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Buku ini menelaah perkembangan hukum pengungsi internasional-nasional, keterkaitannya dengan perdagangan-penyelundupan manusia, dan tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia berhadapan dengan problematika pergerakan manusia di dunia global. *** ”Ketajaman intelektual dan kentalnya kepekaan kemanusiaan para penulis seakan-akan membuka optimisme bahwa ada solusi yang lebih baik dalam menangani persoalan pengungsi. Keterbatasan regulasi dan legalitas, baik pada tataran internasional maupun nasional atau bahkan rivalitas di antara keduanya, seharusnya tidak membuat para pengungsi terlantar, terombang-ambing, dan berada dalam ketidakpastian. Para penulis nampaknya menyuarakan agar kekosongan hukum dan/atau tarik-menarik antara hukum nasional dan hukum internasional tentang pengungsi tidak sampai dieksploitasi para pelaku kejahatan kemanusiaan, termasuk para pemerintahan yang membiarkan warga-negaranya menjadi pengungsi, demi kepentingan ekonomis dan politis mereka. Sebaliknya, hak-hak dasar yang seharusnya dimiliki dan diperoleh para pengungsi hendaknya menjadi prioritas utama.” [Mangadar Situmorang, Ph.D. – Rektor Universitas Katolik Parahyangan]
This book documents the latest research relating to the legal aspects of satellite remote sensing, which is still largely unregulated, and identifies shortcomings in the current legal regime before proposing improvements needed for its full utilisation.
Dr. Csabafi in his clearly and concisely written book sets out to confront the most pressing jurisdictional problems arising from the exploration and use of outer space, problems which the authors of the Outer Space Treaty of 27th January, 1967, have not attempted to solve. He has recognized that in view of the lack of sufficient knowledge of tech nological capabilities present and anticipated of the utilization of outer space and its political, economic and social implications, the time is not yet ripe for the elaboration of specific rules to govern most of the highly com plex issues in this context. Apart from the lack of sufficient knowledge and experience, the achieve ment of a consensus on rules regarding jurisdiction in outer space is further hampered by the strongly divergent interpretations of the fundamental prin ciples of the Outer Space Treaty namely the principle of freedom of outer space for exploration and use and the principle of non-appropriation of outer space. In various parts of his study Dr. Csabafi has, on the basis of a thorough study of the preparatory work of the Outer Space Treaty, ex pressed his views on the meaning of these principles.
Crisis & Renewal presents a radically different view of how organizations evolve & renew themselves. The author tracks a cross-section of enterprises from their creative beginnings through the institutionalization of their success. Using a model of organizational ecocycles, he argues that managers need to create deliberate crises to preserve their organizations from destruction & to renew them with creativity & meaning. The Management of Innovation & Change Series. "Crisis & Renewal is designed to be a revelation, not a textbook. I recommend you revel in it as soon as you can.".
CONTENTS Microencapsulation: what it is and its purpose; Microcapsule characterisation: release kinetics/mechanism; Legal aspects; Single core encapsulation -filmcoating; liposomes in the food industry and centrifugal coextrusion encapsulation; Multiple core encapsulation- encapsulation materials; the spray drying of food ingredients; modified spray congealing/spray drying of aqueous dispersions; microencapsulation and alginate; extrusion technology and microencapsulation.
The success of your daily interactions with others, whether during formal meetings or encounters at the water cooler, can make or break your success in the workplace. Having interpersonal skills will allow you to motivate, inspire, and successfully lead others, as well as further your own career development. This guidebook will show you how, through self-awareness and strategic implementation of behaviors, you can utilize interpersonal savvy to make the most out of negative situations, develop and lead others, and create a positive working environment despite daily challenges and hardships.
The opening of space to exploration and use has had profound effects on society. Remote sensing by satellite has improved meteorology, land use and the monitoring of the environment. Satellite television immediately informs us visually of events in formerly remote locations, as well as providing many entertainment channels. World telecommunication facilities have been revolutionised. Global positioning has improved transport. This book examines the varied elements of public law that lie behind and regulate the use of space. It also makes suggestions for the development and improvement of the law, particularly as private enterprise plays an increasing role in space.
Sovereignty and jurisdiction are legal doctrines of a complex nature, which have been subject to differing interpretations by scholars in legal literature. The tridimensionality of state territory recognised under customary international law subsists until the present but there are other territories that do not or cannot belong to any state or political entity which also must be accounted for in legal theory. The issues surrounding sovereignty and jurisdiction are likely to become ever more pressing as globalisation, growing pressure on resources and the need for energy and national security become acute, and the resolution of special delimitation disputes seems likely to become a vital ques...
The Handbook of Space Law addresses the legal and regulatory aspects of activities in outer space and major space applications from a comprehensive and structured perspective. It fundamentally addresses the dichotomy between the state-oriented characte
This book is a comprehensive analysis of international space law and policy in the past, present and future. It also assesses municipal laws and policies, especially those of the United States. The scope of the book is exceptionally broad, dealing with the very earliest developments in the field. It contains articles which describe the on-going progress based on practice, the emergence of treaties and other international commitments such as the decisions of the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union, and issues which are currently unresolved, but which are under consideration in these international intergovernmental organisations.