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The Arachnean and Other Texts by Fernand Deligny (1913–1996) is a collection of writings from the second half of the 1970s. In 1968 Deligny established a “network” for informally taking care of children with autism that was more than a mere site of living: it was a milieu created out of a reflection on the mode of being autistic. What is a space perceived outside of language? What is the form of a movement without perspective or goal? How do we engage with a world that is not our own, a world turned upside down yet truly common, where acting cohabitates with our actions and the unknown with our forms of knowledge? Such is the mythical web of the “Arachnean,” made of lines, holes, traces, enigmas, and questions without answers that demand to see that which cannot be seen. Long before the digital age of social networks, meshworks, and digital webs, Fernand Deligny speaks to us in his own autobiographical and aphoristic manner. For Deligny, his life was always experienced in the form of “the network as a mode of being.”
Here is the definitive story of one of the most celebrated filmmakers of our time, an intensely private individual who cultivated the public image of a man consumed by his craft. But as this absorbing biography shows, Truffaut's personal story—from which he drew extensively to create the characters and plots of his films—is itself an extraordinary human drama.
These essays examine complexity from a variety of perspectives and cover an array of case studies and topics that include market behaviour, medical interventions, aeronautical design, the governing of supranational states, ecology, road-building, meteorology and the science of complexity itself.
A Companion to François Truffaut “An unprecedented critical tribute to the director who, in France, wound up becoming the most controversial figure of the New Wave he helped found.” Raymond Bellour, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique “This exciting collection breaks through the widely held critical view that Truffaut abandoned the iconoclasm of his early work for an academicism he had consistently railed against in his own film criticism. Indeed, if ‘fever’ and ‘fire’ were Truffaut’s most consistent motifs, the essays in this collection live up to his lifelong, burning passion for the cinema. Written by world-famous scholars, the essays exhaustively explore the the...
‘A rare and remarkable book.' Times Literary Supplement Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII. He is a key figure in poststructuralism, and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Félix Guattari (1930-1992) was a psychoanalyst at the la Borde Clinic, as well as being a major social theorist and radical activist. A Thousand Plateaus is part of Deleuze and Guattari's landmark philosophical project, Capitalism and Schizophrenia - a project that still sets the terms of contemporary philosophical debate. A Thousand Plateaus provides a compelling analysis of social phenomena and offers fresh alternatives for thinking about philosophy and culture. Its radical perspective provides a toolbox for ‘nomadic thought' and has had a galvanizing influence on today's anti-capitalist movement. Translated by Brian Massumi>
Fernand Deligny è stato una figura chiave della pedagogia francese del Novecento, che a partire dagli anni Cinquanta ha contributo a ripensare la "presa in carico" dei bambini autistici al di fuori delle strutture istituzionali. Congiuntamente alla pratica strettamente pedagogica egli ha elaborato un'originale riflessione sullo statuto dell'immagine e del suo ruolo nei processi di soggettivazione. Educatore anomalo, defilato, antiaccademico, ma anche grande scrittore, Deligny ha tentato di cartografare proprio quella vita singolare e insieme comune che appare in filigrana nelle esistenze silenziose dei bambini autistici. Un tentativo, il suo, di resistere alla mortificazione della vita e dell'immagine e, allo stesso tempo, di mostrare come fosse indispensabile pensarle assieme per indicare quel nesso che le rende qualcosa d'insostituibile: un'immagine vivente, tangibile e impenetrabile come la pietra, e tuttavia mobile e permanente come l'acqua.
L’école de la rue de la Brèche-aux-Loups, l’asile d’Armentières, les adolescents placés sous main de justice à Lille, le réseau de La Grande Cordée, les autistes des aires de séjour des Cévennes : durant plus de soixante ans, Deligny a construit un travail autour de l’enfance en marge. Un travail qui lie de manière indissociable théorie et pratique, occasions et tentatives, écriture et cinéma. Non pas tant pour aider ces enfants à rentrer dans le rang ou à s’adapter, mais pour construire avec eux des conditions d’existence différentes, en dehors ou en travers des institutions. Son chemin croise la philosophie avec insistance : parce qu’il lit les philosophes, discute leurs thèses, parfois dialogue directement avec eux ; parce que les philosophes, de plus en plus, se découvrent interrogés par cet itinéraire, ces écrits, ces détours. Par une pensée à la fois de l’immuable et de la circonstance ; par un regard qui s’avère – en un sens inusuel – profondément et autrement politique.
Le lien social se nourrit de quelque chose qui n’est pas social. Tel est le propos de cet essai d’infra-politique dans lequel la philosophe Catherine Perret, explorant la naissance de la pédopsychiatrie et l’histoire des politiques de l’enfance en France au XXe siècle, rencontre Fernand Deligny (1913-1996). De plus en plus étudié en Europe et aux États-Unis, Deligny est aujourd’hui encore un célèbre inconnu. Wikipédia le présente comme « un opposant farouche à la prise en charge asilaire des enfants difficiles ou délinquants et des enfants autistes ». C’est oublier qu’il fut également conteur, écrivain, cinéaste, cartographe, et que les inventions plastiques et ...