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The book is an adaptation of part of the author's PhD thesis, which won the international prize Prémio FIBE, and was voted one of the three best in Brazil, in the field of Law, in 2023. It addresses the appropriation of the private law notion of abuse of rights by the theory of fundamental rights. It also presents guidelines for an appropriate use of the discourse of abuse of fundamental rights (highly dependent on a Dogmatics of scope, approached according to a model of groups of cases). Fabio Carvalho de Alvarenga Peixoto PhD in Constitutional Law (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brazil). State Attorney. Private lawyer. Winner of the international prize Prémio FIBE, and of an honorable menti...
The book is an adaptation of part of the author's PhD thesis, which won the international prize Prémio FIBE, and was voted one of the three best in Brazil, in the field of Law, in 2023. It deals with the history of the notion of abuse of rights, in its two traditions: the Franco-Belgian (abus de droit) and the German (unzulässige Rechtsausübung). It also presents the discourse of abuse of rights with a 'shortcut' function. Finally, it places the scientific formulation of groups of cases as necessary for the proper use of the abuse of rights discourse. Fabio Carvalho de Alvarenga Peixoto PhD in Constitutional Law (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brazil). State Attorney. Private lawyer. Winner ...
Internet of Things and the Law: Legal Strategies for Consumer-Centric Smart Technologies is the most comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the legal issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). For decades, the decreasing importance of tangible wealth and power – and the increasing significance of their disembodied counterparts – has been the subject of much legal research. For some time now, legal scholars have grappled with how laws drafted for tangible property and predigital ‘offline’ technologies can cope with dematerialisation, digitalisation, and the internet. As dematerialisation continues, this book aims to illuminate the opposite movement: rematerialisation, namely, the retur...
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) turned 40 in 2020 and experts around the world didn’t miss the celebrations. This book collects twenty-five studies in tribute to the CISG for its 40 anniversary, written by experts from Europe, America and Asia, with different focus of analysis. The goal of “The transnational sales contract. 40 years influence of the CISG on national jurisdictions” is to present what we have learned from the CISG during this time of born, development and consolidation. The book aims at navigating through the influence of the CISG in different jurisdictions, thus revealing the creation and existence of a truly autonomous and transnational contract law of worldwide application.
La inejecución del contrato constituye aquel evento inciertoque acaece luego de la celebración del contrato, evento que deberá sercombatido por las partes con el fin de proteger los intereses inmersos en larelación negocial. De hecho, el sistema jurídico predispone de un conjunto detutelas, acciones o derechos dirigidos a garantizar la correlación entre elsacrificio de cada parte y el buen éxito de su expectativa y ofrece remediosque buscan la corrección en caso de malfuncionamiento del contrato, todo con elfin de permitir el restablecimiento del sinalagma y la tutela de los interesesde las partes. El presente libro contiene un conjunto de reflexiones entorno al incumplimiento, cuya ...
O presente estudo começa por abordar o problema da admissibilidade do pacto marciano, seguindo-se uma breve resenha de Direito comparado, com principal enfoque no Direito alemão, no Direito francês e no Direito italiano. Concluindo pela admissibilidade daquele pacto e determinando quais os requisitos de validade que o mesmo deve revestir, segue-se uma análise do regime da apropriação do bem empenhado no penhor mercantil, consagrado no Decreto-Lei n.o 75/2017, de 26 de junho, que procura dar resposta às questões que a interpretação deste diploma coloca, mormente às relacionadas com a execução do pacto marciano.
Analyses by author, title and key word of books published in Italy.
Opera in due tomi dedicata alla memoria del prof. Sacco, una raccolta in cui ogni Autore, con il proprio contributo, ha tessuto una parte dell’ampio mosaico che rappresenta la vita e l’eredità di Rodolfo Sacco, unendo sotto lo stesso cielo persone di diverse inclinazioni, interessi scientifici, vite ed esperienze. Una testimonianza collettiva, ampia, solidale e condivisa, che riflette lo spirito dello stesso prof. Sacco: un punto di incontro, un ponte che unisce, un cuore capace di abbracciare ogni diversità. La sua vita è stata un esempio di come l’amore per la conoscenza, la passione per l’avventura e il rispetto per ogni individuo possano creare legami indissolubili tra persone di ogni cammino. In queste pagine gli Autori rendono omaggio ad un uomo che ha illuminato il cammino di coloro che lo hanno incontrato e offrono un tributo alla memoria del Prof. Sacco, sia come fonte di ispirazione sia come faro di conoscenza, amicizia e di tutti quei valori che lui ha incarnato e diffuso lungo la sua straordinaria vita.