina Majewska-Güde articulates the historical alterity of Ewa Partum's works in their various locations and the specificity of the positions from which Partum's art was interpreted and disseminated. At the same time, the book engages with the art histories of the Central and Eastern European neo-avant-gardes focusing on the issue of narrative strategies of CEE art history.
Freedom as a concept shifts with different forms of expression. As the authors of this volume convey in their focus on 'freedom of expression', the idea of 'freedom' in the twenty-first century does not stand apart as a purely physical location marked by national borders. In the Internet Age information is increasingly co-determinate of physical freedom. The information-dense space of the protests of 2021, and beyond, provide soil for the intellectuals writing in this volume to reflect on women’s agency in struggles for human rights. Where historical discourse on “The Woman Question” once conflicted with “feminism” as a perceived importation from the West, this conflict also produc...
European cities are changing rapidly in part due to the process of de-industrialization, European integration and economic globalization. Within those cities public spaces are the meeting place of politics and culture, social and individual territories, instrumental and expressive concerns. Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe investigates how European city authorities understand and deal with their public spaces, how this interacts with market forces, social norms and cultural expectations, whether and how this relates to the needs and experiences of their citizens, exploring new strategies and innovative practices for strengthening public spaces and urban cultu...
Walking as Artistic Practice lays out foundational information about the history of walking and its development as an artistic practice, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. It also provides guidance on how to analyze and discuss walking artworks, with vocabulary support, over three hundred examples, and over seventy-five exercises. The chapters offer a variety of topical approaches, allowing readers and instructors to craft an experience most suited to their interests and needs. Themes include observational and sensory experience, leading versus following, who walks where (identity and positionality), rituals, place, activism, connections to drawing, and embodiment. Appendices include information on documentation, sample syllabi, readings and resources, brainstorming tips, community engagement guidance, and tips for travel-based study. Instructors will appreciate this text because it has so many resources to direct students to when they have questions about analysis, history, community engagement, or documentation approaches. It's the type of book that students will hang onto long after the course is done because it is so practical and useful.
Publikacja ma za zadanie zarchiwizować wydarzenia kulturalne miasta Zielona Góra w okresie październik 2009- kwiecień 2014 r.
This book concerns building an idealized image of the society in which the Holocaust occurred. It inspects the category of the bystander (in Polish culture closely related to the witness), since the war recognized as the axis of self-presentation and majority politics of memory. The category is of performative character since it defines the roles of event participants, assumes passivity of the non-Jewish environment, and alienates the exterminated, thus making it impossible to speak about the bystanders’ violence at the border between the ghetto and the ‘Aryan’ side. Bystanders were neither passive nor distanced; rather, they participated and played important roles in Nazi plans. Start...
Seit den 1960er-Jahren beschäftigen sich weltweit Künstlerinnen wie Margaret Raspé, Gabriele Voss, Tomaso Binga, Anna Daucíková, Hackney Flashers, Mako Idemitsu, Ana Victoria Jiménez, Mary Sibande und Jinran Ha kritisch mit Care-Arbeit. Sie thematisieren die körperlichen Strapazen der täglichen Arbeit, dekonstruieren die Mythen, die sich um die »Arbeit aus Liebe« ranken, führen die Bedingungen vor, die Care-Arbeiterinnen strukturell marginalisieren und machen die Mechanismen sichtbar, unter denen das Kochen, Putzen und Sorgen bis heute abgewertet wird. Der zweisprachige Katalog ist die erste umfassende Überblickspublikation zu Care-Arbeit in der bildenden Kunst. Bitte beachten: Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen sind nicht alle Abbildungen des gedruckten Buches auch im E-Book erhalten. FRIEDERIKE SIGLER ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Kunstgeschichtlichen Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. LINDA WALTHER ist Direktorin des Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop.
W jakim stopniu pojęcie kontaktu może stanowić efektywne narzędzie rozpoznawania współczesnej rzeczywistości kulturowej? Jak powtórzenie na polu naukowym przez badacza performatywnego gestu artystów – wyodrębnienia, wskazania i zdefiniowania przestrzeni oraz dynamiki relacji między podmiotami znajdującymi się z sobą w kontakcie – może w efektywny sposób przyczynić się do poszerzenia naszej wiedzy o świecie? Autorzy tekstów zebranych w niniejszym tomie próbują odpowiedzieć na te pytania, analizując wybrane zjawiska ze współczesnej rzeczywistości kulturowej w jej lokalnym i globalnym wymiarze. Szczególną uwagę zwracają na nowe, emergentne formy komunikacji i ...
In den späten 1980er Jahren mussten Künstler, Kritiker und Kunsthändler in Polen und Russland lernen, sich als Akteure eines neu entstehenden, post-sozialistischen Kunstmarktes zu begreifen. Thomas Skowronek rekonstruiert anhand führender Kunstgalerien die Etablierung eines neoliberalen Sorge-Regimes in Ost(mittel)europa, das Marktteilnehmer zur konstanten Selbstoptimierung anhält. Er legt dar, wie die materiale Gestaltung ökonomischen Spielregeln ihre Geltung verschafft, weshalb eine Rasterung risikobehafteter Gruppen damit einhergeht und wie aus den Verheißungen eines goldenen Westens die neu auferlegte Schuld eines defizitären Ostens wird. Das Buch zeigt, dass nicht die Abwehr, sondern die Reproduktion einer Krisensituation zum kunstökonomischen Leitmotiv wird.