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Pembahasan yang dikaji dan dievaluasi dalam buku ini dilakukan dengan sangat mendalam, dengan pendekatan teknis, disampaikan terstruktur, dan ditampilkan sesuai dengan tema kebencanaan alam, seperti longsor, tsunami, erupsi gunung berapi, banjir, dan banjir bandang. Buku ini juga mengupas kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi ancaman dan risiko terdampak bencana alam. Perlu upaya terstruktur hingga ke lapisan masyarakat paling bawah, sehingga setiap individu dapat melakukan upaya-upaya konkret dalam menghadapi risiko terdampak bencana. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan sebagai referensi dalam melakukan upaya pengurangan risiko bencana, terutama penanggulangan bencana pascapandemi seperti sekarang ini.
Winner of the Regional Studies Association's Best Book Award 2018. In the last few decades, many global cities and towns have experienced unprecedented economic, social, and spatial structural change. Today, we find ourselves at the juncture between entering a post-urban and a post-political world, both presenting new challenges to our metropolitan regions, municipalities, and cities. Many megacities, declining regions and towns are experiencing an increase in the number of complex problems regarding internal relationships, governance, and external connections. In particular, a growing disparity exists between citizens that are socially excluded within declining physical and economic realms ...
Dalam setiap perbedaan disiplin ilmu kita meyakini memiliki titik awal dan tujuan yang sama, meskipun dalam memandang dan mencapai tujuannya mungkin berbeda-beda. Begitu halnya dengan ilmu keolahragaan dan kesehatan, kedua disiplin ilmu ini begitu padu dan akrab bersanding. Di dunia akademik, fragmentasi disiplin ilmu justru menonjolkan perbedaan antar-ilmu, sehingga tidak perlu ada satu disiplin ilmu yang merasa abu-abu jika berkolaborasi. Buku ini memuat beberapa kajian dari ilmu olahraga dan kesehatan serta paduan keduanya. Semoga buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber referensi di dunia pendidikan.
The Islamic kingdom of Aceh was ruled by queens for half of the 17th century. Was female rule an aberration? Unnatural? A violation of nature, comparable to hens instead of roosters crowing at dawn? Indigenous texts and European sources offer different evaluations. Drawing on both sets of sources, this book shows that female rule was legitimised both by Islam and adat (indigenous customary laws), and provides original insights on the Sultanah's leadership, their relations with male elites, and their encounters with European envoys who visited their court. The book challenges received views on kingship in the Malay world and the response of indigenous polities to east-west encounters in Southeast Asia's Age of Commerce.
This open access book is intended to assist teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum designers, editors and authors of textbooks in developing strategies to teach the multiplication of natural numbers based on the experience of the Lesson Study in Japan. This approach to mathematics education dates back to the 1870s and reconciles the emphasis on problem solving with the treatment of the curricular contents. It has gained international recognition since the 1990s and thanks to it mathematics education in Japan has been recognized as one of the most efficient and innovative in the world. This growing international awareness has led to an effort to apply the principles of Lesson Study to other p...
The IMF conducted a Financial Sector Stability Review of the Republic of Guinea in June 2019. The review shows that while the current economic situation is benign, the financial soundness indicators (FSIs) point to increasing vulnerabilities. The economic outlook is currently positive. Moreover, financial inclusion is growing rapidly as mobile money services are quickly adopted. However, the FSIs suggest growing vulnerabilities and possibly some idiosyncratic stress in the banking sector. As a result of data quality and availability issues, it is difficult to make a more in-depth assessment of financial stability and potential vulnerabilities. The financial sector structure is, to some exten...
Buku Rekognisi Pendidikan, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan di Masa Endemi Covid-19 merupakan kesatuan tulisan beberapa akademisi dari berbagai universitas dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya, yang mengangkat satu topik utama yakni bagaimana penyesuaian sektor pendidikan, olahraga, dan kesehatan dengan perubahan-perubahan sesuai kebutuhan sejak masa pandemi berlangsung hingga masa new normal yang saat ini disebut masa endemi. Manusia di seluruh dunia pada akhirnya harus beradaptasi dengan cepat dengan kondisi tersebut. Di Indonesia khususnya, pemanfaatan dunia maya akhirnya benar-benar diberdayakan demi keberlangsungan kegiatan pada hampir seluruh sektor penting utamanya pendidikan. Sementara di bidang olahraga, aktivitas fisik mandiri dan sederhana juga banyak beradaptasi dan dikreasikan agar tetap pada tujuan dan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan fisik dan mental meskipun dengan pembatasan tertentu yang mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Akhir kata, seluruh penulis berharap semoga buku ini dapat dipahami dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat umum serta dapat menjadi salah satu referensi dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah lainnya. Selamat membaca!
This book aims to describe aspects of the Indonesian language as spoken by educated Jakartans in everyday interactions. This style of language is in many ways significantly different from the formal language of government and education, to the extent that it deserves separate consideration. While formal Indonesian has been the subject of a considerable amount of description very little attention has been paid to informal styles of the language. The variety described here, Colloquial Jakartan Indonesian, is the prestige variety of colloquial Indonesian and is becoming the standard informal style. The description and texts in following chapters are drawn from recordings of natural speech of educated people living in Jakarta . While the book aims to inform those with a background in linguistics the needs of teachers and learners with little or no knowledge of linguistics is always borne in mind. The work thus does not consider theoretical linguistic issues nor use technical terms which would not be readily understood by most readers.
This book makes a major contribution to knowledge and theory by drawing implications of teacher effectiveness research for the field of teacher training and professional development. The first part of the book provides a critical review of research on teacher training and professional development and illustrates the limitations of the main approaches to teacher development such as the competence-based and the holistic approach. A dynamic perspective to policy and practice in teacher training and professional development is advocated. The second part of the book provides a critical review of research on teacher effectiveness. The main phases of this field of research are analysed. It is point...
Leveraging the Private Sector offers the first sustained analysis of public and private sector initiatives designed to encourage firms and industries to use their own management expertise to improve their environmental performance. Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash bring together original empirical studies by the nation?s leading experts on recent public and private sector experiments. Do management-based strategies lead to improved environmental outcomes? What kinds of strategies hold the most promise? Leveraging the Private Sector addresses these questions through studies of state pollution prevention planning laws, private sector purchasing requirements, and federal risk management regula...