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Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, Czech Republic, Prague (MAC-ETL 2018) Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Management, Marketing and Economics, Czech Republic, Prague (MAC-MME 2018) Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Transport, Tourism and Sport Science, Czech Republic, Prague (MAC-TTSS 2018) Friday - Sunday, December 7 - 9, 2018
Hafızası, tarihinde saklanan bilimin sıhhat derecesini yöntemi belirler. Tarih, bilimler hiyerarşisindeki mevziini kuvvetlendirmek için tarihyazımına, ürettiği verilerden daha çok önem verir. Eğitim, tarih ve sosyolojinin kesiştiği kavşakta anlam bulan eğitim tarihi, dünyada olduğu kadar Türkiye’de de bakir sahalardan biridir. Çok az topluma nasip olan özgün kurum, tecrübe ve eserlere sahip olmasına karşın, biriken sorunlar karşısında çözümsüzlük ve çaresizlik girdabında bunalan eğitim sisteminin temel krizlerinden biri, tarihine duyarsızlığıdır. Eğitim Tarihinin Peşinde, Türkiye’de eğitim tarihçiliğinin tarihine yönelik özgün bir birik...
The phenomenon of "travelling reforms" has become an object of great professional interest and intensive academic scrutiny. The fact that the same set of educational reforms is transferred from one country to another made scholars wonder whether policy transfer has increased as a result of globalization. But also the fact that policy makers increasingly import "best practices "and international standards and use them as a tool to accelerate reform has captured the imagination of many that deal with policy studies. An international comparative perspective is key for understanding why reforms travel from one corner of the world to another. Not surprisingly, the study of policy borrowing and le...
Providing a comprehensive introduction to the topic of accountability and datafication in the governance of education, the World Yearbook of Education 2021 considers global policy dynamics and policy enactment processes. Chapters pay particular attention to the role of international organizations and the private sector in the promotion of performance-based accountability (PBA) in different educational settings and at multiple policy scales. Organized into three sections, chapters cover: the global/local construction of accountability and datafication; global discourse and national translations of performance-based accountability policies; and enactments and effects of accountability and datafication, including controversies and critical issues. With carefully chosen international contributions from around the globe, the World Yearbook of Education 2021 is ideal reading for anyone interested in the future of accountability and datafication in the governance of education.
The aim of the Ottoman educational reforms was to raise a class of educated bureaucrats as a means of administrative centralization, and a design to inculcate authoritarian and religious values among the population for the legitimization of state authority. This study, which deals with the modernization of Ottoman public education during the period of reform, is based on sources such as Ottoman archives, published documents, textbooks, and memoirs. It discusses the main factors that led to Ottoman educational reforms. The topics in this volume include the expansion of provincial education, financial policies, curricular issues, the educational ideology of the Tanzimat (1839-1876) and the Hamidian periods (1878-1908), ethnic groups in the Balkans, Anatolia and Arabia, and the process of socialization. The book particularly addresses those readers interested in the educational, social and administrative history of the late Ottoman period.
Descartes is possibly the most famous of all writers on the mind, but his theory of mind has been almost universally misunderstood, because his philosophy has not been seen in the context of his scientific work. Desmond Clarke offers a radical and convincing rereading, undoing the received perception of Descartes as the chief defender of mind/body dualism. For Clarke, the key is to interpret his philosophical efforts as an attempt to reconcile his scientific pursuits with the theologically orthodox views of his time.
15 Temmuz tarihimizde bir milattır.Şu anda olayların sıcaklığı devam ederken 15 Temmuz kalkışması ve milletimizin ortaya koyduğu destansı tavrın ne anlama geldiği ve ne kadar önemli sonuçlara yol açacağını tam olarak kavramak zor olabilir.Fakat ilerleyen zamanlarda bunun istiklal savaşı kadar önemli olduğu görülecektir.İşte bu kitapta yapılmaya çalışılan şey 15 Temmuz hadisesini olabildiğince kaynaklara dayanarak ilerde bu konuda çalışma yapacak olanlar için ortaya koymaktır. kitap Giriş, 5 bölüm ve Sonuç'tan oluşuyor. Giriş’te “darbe girişimine giden süreç” anlatılıyor. “Fetullah Gülen Cemaati”nin nasıl “FETÖ/PDY” olduğunu...
This book analyzes curriculum studies in Turkey from the perspective of three paradigms—religion, science, and ideology—since the early 19th century. Using Islam as a guiding point, Turkish curriculum theory later evolved to become the classical curriculum theory. In this book, the author presents a historical account of the long, complex, and contested evolution of the Turkish curriculum, as shaped by the intellectual and international forces of the day. This interplay is designed to inform international curriculum studies across national borders.
Translation Translation contributes to current debate on the question of translation dealt with in an interdisciplinary perspective, with implications not only of a theoretical order but also of the didactic and the practical orders. In the context of globalization the question of translation is fundamental for education and responds to new community needs with reference to Europe and more extensively to the international world. In its most obvious sense translation concerns verbal texts and their relations among different languages. However, to remain within the sphere of verbal signs, languages consist of a plurality of different languages that also relate to each other through translation...