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Organisasi nirlaba merupakan entitas yang berorientasi untuk tidak memperoleh laba/non laba (nirlaba) yaitu entitas yang ruang lingkupnya fokus pada pelayanan masyarakat dan tidak bertujuan mencari laba. Organisasi nirlaba didirikan oleh masyarakat atau swasta dan dikelola langsung oleh masyarakat atau swasta. Organisasi yang berorientasi nonlaba mendapatkan sumber daya yang berasal dari yang memberikan sumber daya yang lebih sering disebut sebagai donatur tanpa mengharapkan adanya pengembalian atas sumber daya yang telah diberikan. Dalam buku ini terdiri dari 16 (enam belas) bab, yaitu: Sejarah Organisasi Nirlaba di Indonesia, Ruang Lingkup Organisasi Nirlaba, Tata Kelola Organisasi Nirlaba, Manajemen Organisasi Nirlaba, Konflik Internal Organisasi Nirlaba, Sistem Informasi Organisasi Nirlaba, Akuntansi Organisasi Nirlaba, Pengelolaan Aset Organisasi Nirlaba, Pengelolaan Investasi Organisasi Nirlaba, Pengelolaan Kas Organisasi Nirlaba, Pendapatan dan Biaya, Akuntabilitas Organisasi Nirlaba, Indikator Akuntabilitas Organisasi Nirlaba, Anggaran Organisasi Nirlaba, Audit Pada Organisasi Nirlaba, Organisasi Nirlaba di Berbagai Negara.
The concept of this book arises from a symposium entitled “Human-Macaque Interactions: Traditional and Modern Perspectives on Cooperation and Conflict ” organized at the 23rd Congress of the International Primatological Society, that was held in Kyoto in September 2010. The symposium highlighted the many aspects of human-macaque relations and some of the participants were invited to contribute to this volume. The volume will include about 11 chapters by a variety of international authors and some excerpts from published literature that illustrate cultural notions of macaques. Contributions from invited authors will engage with four main perspectives – traditional views of macaques, cooperative relationships between humans and macaques, current scenarios of human-macaque conflict, and how living with and beside humans has affected macaques. Authors will address these concerns through their research findings and reviews of their work on the Asian, and the lone African, macaques.
The 6th International Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship Conference was held on September 13-14, 2023, in Lampung, Indonesia. Our theme was "Echoing the Financial and Digital Transformation to Support Inclusive Economic Growth". The process of selecting articles uses a double-blind review to ensure the quality of the papers. Reviewers were not allowed to know the authors' identities. The reviewers come from Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and the Philippines. The contributions of the ICEBE conference to academia and society are as follows: provide knowledge and skills to participants on how to do quality research and community service; provide knowledge and skills to participants on how to publish research and community service results in reputable international journal publications; disseminate the research and community service results that the participants have carried out; review the latest research issues in economics and business, especially those related to sustainable development.
Since the fall of Indonesian president Suharto, a major focus of the country's reformers has been the corrupt and inefficient judicial system. Within the context of a history of the Supreme Court in post-independence Indonesia, Sebastiaan Pompe analyzes the causes of the judiciary's failure over the last five decades. This study provides an essential background for those seeking to understand why legal reform has been so slow and frustrating in the post-1998 period.
This cluster of short fiction has a common motif: the breast. As Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak points out in her introduction, the breast is far more than a symbol in these stories. It becomes the means of a harsh indictment of an exploitative social system. In Draupadi , the protagonist Dopdi Mejhen is a tribal revolutionary who, arrested and gang-raped in custody, turns the terrible wounds of her breasts into a counter-offensive. In Breast-Giver , a woman who becomes a professional wet-nurse to support her family dies of painful breast cancer, betrayed alike by the breasts that for years became her chief identity and the dozens of sons she suckled. In Behind the Bodice , migrant labourer Gang...
Morphology in English is a text which provides an in-depth analysis of the branch of linguistics which studies the formation of composite words and the form-meaning relationships between their subparts. It takes a cognitive viewpoint and provides full coverage of the essential topics of prefixation, suffixation and compounding. It covers categorization, configuration and conceptualization and enables readers to recognize the complexity of the English lexical system. It demonstrates the pivotal role which morphemes play in the expansion of a languages lexical store. The book combines two aspects of language: word formation and semantic distinctions regarding usage, enabling readers to understand the formation of composite words and their use in natural language. The book features: clear layout accessible style explicit definitions vivid illustrations actual data examples exercises further reading appendices companion website with full answer set
Offers an informative introduction to the subject of disaster risk reduction education and highlights key places of education such as family, community, school, and higher education. This book describes and demonstrates different aspects of education in an easy-to-understand form with academic research and practical field experiences.
Catalog and synopses of Indonesian motion pictures, 1926-1995; by year of production and indexed by title.
This book is a unique, transdisciplinary summary of the state of the art of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Indonesia. It provides a comprehensive overview of disaster risk governance across all levels and multiple actors including diverse perspectives from practitioners and researchers on the challenges and progress of DRR in Indonesia. The book includes novel and emerging topics such as the role of culture, religion, psychology and the media in DRR. It is essential reading for students, researchers, and policy makers seeking to understand the nature and variety of environmental hazards and risk patterns affecting Indonesia. Following the introduction, the book has four main parts of key discussions. Part I presents disaster risk governance from national to local level and its integration into development sectors, Part II focuses on the roles of different actors for DRR, Part III discusses emerging issues in DRR research and practice, and Part IV puts forward variety of methods and studies to measure hazards, risks and community resilience.
Vira murid baru di SMA Altavia, salah satu sekolah swasta favorit di Bandung. Kecintaannya pada olahraga bola basket membuat dia masuk ekstrakurikuler basket di sekolahnya. Siapa sangka, ekskul yang dikira biasa-biasa saja itu ternyata membawa efek besar bagi kehidupan Vira. Di ekskul ini dia mendapat banyak teman baru, mulai dari Hera, Alexa, hingga Stella yang misterius. Vira jadi mengenal kakak kelas yang membimbingnya bermain basket lebih baik. Namun, di ekskul basket juga dia mendapat musuh pertamanya. Puncaknya, Vira diminta maju ikut pemilihan ketua ekskul basket putri sekaligus kapten tim putri. Suatu hal yang di luar kebiasaan SMA Altavia, karena dalam sejarah, belum pernah ada kandidat ketua dari kelas satu. Tentu saja jalan Vira tidak mudah. Kakak-kakak kelasnya berusaha menghalangi jalannya. Apakah Vira mampu mengatasi seluruh rintangan tersebut? LOVASKET ZERO adalah cerita pendahuluan heksalogi LOVASKET. Kisah tentang kehidupan remaja pencinta olahraga bola basket, yang rela melakukan apa saja demi kecintaannya tersebut.