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The EU has only limited competence to regulate national health-care systems but recent developments have shown that health care is not immune from the effects of EU law. As Member States have increasingly experimented with new forms of funding and the delivery of health-care and social welfare services, health-care issues have not escaped scrutiny from the EU internal market and from competition and procurement rules. The market-oriented EU rules now affect these national experiments as patients and health-care providers turn to EU law to assert certain rights. The recent debates on the (draft) Directive on Patients’ Rights further underline the importance, but also the difficulty (and con...
The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals is an essential reference for understanding the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its promotion of fair conditions, rights at work and employment opportunities for all. This title contains one or more Open Access chapters.
Approximately half of the total UK population are in receipt of one or more welfare benefits, giving rise to the largest single area of government expenditure. The law and structures of social security are highly complex, made more so by constant adjustments as government pursues its often conflicting economic, political and social policy objectives. This complexity is highly problematic. It contributes to errors in decision-making and to increased administrative costs and is seen as disempowering for citizens, thereby weakening enjoyment of a key social right. Current and previous administrations have committed to simplifying the benefits system. It is a specific objective of the Welfare Re...
Menschen mit genetischen Behinderungen körperlicher oder seelischer Art gibt es seit Anbeginn der Menschheit. Moderne medizinische Technologien, namentlich die der Präimplantations- und Pränataldiagnostik, eröffnen nicht nur der Medizin, sondern auch der Gesamtgesellschaft die Möglichkeit des präventiven Umgangs mit genetisch bedingten Erkrankungsrisiken. Auf der anderen Seite besteht der gesellschaftliche Anspruch nach einer Förderung und „Inklusion“ von Menschen mit Behinderung. Diese gegenläufigen Entwicklungen bedürfen der näheren Analyse und kritischen Diskussion. Der vorliegende Band ist aus Vorträgen und Diskussionen eines Expertenworkshops, ausgerichtet vom Institut für Humangenetik am Universitätsklinikum Göttingen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Göttinger Zentrum für Medizinrecht, hervorgegangen. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, diese grundlegende Problematik insbesondere aus juristischer wie humangenetischer, aber ebenso aus medizin- wie sozialethischer Sicht vertiefend zu reflektieren.
Presents current knowledge of and experience with disability across a wide variety of places, conditions, and cultures to both the general reader and the specialist.
Examining how policy affects the human rights of people with disabilities, this topical Handbook presents diverse empirical experiences of disability policy and identifies the changes that are necessary to achieve social justice.
By exploring the concept of the "tender gaze" in German film, theater, and literature, this volume's contributors illustrate how perspective-taking in works of art fosters empathy and prosocial behaviors.
Since the onset of the Great Recession, Germany’s economy has been praised for its superior performance, which has been reminiscent of the “economic miracle” of the 1950s and 1960s. Such acclaim is surprising because Germany’s economic institutions were widely dismissed as faulty just a decade ago. In Holding the Shop Together, Stephen J. Silvia examines the oscillations of the German economy across the entire postwar period through one of its most important components: the industrial relations system. As Silvia shows in this wide-ranging and deeply informed account, the industrial relations system is strongest where the German economy is strongest and is responsible for many of the ...
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Die Neuauflage: Das von Achterberg und Püttner in den Jahren 1990/91 erstmals herausgegebene Große Lehrbuch zum Besonderen Verwaltungsrecht erscheint nun in dritter Auflage dreibändig mit einem komplett neuen Herausgeberteam in der Reihe "C.F. Müller Lehr- und Handbuch". Das Werk erleichtert Juristen die Einarbeitung auch in weniger geläufige Bereiche des Besonderen Verwaltungsrechts und macht immer wieder den Zusammenhang mit der Dogmatik des Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts erkennbar. Es schlägt aber auch Brücken vom akademischen Verwaltungsrecht in die verzweigte Praxis und führt dem Leser den inneren Zusammenhang der Materien des Besonderen Verwaltungsrechts anschaulich vor Augen. D...