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This book examines the social and spatial dimensions of dwelling from the perspective of sustainability. This publication avoids the traditional energy and technological dimensions of sustainability to position the notion of sustainable dwelling at the crossroads of spatial polyvalence and residents' empowerment. In the field of housing, this publication identifies the recurrent properties of 'sustainable space’ and the variety of the socio-cultural practices that can embody them. Its purpose is to comprehend how the concept of sustainability is reflected in housing spaces as well as to analyse how inhabitants put those spaces to the test.
Experiments in architectural education in the post–World War II era that challenged and transformed architectural discourse and practice. In the decades after World War II, new forms of learning transformed architectural education. These radical experiments sought to upend disciplinary foundations and conventional assumptions about the nature of architecture as much as they challenged modernist and colonial norms, decentered building, imagined new roles for the architect, and envisioned participatory forms of practice. Although many of the experimental programs were subsequently abandoned, terminated, or assimilated, they nevertheless helped shape and in some sense define architectural dis...
The book aims to provide city administrators and planners with a tool to accompany them in experimenting with the regeneration of no longer used parts of the built heritage, called leftovers, by adopting an innovative approach. A new and radically different form of project, with the task of proposing a new aesthetic code and a style of thought aimed at creating shelters for nomads of the third millennium. In the design field, the 21st century will be destined to measure itself against temporariness and precariousness, also in terms of aesthetic practices. Based on this hypothesis, the text identifies the design of the unfinished as the perspective for attributing to the leftovers a character, which is representative of the conditions of the just begun century. Through a transdisciplinary, exhibition-like and reversible approach, the elements of degradation of the existing work are welcomed in the project as a "gift", to be translated into a syntax aimed at giving form and meaning to the internal and external environments, with the inclusion of "additional components".
The construction practices we employ in our daily life in European societies today were shaped by major changes in the past, such as the introduction and dissemination of Portland cement and reinforced concrete, a development that constitutes a fundamental chapter in the history of construction in the 19th and 20th centuries. Such changes were boosted by several innovations in the fields of applied mathematics, chemistry and physics. They involved patents licensing, optimization of materials production and machinery. There were new legislative frameworks, a specific knowledge transfer within a network of actors and the transformation of hierarchical frameworks. Written by international speci...
Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories brings together the papers presented at the Sixth International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH, Brussels, Belgium, 9-13 July 2018). The contributions present the latest research in the field of construction history, covering themes such as: - Building actors - Building materials - The process of building - Structural theory and analysis - Building services and techniques - Socio-cultural aspects - Knowledge transfer - The discipline of Construction History The papers cover various types of buildings and structures, from ancient times to the 21st century, from all over the world. In addition, thematic papers address specific themes and highlight new directions in construction history research, fostering transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories is a must-have for academics, scientists, building conservators, architects, historians, engineers, designers, contractors and other professionals involved or interested in the field of construction history. This is volume 1 of the book set.
The book is based on amateur films, shot by the architect Ernest Weissmann (1903-1985) with a Pathé Motocamera in the years 1929-1933 at, among other places, the Atelier Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. These films capture moments from Le Corbusier's life that have never been seen before. It also documents his friendships with Pierre Jeanneret, Josep LluÃs Sert, Charlotte Perriand, Norman Rice, Kunio Maekawa, Sigfried Giedion and others. Across six chapters, the book shows impressive stills from these films and places them in the respective historical and personal context of Le Corbusier in introductory texts. Two introductions are devoted to the history of these pioneering amateur films and to Ernest Weissmann's life and his life-long relationship with Le Corbusier. A documentary treasure trove on the life of Le Corbusier Featuring 80 previously unpublished film stills Available as softcover (9783035627282), hardcover (9783035627299) and limited special edition with three photographic prints (9783035627305)
Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire s'ouvre sur une question philosophique: quels modes de réflexivité pour penser – ou repenser? – l’architecture, ce vaste et complexe domaine, tendu entre hier et demain. Les chapitres qui suivent abordent les rapports de l’architecture avec la poétique, la technique et enfin l’éthique. En effet, si l’architecture aujourd’hui n’a de sens qu’en partant des préoccupations des architectes eux-mêmes, les questions qu’elle soulève doivent faire l’objet d’un débat avec d’autres praticiens et théoriciens, dans le double but de garantir le recul critique et d’ouvrir l’imagination créatrice.
Ce deuxième numéro de la revue CLARA Architecture/Recherche aborde deux thématiques qui se situent au coeur de récents débats d’architecture et de société. Dans un premier dossier thématique, étudiants et enseignants d’un atelier de la Faculté d’architecture La Cambre-Horta, aidés de chercheurs de l’ULB, nous emmènent à la découverte des mosquées bruxelloises. À travers des relevés de terrain, des enquêtes et des projets, ils visitent l’architecture des lieux de culte musulmans, en questionnant la place de l’islam dans l’espace public et la capacité du tissu urbain et social bruxellois à accueillir de nouveaux usages. Un second dossier est consacré au récent transfert de l’enseignement de l’architecture à l’université. Il interroge l’historicité du dispositif pédagogique de l’atelier, la scientificité de la discipline architecturale, les défis de son enseignement et le statut de l’architecte.
Une réflexion théorique, épistémologique et méthodologique sur les modes de participation des différents acteurs dans la temporalité des processus de recherche en sciences de l'éducation et de la formation. (fonte: editore).
Ce troisième numéro de la revue CLARA Architecture/Recherche explore les relations entre architecture et sciences humaines et sociales. Le croisement des points de vue offre l’opportunité de questionner la discipline architecturale et ses méthodes qui, comme toute discipline transversale, emprunte à d’autres sciences, diverses écoles, multiples cultures académiques et professionnelles. Le dossier Penser les rencontres entre architecture et sciences humaines est animé par plusieurs scènes de rencontre entre des chercheurs et des méthodes empruntées à la sociologie, l’histoire culturelle, la promotion immobilière, l’anthropologie, la philosophie. Dans ce numéro, CLARA sâ€...