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Judul : Outlook Silvofshery Penulis : Heri Ariadi, Ashari Fahrurrozi, Farchan Mushaf Al Ramadhani Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 78 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-908-1 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-162-909-8 (PDF) SINOPSIS Silvofishery merupakan praktik budidaya yang menggabungkan silvikultur (manajemen hutan atau pohon) dengan perikanan. Sistem silvofishery memanfaatkan lahan yang dulunya hutan untuk budidaya ikan bersamaan dengan pertumbuhan tanaman mangrove. Pendekatan ini menggabungkan aspek-aspek keberlanjutan dari kedua praktik tersebut, dengan menyediakan habitat bagi ikan sambil juga memanfaatkan sumber daya lahan secara efisien. Silvofishery biasanya melibatkan pembangunan sistem kolam ikan di antara pepohonan atau tanaman managrove secara terpadu. Pohon-pohon ini memberikan naungan dan nutrisi bagi air, serta memperbaiki kualitas air di sekitarnya. Selain itu, sisa-sisa makanan dari ikan bisa digunakan sebagai pupuk alami bagi tanaman di sekitarnya. OUTLOOK SILVOFISHERY
"Crop Modeling and Decision Support" presents 36 papers selected from the International Symposium on Crop Modeling and Decision Support (ISCMDS-2008), held at Nanjing of China from 19th to 22nd in April, 2008. Many of these papers show the recent advances in modeling crop and soil processes, crop productivity, plant architecture and climate change; the rests describe the developments in model-based decision support systems (DSS), model applications, and integration of crop models with other information technologies. The book is intended for researchers, teachers, engineers, and graduate students on crop modeling and decision support. Dr. Weixing Cao is a professor at Nanjing Agricultural University, China.
Agriculture is one of the few industries that has been creating resources conti- ously from nature. Sustainability of this industry is a crucial issue at now-a-days. Agricultural technologies are important to feed the growing world population. Agricultural engineering has been applying scienti?c principles for the optimal use of natural resources in agricultural production for the bene?t of humankind. The role of agricultural engineering is increasing in the coming days at the forthcoming challenges of producing more food with less water coupled with climate uncertainty. I am happy to know that a book entitled "Fundamentals of Irrigation and On-farm Water Management", written by Engr. Dr. M....
Buku Teks ini disusun untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pembaca mengenai fisiologi dan biologi anatomi benih, perkecambahan, serta tahapan-tahapan yang terjadi selama proses perkecambahan benih. Selain itu buku ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan rujukan bagi para pembaca. Penyajian buku teks ini diuraikan secara sistematis dengan disertai ilustrasi gambar dan table sehingga mempermudah pembaca untuk mempelajari dan memahaminya.
Calculation of crop evapotranspiration; Selection of crop coeficient; Calculation of field irrigation requirements.
Physiological plant ecology is primarily concerned with the function and performance of plants in their environment. Within this broad focus, attempts are made on one hand to understand the underlying physiological, biochemical and molecular attributes of plants with respect to performance under the constraints imposed by the environment. On the other hand physiological ecology is also concerned with a more synthetic view which attempts to under stand the distribution and success of plants measured in terms of the factors that promote long-term survival and reproduction in the environment. These concerns are not mutually exclusive but rather represent a continuum of research approaches. Osmo...
The comprehensive and compact presentation in this book is the perfect format for a resource/textbook for undergraduate students in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Bio-Science Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering. This book will also serve as a reference manual for researchers and extension workers in such diverse fields as agricultural engineering, agronomy, ecology, hydrology, and meteorology.
Growth and structure. Photosynthesis. Carbohydrate metabolism. Nitrogen relations of trees. Fats, oils, terpenes, and related substances. Assimilation and respiration. Translocation and accumulation. Mineral nutrition and sakt absorption. Water relation and transpiration. Absorption of water and ascent of sap. Internal water relations. Reproduction. Physiology of seeds and seed germination. Internal factors afecting growth. Environmental factors affecting growth.
This volume is a synthesis of current knowledge about the growth, development and functioning of plant canopies.