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Myths on the Margins of Homer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Myths on the Margins of Homer

Even though there is agreement on the existence of an Imperial commentary on Homer, going under the name Mythographus Homericus, a large-scale study of this work has been lacking. The objective of this collective volume is to fill this blank. The authors represent diverse opinions, a consequence of the complex nature of the textual tradition but also of the difficulty of defining the nature of this mythographic work itself. This volume offers a study of Mythographus Homericus from different perspectives: the place of the work in the history of scholarship, the state of the text, which has been transmitted by scholia and papyri, its readership, its place in mythography and in Homeric scholarship, its intertextual relationship to other mythographic works or scholiastic corpora and its contribution to the study of myth from a typological perspective.

Early Greek Mythography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 849

Early Greek Mythography

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Volume 2 is a detailed commentary on the texts of Early Greek Mythography: Volume 1, a critical edition of the twenty-nine authors of this genre from the late 6th to early 4th centuries BC. Volume 2 provides a mythological commentary of the original works, as well as a philological commentary on separate authors.

Agenorid Myth in the ›Bibliotheca‹ of Pseudo-Apollodorus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1130

Agenorid Myth in the ›Bibliotheca‹ of Pseudo-Apollodorus

The Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, perhaps the best-known mythographic text, stands out for its comprehensive aim and state of preservation. The handbook has regularly been disregarded as a repository of 'standard' myths or as a primary witness to archaic stories, a reductive view at once underestimating and romanticizing the merits of the Bibliotheca. This monograph unlocks the Bibliotheca as a literary work in its own right by offering the first systematic commentary on an essential selection, the Cretan and Theban myths in Bibl. III.1-56, and by presenting an in-depth analysis of the text. In so doing, this volume closes a gap in current research, from which a philological commentary ...

Històries (vol. I)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 296

Històries (vol. I)

Ferecides d’Atenes fou un mitògraf i genealogista grec que escriví a la primeria del segle v aC. Pertany al grup dels primers prosistes que assumiren la tasca d’administrar i organitzar el patrimoni mític de Grècia. La seva obra, de la qual conservem gairebé dos-cents fragments, ens transmet, en un estil simple i clar, nombrosos relats mitològics, i fou una font molt important per a Apol·lodor, l’autor del gran recull mitològic de l’Antiguitat que coneixem amb el títol de Biblioteca.

Approaches to Greek Myth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 659

Approaches to Greek Myth

“A handy introduction to some of the more useful methodological approaches to and the previous scholarship on the subject of Greek myths.” —Phoenix Since the first edition of Approaches to Greek Myth was published in 1990, interest in Greek mythology has surged. There was no simple agreement on the subject of “myth” in classical antiquity, and there remains none today. Is myth a narrative or a performance? Can myth be separated from its context? What did myths mean to ancient Greeks and what do they mean today? Here, Lowell Edmunds brings together practitioners of eight of the most important contemporary approaches to the subject. Whether exploring myth from a historical, comparati...

The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 625

The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography

The field of mythography has grown substantially in the past thirty years, an acknowledgment of the importance of how ancient writers "wrote down the myths" as they systematized, organized and interpreted the vast and contested mythical storyworld. With the understanding that mythography remains a contested category, that its borders are not always clear, and that it shifted with changes in the socio-cultural and political landscapes, The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography offers a range of scholarly voices that attempt to establish how and to what extent ancient writers followed the "mythographical mindset" that prompted works ranging from Apollodorus' Library to the rationalizi...

  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 456



Stealing Helen
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 448

Stealing Helen

It's a familiar story: a beautiful woman is abducted and her husband journeys to recover her. This story’s best-known incarnation is also a central Greek myth—the abduction of Helen that led to the Trojan War. Stealing Helen surveys a vast range of folktales and texts exhibiting the story pattern of the abducted beautiful wife and makes a detailed comparison with the Helen of Troy myth. Lowell Edmunds shows that certain Sanskrit, Welsh, and Old Irish texts suggest there was an Indo-European story of the abducted wife before the Helen myth of the Iliad became known. Investigating Helen’s status in ancient Greek sources, Edmunds argues that if Helen was just one trope of the abducted wif...

Greek Myth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 285

Greek Myth

This volume provides a guide to research in the field of Greek Myth, introducing the main questions, theories and methods related to the study of Greek Myth today. The author points out, with critical reappraisal, the key themes and ideas in recent scholarship and makes suggestions for future lines of study. Aimed at students and scholars in Classics, it will also be of interest to larger audiences in the Humanities.

El sopar dels erudits (vol. I)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 272

El sopar dels erudits (vol. I)

Diversos homes de lletres assisteixen a un sopar per discutir distesament sobre una gran quantitat de temes, com ara les peripècies dels herois homèrics, la vida dels ballarins i joglars més famosos i els vins itàlics i grecs més preuats. Ara bé, el màxim interès d’El sopar dels erudits, estructurat en quinze llibres, prové probablement de la seva condició de font per a conèixer un vast corpus de literatura grega perduda que, en gran part, només es pot llegir en aquesta magnífica enciclopèdia simpòtica. Amb la publicació d’aquest volum inicial s’inicia la primera edició catalana completa, bilingüe i anotada de l’extensa obra d’erudició en prosa d’Ateneu de Nàucratis, que ocuparà un total de set volums. El llibre conté una introducció que té en compte, entre altres aspectes, la inserció de l’obra en la literatura grega d’època hel·lenística, erudita i d’estil retòric, i en les tradicions simposíaca i gastronòmica.