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‘Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands’ seeks to be an accessible introduction to the extensive field of planning law. The book covers both the ‘planning side’ (the formal system) and the ‘development side’ (including the interrelations between municipalities and developers). It is primarily intended for Dutch and international students. But also researchers and practitioners outside the Netherlands seeking information about Dutch Planning and Development Law may find this a useful introduction to this complex, yet highly relevant field. Fred Hobma and Pieter Jong are lecturers in Planning and Development Law.
Describes all aspects of sustainable conversion adaptation of existing buildings and provides solutions for making urban settlements resilient to climate change This comprehensive book explores the potential to change the character of cities with residential conversion of office space in order to withstand the negative effects of climate change. It investigates the nature and extent of sustainable conversion in a number of global cities, as well as the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal drivers and barriers to successful conversion. The book also identifies the key lessons learned through international comparisons with cases in the UK, US, Australia, and the...
Addressee buku ini adalah para mahasiswa fakultas hukum, baik jenjang sarjana, magister, atau doktor yang mengambil minat hukum administrasi maupun mahasiswa program studi ilmu administrasi negara fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik; pengajar hukum administrasi; aparatur pemerintah; hakim administrasi (tata usaha negara); advocat; juga masyarakat umum yang ingin berperan serta dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintah atau menggugat tindakan pemerintahan atau berminat pada kajian bidang hukum administrasi. Terdiri atas lima belas bab, yaitu hukum administrasi; sumber hukum administrasi; asas-asas dalam hukum administrasi; rule of law dan rechsstaat; jabatan, penjabat, dan penjabat; wewenang; asas-asas umum pemerintah yang baik; good governance; tindakan pemerintahan; perlindungan hukum bagi warga negara dari tindakan pemerintahan; primary dan delegated legislation; peraturan kebijakan; pengawasan terhadap pemerintah; peran serta masyarakat; dan sanksi administrasi. Ditulis dengan bahasa yang "tidak berat" sehingga memudahkan pembaca memahami maksud dari buku ini. Selamat membaca.
Hukum administrasi adalah hukum tentang pemerintahan yang mengemban fungsi legitimasi memberikan wewenang kepada badan pemerintahan, fungsi instrumental menyediakan instrumen bagi badan pemerintahan untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan warga negara, dan fungsi protektif melindungi warga negara dari tindakan menyimpang badan pemerintahan. Buku ini bermuatan lima belas pilar hukum administrasi meliputi term dan definisi; prinsip-prinsip dalam hukum administrasi; organ pemerintahan; wewenang; penyimpangan penggunaan wewenang; tindakan pemerintahan; keputusan; izin, dispensasi, konsesi, dan subsidi; peraturan pelaksanaan; peraturan kebijakan; asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik; sanksi administrasi; perlindungan hukum dalam hukum administrasi; peradilan administrasi; dan pemerintahan elektronik. Dirancang untuk bahan pembelajaran di kelas perkuliahan mata kuliah hukum administrasi dan bahan hukum sekunder bagi pengemban hukum teoretis maupun praktis dalam rangka pengembanan hukum administrasi. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMedia #PrenadaMedia
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes for Industrial Wastewaters provides unique information relative to both the principles and applications of biological wastewater treatment systems for industrial effluents. Case studies document the application of biological wastewater treatment systems in different industrial sectors such as chemical, petrochemical, food-processing, mining, textile and fermentation. With more than 70 tables, 100 figures, 200 equations and several illustrations, the book provides a broad and deep understanding of the main aspects to consider during the design and operation of industrial wastewater treatment plants. Students, researchers and practitioners dealing with the design and application of biological systems for industrial wastewater treatment will find this book invaluable.
This book covers the principles and practices of technologies for the control of pollution originating from organic wastes (e.g. human faeces and urine, wastewater, solid wastes, animal manure and agro-industrial wastes) and the recycling of these organic wastes into valuable products such as fertilizer, biofuels, algal and fish protein and irrigated crops. Each recycling technology is described with respect to: Objectives Benefits and limitations Environmental requirements Design criteria of the process Use of the recycled products Public health aspects Organic Waste Recycling Includes case studies, examples, exercises and questions This book is intended as a text or reference book for third or fourth year undergraduate students interested in environmental science, engineering and management, and graduate students working in the environment-related disciplines. It also serves as a reference text for policy makers, planners and professionals working in the environment and sustainable development fields.
This fourth edition of Organic Waste Recycling is fully updated with new material to create a comprehensive and accessible textbook: - New chapter on constructed wetlands for wastewater and faecal sludge stabilization. - New sections on: waste recycling vs. climate change and water; faecal sludge and its characteristics; hydrothermal carbonization technology; up-to-date environmental criteria and legislation and environmental risk assessment. - New case studies with emphasis on practices in both developed and developing countries have been included, along with more exercises at the end of chapters to help the readers understand the technical principles and their application. - Novel concepts...
Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies for Energy Efficiency aims to show how cost saving can be achieved in sewage treatment plants through implementation of novel, energy efficient technologies or modification of the conventional, energy demanding treatment facilities towards the concept of energy streamlining. The book brings together knowledge from Engineering, Economics, Utility Management and Practice and helps to provide a better understanding of the real economic value with methodologies and practices about innovative energy technologies and policies in sewage treatment plants.