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The Lotka-Volterra and the Kermack-McKendrick models are well celebrated and widely recognized in the field of ecology and epidemiology. Several modified ordinary differential equation models have been proposed over the last many decades to rationalize complex biological phenomena. In the current century, researchers have paid much attention to developing new modeling frameworks with delay differential equations, difference equations, fractional order systems, stochastic differential equations, etc. No doubt, these models have emerged many new bifurcations theory and methods which have equally contributed to the advances of Mathematics and interdisciplinary research. It is argued that these ...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of Workshop Environmental Science, Society, and Technology. This Workshop has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are leveraging and developing of Environmental for Society and Technology for life. We strongly believe that Workshop Environmental Science, Society, and Technology provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all science and technology aspects that are relevant to Digital Society. We also expect that the future Workshop will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
The goal of ICOLLEC 2021 is to provide an academic forum for disseminating diverse scholarly, analytical, and practical perspectives on the tenets and nexuses through interdisciplinary dialog in the realms of humanities, education, and the arts. The topic for this year is "The Dynamics of Language, Literature, Education, Art, and Culture of a Changing Society in the Age of Disruption." We pledge to capture a vivid portrayal and a picturesque sphere for the various cutting-edge phenomena in language, literature, education, art, and culture. While the contributions and passion shown throughout the conference have far surpassed our expectations. As a result, we are overwhelmed with a sense of t...
This book contains the proceedings of the First International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture (ICEHHA 2021). Where held on 3rd-4th June 2021 in Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia. This conference was held by Universitas Katolik Indonsia Santu Paulus Ruteng. The papers from this conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture (ICEHHA 2021). The presentation of such a multi-discipline conference will provide a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current trends in the fields of Education, Humanities, Health, and Agriculture. According to the argument, this c...
Puji dan syukur marilah Kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat kudrot dan irodahnya pada kesempatan ini kami masih diberi kondisi sehat wal‘afiat tidak kurang suatu apapun, bahkan tugas sehari-hari dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Sholawat dan salam semoga tetap tercurahlimpahkan kepada baginda besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, keluarganya,para sahabatnya, serta para pengikutnya hingga akhir zaman dan smoga kita termasuk ummat yang setia serta mendapat safaatul udzma di hari akhir nanti. Amin YRA.Sejarah Perjuangan dan pergerakan Umat Islam di Nusantara yang sekarang Indonesia merupakan tema menarik untuk ditelusuri dan terus di diskusikan baik secara akademik maupun secara praksis. Secara akad...
We proudly present the proceedings of 1st International Seminar on Cultural Sciences 2020 (ISCS 2020). It focuses on the relation of gender, indigenous people, environment, religion, etc. The issue of culture and development is important today, especially in the time of Covid-19, not only globally, but also Indonesia nationally to the local level. There are several important issues relating to this, both institutionally and the relationships between individuals and groups in supporting the agenda of sustainable development. More than 75 manuscripts were presented at this conference with around 33 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on the importance of culture and development will increasingly become an important concern together and bring better response from the government and social relations for development.
The political downfall of the Suharto administration in 1998 marked the end of the "New Order" in Indonesia, a period characterized by 32 years of authoritarian rule. It opened the way for democracy, but also for the proliferation of political Islam, which the New Order had discouraged or banned. Many of the issues raised by Muslim groups concerned matters pertaining to gender and the body. They triggered heated debates about women’s rights, female political participation, sexuality, pornography, veiling, and polygamy. The author argues that public debates on Islam and Gender in contemporary Indonesia only partially concern religion, and more often refer to shifting moral conceptions of th...
Namun, belum banyak yang mengangkat tokoh-tokoh perempuan. Padahal tak sedikit perempuan hebat yang berkontribusi terhadap Indonesia, bahkan jauh sebelum Negara Indonesia terbentuk. Buku ini hadir dengan harapan dapat menjadi salah satu penambal lubang peranan perempuan di Indonesia.
The Proceedings of Batusangkar International Conference VI (BIC VI), that was organized by Graduate Program of IAIN Batusangkar, was held in hybrid platform on 11-12 October 2021 with the main theme " Strengthening Life Harmony in 4.0 Era". The BIC VI conference includes several interesting topics such as Science, Technology Literacy, Engineering, Law, Economy, Education, and Religion. The participants came from various universities and practitioners with a total of 140 papers that were published in a proceedings. It is expected that this proceedings will bring contribution and insight, resulting in new knowledge, inspirations, and collaborations. We are very grateful for their participation. We hope to meet you again in the next edition BIC VII or BICoSecH VII.